13- Uncle’s Test

"Little one" do your best. You will be facing five armed opponents at once, and they will not take it easy on you" Jason said.

Jason was the Master trainer for the Thomas household. Being an old war vet Jason was a hard ass.

His vast combat experience made him the best combat instructor there was, many people tried to recruit him but they all failed.

The only reason Jason was here now was because the student in question was his nephew. "Begin" Jason shouted, at the same time five men dressed in military uniforms ran towards the young boy they were surrounding.

Kaius was the eldest child and only son of the Thomas family. He had been rigorously trained his whole life but was a mischievous, sneaky little boy who always did what he wanted.

One thing he had going for him was that he loved to fight. His father and uncle were military heroes and he wanted to be just like them exploring space and expanding civilization.

Kaius had been waiting for this test for a while, it was the final test before he turned 16.

When he turned 16 Kaius could apply to join the Galactic Academy and finally see the galaxy, but first he needed his uncles approval. After that he would have to tackle an even bigger obstacle, his parents.

Seeing the five men running towards him Kaius played out many different scenarios in his head. Wasting no time Kaius ran towards the man directly in front of him and rolled between his legs.

A simple, amateur move that the trained experts he was sparring with never expected. The man whose legs Kaius rolled under immediately spun around and kicked Kaius as soon as he got up out of his roll.

Kaius, coming out of his roll jumped to his feet now facing the back of the man he'd rolled under. He immediately raised his hand to block as he expected this kick, it was all playing out as he planned.

The kick connected and Kaius used the momentum from it to gain some distance between him and the five men. Now there was no one behind him as he was facing all five of them.

One of the men ran at him from the right and threw out two punches. Kaius dodged the first then parried the second. As he parried he slid in close to the man upper cutting him. Then spinning to the side kicked the man in the back who fell forward on to the man coming from his left.

It was a good move and Kaius managed to maintain some distance but these men were experts. As the man Kaius kicked in the back fell the man he was falling into dodged to the left avoiding the falling man completely.

Kaius was waiting for the man to dodge and as soon as he did Kaius was there throwing a punch to the man's face.

It all happened too fast and the man couldn't slow down. He threw his hand up to protect his face but was caught off guard when he was hit in his stomach instead.

As the man buckled over Kaius punched him in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.

The man who was falling got it worst. As Kaius threw an axe kick down slamming his face into the ground knocking him out.

This all happened extremely fast but within that time, two of the other man reached Kaius and began throwing punches towards him.

Kaius was doing his best to dodge but these men worked well together however, with Kaius's speed they could not land a hit.

Kaius continued to dodge and noticed the third man coming towards him from the right, this is what Kaius was waiting for. Kaius ducked under a punch and swept one of the men off his feet then, as the man fell the other man threw a kick which Kaius once again blocked and used the momentum to get further away.

The kick hurt and Kaius knew he could not afford to block too many more kicks like that. As the man who was swept got up the three men left looked at each other and nodded. Each of them then pulled out a weapon.

One man carried a sword, as another donned a pair of gauntlets with sharp claws on the end. The third man pulled out dual daggers.

A girl who was sitting on the side observing laughed while playing with a dagger, "now the real fight begins brother" she yelled.

Kaius rolled his eyes and did his best to ignore her. He was focused on the three men In front of him and their weapons. Kaius grabbed at his waist and revealed a dagger.

Lowering himself into a fighting stance he motioned for the men to come forward, the three men at once run towards him.

The man wielding the sword got to him first and holding the sword with both hands he began swinging it. The slashes were fast but Kaius was easily able to dodge.

As the sword wielder slashed at Kaius, the man with the claws ran in close and swiped at his head.

Using his dagger with his right hand he blocked the blow but the sword wielding man was on him, swinging at his now open right side. Kaius spun away from the claw wielder and parried the swords blow. He then quickly threw a kick to the back of the sword wielders leg who staggered and feel to one knee.

Kaius followed up with a knee to the man's chin who then fell over dropping his sword. Kaius rushed to pick up the sword while barely ducking under a dagger that had been thrown from the third man.

The claw wielder wasted no time and struck out as Kaius picked up the sword. The claw wielder's attacks were ferocious. It seemed like he'd taken it up a notch which was understandable as this kid already took out three highly trained combatants.

The claw wielder was angry and refused to lose, he struck out faster and faster but Kaius was able to block each blow with his newfound sword and dagger.

The man with the daggers was thinking along the same lines as the claw wielder and refused to lose.

He began throwing daggers putting more pressure on Kaius as he now had to fight the clawed man and dodge the incoming blades.