14- Elementalist

Kaius was under a lot of pressure. He was fast but not as strong as the men he was fighting. The attacks from the claws were heavy, and Kaius knew he had to get rid of one of these opponents to even the field.

The clawed man didn't let up. As Kaius dodged and blocked his blows, he edged slowly closer to the man throwing the daggers.

As Kaius blocked the claw wielder, the man with the daggers threw another towards him but this is what Kaius wanted.

Using his own dagger he blocked the incoming one at the last second knocking it into the air. The dagger spun in the air near him. Kaius threw the dagger he was holding, then grabbed the other out of the air and threw that one as well.

The man with the daggers eyes went wide as he used the dagger in his other hand to block the incoming one. As soon as he did he noticed the other one right behind it and dove to the side losing his balance and falling.

This few seconds of reprieve is what Kaius needed, grabbing the sword with two hands he ran at the claw wielder who was taken back by the sudden change in momentum and barely blocked Kaius's blow.

Kaius's sword and the man's claws continued to clash, but Kaius was now on the offensive. He had more reach with the sword and was able to force the man back.

Feinting a downward slash the clawed man put up both his claws to block the attack as Kaius knew he would. Dropping his sword he used that chance to get close and deliver three quick punches. Two to the stomach and one to his chin, knocking the man unconscious.

Kaius retrieved his sword as he turned to face the man with the daggers who was now rising to his feet and was visibly upset.

In the time it took for him to dodge those blades and get up from the floor this kid knocked out his fourth opponent.

The man stomped his foot on the ground and a brown aura rose from his body.

"Uncle is that allowed" the girl sitting on the side asked looking at her uncle who was also observing from the side.

"This is a battle anything goes, you can never know what to expect" Jason responded.

The girl pouted, "that's cheating" she responded, turning away from her uncle to watch the rest of the fight.

Kaius was shocked, he knew these men were Elementalists but didn't expect they would use their abilities. The fight just got a lot harder he thought.

From the color alone Kaius could tell he was an Earth Elementalist so he would most likely have good defense. Still holding his sword, Kaius began to pick up the many daggers thrown about storing them on his waste. He believed they would come in handy.

The Earth Elementalist scoffed and thought to himself "those daggers won't help you kid." After retrieving a few daggers Kaius ran towards the Earth Elementalist.

Seeing this, the Earth Elementalist raised his hands and two chunks of stone came up from the ground and morphed into spikes.

Seeing Kaius run towards him, the Earth Elementalist moved his hands forward throwing the rock spikes towards Kaius.

The rocks came fast but Kaius was faster and he easily dodged the spikes. From the speed, and the fact that the man only produced two spikes Kaius could tell he was not a Master level Elementalist. He was at most Wielder level.

Seeing Kaius dodge his two strikes the man continued waving his arms up and then forward, creating more rock spikes then throwing them forward.

This action only confirmed that he was Wielder level as such body movements become unnecessary for higher level Elementalists.

Dodging the spikes Kaius continued to run forward then reached into his belt and pulled out a small pellet which he threw towards the Earth Elementalist.

Seeing this pellet the man raised both hands into the air in front of him causing an earth wall to form in front of him.


The pellet hit the barrier and exploded releasing a cloud of gray smoke. It was a smoke pellet and the cloud of smoke it released began to spread all throughout the training area.

The man lowered his shield and fumed inward "this brat i'm gonna kick his ass." He started to raise his hands up again but as he did a dagger struck him in the arm.

Turning to pull the dagger out another one came out and struck his other arm. "So that's how you wanna play it" the Earth Elementalist thought to himself. Grunting he began wildly flailing his arms up and forward launching earth spikes in every direction.

An Earth spike unexpectedly flew through the smoke towards the girl on the side. Before she could even move an extremely clear wall of ice appeared in front of her blocking the spike. "I would have dodged it uncle" the girl shouted while staring angrily at her uncle.

"I know little one" he said never taking his eyes away from the fight. The girl stuck her tongue out at her uncle and then continued to watch the fight.

The Earth Elementalist was still chucking rocks everywhere, he had no idea if he hit Kaius so he continued to throw spikes.

Kaius was hiding in the smoke and using the direction the Earth spikes were coming from as the point he needed to throw his daggers at. He could not see through the smoke either but he continued running around the edge tossing daggers.

Kaius could see the speed of the spikes slowing down and could tell the Earth Elementalist was getting tired as stamina played a big role in wielding the elements.

The smoke was starting to clear, so throwing out his last few daggers Kaius rushed in towards the Earth Elementalist.

"HALT" Jason yelled out summoning a blast of wind to reveal Kaius, with his sword on the neck of the Earth Elementalist and a single drop of blood running down it.