16- Convincing Mom and Dad

Jason stood there as the smoke continued to come off his body "Good job little one. That was a very clever plan, I think we can call the battle here" Jason said as he walked past Kaius towards the house behind the training area.

"So I won" Kaius asked, causing Jason to stop and look back at him with a smile on his face. "Do you wish to continue" he asked, as a white aura appeared around his body and the wind began howling.

"No im good," Kaius said raising his hands in surrender. The little black fox appeared next to Kaius", "uncles lucky," he said. "I was just about to come and help you."

Wind began to howl again and it started raining "oh really" uncle asked, looking at the little black fox. "Just kidding" the little black fox said as he hid behind Kaius's legs. Jason laughed and the rain stopped, lets get ready for dinner" he said as he turned around and continued towards the house.

Kaius began walking towards the house and the little black fox jumped on his shoulder "we gotta learn how to make storms like that, imagine how much damage we could do if we did" the little black fox said with a big grin on his face.

The group went into the house and ran into their father, as soon as they saw him Carina put her hands behind her back hiding the dagger she'd been fiddling with all day.

Micheal Thomas the tall light skinned man with black hair greeted everyone, "hello family" looking at Jason he furrowed his brow and asked, "brother are you ok, what happened"?

Jason shook his head i'm fine brother, let me clean up and then we can talk further."

Micheal nodded his head "sounds good, dinner is almost ready, looking at Kaius and Carina he continued, you two get cleaned up and see if your mom needs help with dinner."

Kaius and Carina nodded and began to leave, Micheal stared intently at Carina who started to walk faster. All of a sudden Micheal was in front of her, she stopped and looking into her father eyes gave him the cutest most innocent smile she could possibly conjure up.

"Hello father, your hair looks amazing today, are using a new type of shampoo," Carina asked.

Micheal smiled and as soon as Carina saw it she tried to run but Micheal was too fast, he caught her, and quickly flipped her upside down and began to shake her.

As he shook her daggers began to fall and hit the floor, there were at least 12 daggers on the floor when Micheal was done and finally set Carina down.

"Beautiful daughter, what have I told you about playing with knives, Micheal asked smiling.

Carina feigned shock, "father I have no idea where those came from, thank you so much for taking them off of me, I don't know how they could have gotten there" she said.

Micheal stared at her, then shook his head "go get ready for dinner" he said as he walked away to help his wife with dinner.

Shortly after everyone was cleaned up and sitting at the table having dinner. "How did training go today children", the beautiful, blond haired, creme skinned woman, Anna Thomas asked.

"Eh it was ok" Carina responded, "about that," Kaius said looking at his uncle and praying he would help him out in asking about the academy.

Jason continued eating and did not even look in Kaius's direction. Sighing, Kaius looked to his parents and spoke, "training went well," "yeah it did, we electrocuted uncle" a little black fox said appearing on Kaius's shoulder.

Micheal and Anna's eyes went wide as they both looked at Jason who just rolled his eyes and continued eating.

"Your not helping" Kaius whispered to the little black fox. "As I was saying, training went well, and next week ill be 16".

Anna looked at Kaius and smiling widely she spoke, "your growing up so fast, I can't believe you'll be 16."

Kaius could not handle the pressure anymore and decided to just ask, "when I turn 16 I want enter the academy, "No" his mother quickly interrupted, "but mom, im strong" Kaius responded.

Anna looked to Micheal, honey, what do you think. Micheal looked right at Kaius and spoke, "so is that why you want to go, because you think your strong" he asked clasping his hands together and placing them on the table.

He stared at Kaius with a serious look, Kaius opened his mouth to respond when uncle interrupted, "think before you answer, were I in your place, I would choose my words wisely" he said, then continued eating not even looking at Kaius.

Kaius closed his mouth and thought, his uncle and father were heroes. Both were Master Elementalists, they traveled and fought battles all over the galaxy, why didn't they understand how he felt.

Kaius thought some more, maybe his view was too small, and childish, soldiers don't go to war for themselves, they do it for others, for the betterment of humanity.

Kaius gathered his thoughts and spoke, "i'm strong, but this is not the only reason why I want to go," Micheal raised his brows, "enlighten us then" he said.

Kaius continued, "I want to help, I have the ability to do more, to help humanity, so I don't want to sit at home when there is a whole galaxy out there waiting for us to discover it."

Micheal was quiet and then looked towards Jason and asked, "what do you think brother, is he ready"?

Jason had stopped eating once Kaius began talking and was listening intently.

Looking at Micheal Jason responded, "the boy is extremely strong. his ability to wield the elements is amazing, he is able to seamlessly switch between them, which is a difficult task for Elementalists who wield multiple elements. He is calculating and intelligent, able to accurately asses the situation and adapt on the fly."

The little black fox chimed in laughing, "of course he is, no one can beat us, we're the best and we'll take over the galaxy."

Kaius shook his head at the little black fox. Jason narrowed his eyes and spoke, "the Chaos Elementals arrogance is a big weakness, sure to get them into dangerous situations.

Hearing Jason's words, the little black fox turned into wisp and disappeared. Micheal nodded his head then looked to his wife who was frowning.

Anna looked to Kaius then back to her husband she smiled and then nodded her head. Kaius seeing this was ecstatic, but before he could celebrate Micheal rained on his parade.

Micheal poured water into a glass and spoke, "being able to control so many elements is a gift and a curse, while having the ability to be versatile is a plus, it will be difficult to attain mastery in them as you will have to understand the intricacies of each one, this is harder to do then someone who wields only a single element."

After speaking Micheal threw the cup of water on Kaius drenching him instantly. "Dad," Kaius shouted "why'd you do that."

Micheal ignored him then filled up the cup of water again, but this time threw it on Jason.

Jason just sat there unmoving as the water fell on him, but unlike Kaius he wasn't drenched, the water just rested on him in visible droplets. Twirling his fingers the water flew up and landed back in Micheal's glass.

Seeing the look on Kaius's face Micheal knew he didn't understand, so he began to explain.

"Jason controls the element of water as if its an extension of his body. So much so that water can't even wet him unless he wants it to. You have a long way to go before you reach Jason's level, but the first step is the ability to manifest your elements aura and hold it indefinitely. Since you have the ability to control seven elements and there's 8 days before your birthday, you will manifest and hold the aura of a different element each day, for the entire day."

Kaius understood what he needed to do, "how will I know if I have succeeded he asked." Micheal smiled, "if you succeed you will know" he said.