15- Not over

Kaius removed his sword from the mans neck and nodded.

"Thank you for your help men, you are dismissed" Jason said.

The Earth Elementalist saluted then went over to help his fellow soldiers who had begun to come to. As the soldiers began to leave, Jason and the little girl walked up to Kaius.

"Ehh you did ok brother" but I could do better" the girl said. Kaius laughed and shook his head "you'll get your chance soon Carina."

Looking at his uncle he asked, "so I pass right, you'll give my parents your blessing when I talk to them"?

Jason stood quietly for a second staring at Kaius, a black wisp appeared next to Kaius then turned into a little black fox.

Running around the trio the little black fox sang, uncle isn't keeping his word, he's not an honest man."

Jason rolled his eyes then responded, "you did ok, but you hold back too much, the galaxy is not a place to practice restraint. Use all you have to defeat your opponents as they will do the same to you. Treat every battle as if it could be your last".

Laughing Carina added, "that Earth Elementalist sure did, what was he a Wielder, hahaha noob" she said shaking her head.

The Earth Elementalist was still on his way out and overheard what Carina said. He turned towards the trio with an angry look on his face.

Carina saw this look and yelled "get out of here noob before I kick your butt," she then began throwing daggers at the man. Before he could even respond three daggers landed right by his foot and two grazed his face. "Those were warnings" she said, while fiddling with a dagger.

The Earth Elementalist's eyes went wide. He turned around pushing the other soldiers out of the way as he ran out of the training area.

The little black fox fell over laughing, "oh man, did you see the look on his face" the little black fox said.

"Enough already," the test is not done, that was only the first battle. In this next one, if you do not focus and take it seriously you will be hurt, Jason said with a serious expression on his face.

"We can beat anybody bring them out uncle, who's the unlucky guy the little black fox said as he ran in circles around the trio.

"Me", Jason responded causing the little black fox to fall on his face. Rubbing his face with wide eyes he asked "are you serious uncle", "yeah are you for real" Carina added with a confused look on her face.

"Dead serious" Jason responded while looking at Kaius, "we can start whenever you're ready" he added.


In an instant Carina was back behind the ice wall Jason made earlier. "I'm ready uncle, she said jumping up and waving, "good luck brother" she giggled.

"Uncle is this really necessary" Kaius asked, I would hate to have to explain to father that I hurt you" he added smiling.

"Oooooh good one" Carina yelled from behind her ice wall.

Jason slowly nodded and smiled, "then lets begin" he said.


A strong wind knocked Kaius back and instantly a dense fog covered the field.

"Really uncle, Kaius said while maintaining his balance. "you know this is my trick right." Jason's voice responded from the fog "and now I will teach you how to execute it properly."

The voice sounded like it came from everywhere and Kaius couldn't pinpoint his uncle's location. Ice spikes began coming from the fog and Kaius began dodging them.

Running toward the direction the spike came from, a wind blew him back. Using the wind Kaius relaxed his body and rolled backwards.

Jumping to his feet with the wind now at his back boosting his speed, Kaius quickly moved two fingers making an upward then downward swipe.

Two boulders came out of the ground, one flew towards the direction the wind came from and the other flew higher in the air before smashing into the ground clearing away the fog.

When the fog cleared Jason was seen sitting on one of the boulders. "Why fight the fog, every battle is a new experience, learn from it adapt" Jason said before the fog reappeared and covered up the area once again.

The fog was heavier this time and Kaius began to feel wet. Still dodging the ice spikes, Kaius was thinking of different ways to counter his uncle.

Jason was a Master Elementalist, and not only that, he was a dual water and wind Master Elementalist. Elementalists with more than one element were extremely rare. Not quite as rare as a dragon or unicorn, but more like a four leaf clover.

This would be an extremely difficult battle, but Kaius really wanted to enter the academy and Jason was his first roadblock.

Closing his eyes and using his hearing to tell where the spikes were coming from he continued to dodge.

With his eyes closed he focused water and wind elements over them, a trick he'd learned long ago from his uncle.

Opening his eyes again his pupils were now a light blue with hints of gray, now he could clearly see through the fog.

He spotted his uncle still sitting on the boulder. Kaius continued to dodge the ice spikes hoping his uncle would believe he still couldn't see.

While doing so he continuously flicked his fingers creating small fist sized rocks around Jason. Still feigning blindness. Kaius continued dodging getting closer and closer to his uncle.

Suddenly using the wind element Kaius rushed towards Jason. Raising his hand and lashing at him a whip made of red fire coalesced in Kaius's hand.

Still sitting on the boulder, Jason raised his hand which now had blue aura around it and swatted the whip away.

Kaius continued lashing at his uncle with the fire whip, and Jason continued blocking it with his hand. Using his other hand, Kaius began flicking boulders at his uncle. This finally caused Jason to get up as he threw ice spikes at the incoming boulders.

Kaius made a cross swipe motion with his arm creating a horizontal line of red fire that sped towards his uncle. Jason did the same cross swipe motion but a blue water horizontal line came out and clashed with the fire one creating a cloud of smoke.

Kaius rushed in close using the wind element to boost his speed and began punching and kicking his uncle.

Jason began blocking Kaius's atacks while throwing out a few of his own, the battle had now become a bare knuckle brawl.

Kaius covered his left hand in water elements and a blue aura surrounded it, using the fire element he did the same to his right and continued throwing punches and kicks.

Jason noticed this, but as a water Master Elementalist he would be unaffected by those punches. Jason let Kaius's water element covered fist hit him. While the element did nothing the power of the blow behind it hurt more than he expected. Jason used this opportunity to kick kaius in the side knocking him away.

Kaius being knocked to the side rolled on the floor jumped to his feet and dashed back towards Jason.

Kaius expected that to happen and was planning for it. As the fight continued Kaius threw a left hook and observed his uncle pull his block so it could connect giving him another opportunity to inflict pain on Kaius.

Right before Kaius's punch connected he switched the element around it to lightning, and at the same time switched the element covering his right hand to lightning as well.

Jason noticed this change a bit too late and as he attempted to block the first left punch he was hit in the face with the right one. As soon as the punch connected a huge lightning bolt struck from the sky.


As the lightning bolt struck Jason, he pushed forward with a massive blast of wind knocking Kaius away.

Black smoke filled the training area, when it finally cleared Jason was standing in the same spot with his body smoking and his clothes torn.