17- Discussion

Kaius was in his room sitting on his bed cross legged. The little black fox was laying at the end of the bed fast asleep.

Thinking about what his father said, Kaius was eager to start. He concentrated and pulled the water elements in the air to him.

A blue aura appeared around him. Kaius sat like this for a moment getting used to the feeling of just holding the element around him.

Getting used to the feeling Kaius wondered if he could hold multiple elements at once. He was adept at directing and shaping elements, it always came naturally to him, but just holding them seemed boring.

Still holding the the water elements around him He began to pull in fire elements. A red aura encompassed the blue one and Kaius was jumping for joy on the inside, but after a few moments the red elements scattered and the red aura surrounding him disappeared.

He couldn't hold both elements at the same time. With his uncle being his trainer, and a water Master Kaius had a better understanding of the water elements.

Fire and water being opposites Kaius expected this result and wasn't too disappointed. Still maintaining his water aura he pulled in the wind elements next hoping he could maintain those two elements since they had a better harmony.

Like before a gray aura encompassed his blue one, but this time he was able to hold it. Studying this feeling for a while Kaius decided to call it a night.

Still maintaining the blue and gray aura Kaius lay down to go to sleep he figured he'd hold on to the aura until his body naturally dispersed it.

Within a few minutes Kaius was sound asleep, but his aura didn't go away, instead it changed and turned black.

If anyone was watching they could see swirls of red, blue, white, yellow, purple, brown and green in the black aura.

Outside Kaius's door stood Micheal and Jason. They were able to perfectly sense what was going on in the room.

"What a little monster" Jason said. Micheal quietly nodded "let us speak in the office" he said as the two walked towards a room at the end of the hall.

Stepping into a huge room lined with shelves of books, they found Anna lounging behind a desk. Behind her was a fire place and hanging above the mantle was a sheathed sword. The hilt was streaked red and black and had a red crystal in the pommel.

Standing next to Anna was another woman with long purple hair.

"Lets talk" Anna said gesturing for the two to sit down in the two chairs in front of the desk as she pulled out a bottle of brown liquid and poured it into two glasses.

The two men sat down accepting the drinks. Micheal downed his in one gulp then looked to Jason. "They should be here too" he said.

Nodding his head Jason waved his hand and two figures appeared standing behind him. One was a man with white hair styled in a military fashion, the other was a female with long blue hair.

At the same time a tall man with short red hair and a red beard appeared behind Micheal.

"Its been a long time since we've all been together like this, it is good to see you all" said the red Elemental.

The Elementals all nodded and the purple Elemental Sophie was the one to speak next. "Clearly we are here to discuss the boy, even here I can sense his aura and that of little Chaos."

"They have grown extremely Strong the Elements cling to them, like children not wanting to leave their mother" said Coral the blue Elemental.

"Yes" said Micheal, "that is why we are all here, Kaius has decided to attend the academy. Shortly after that he will enter the galaxy. What can you tell us about the Chaos element he wields, the galaxy will be dangerous but we need to prepare him as much as possible."

"Nothing" said Sophie. The three humans eyes went wide "what do you mean nothing asked Jason."

"Allow me to explain" said the fire Elemental. "As you already know Chaos was gifted with the blessing of a Celestial, not only one but five Celestials blessed the young Elemental."

"This is unprecedented, it was strange enough that the boy and Chaos were able to bond in the first place. Especially at the time of birth when the two first "united."

Sophie chimed in "I believe the unison between the two took place while the boy was still in the womb. Remember the way little Chaos would cling to Mrs. Anna."

"Yes I remember" said the red Elemental nodding his head. Normally we cannot bond with a host until they are older and their bodies have matured, the blessing the two of you received from the Celestial when she gave her life for the planet must be the reason behind it."

"Tell me plainly Flamey, how strong will Kaius get" Micheal asked.

The red Elemental shook his head, "you know I hate when you call me that" he said, but I will explain the basics of the Chaos element."

"Chaos is the master of all elements, wielding and negating each one as he sees fit." "Negating"? Jason interrupted.

"Yes, Negating" said Flamey. "The powers of the other elements do not effect Chaos the same way as they do others. There is always a very small number of Chaos Elementals in the world because of this. Think of it as the galaxy balancing itself out, not allowing too many entities of unlimited power."

"Then why is little Chaos the last of them, what happened to the other Chaos Elementals," Micheal asked.

Flamey responded, "we don't know, their numbers began to dwindle, and before we knew it little Chaos was the last, and had it not been for the Celestials blessing he would have died as well."

Anna spoke next, "wouldn't little Chaos flourish being around so many elements, what was killing him" she asked.

Sophie shook her head, " your right, but we don't know why he was dying, it was like he was poisoned by the very air. Had Flamey not taken him into himself using his own life force to sustain him he would have surely died."

Flamey narrowed his eyes at Sophie who just smiled lovingly back at him.

Seeing the worried look on Anna's face, Windell the white Elemental spoke up, I would not worry much, as powerful as the two are now I imagine if they went all out the seven of us would be no match for them."

Micheal's eyes went wide and he looked to Jason and asked "you think so as well brother"?

Jason nodded his head, "Kaius is inexperienced, but I do agree that he will soon reach Wendell's assessment if he has not already. His weakness is that he is too caring, it often seems like he lowers his capability to those of his opponent."

Micheal looked to Anna then spoke, "we will allow him to enter the academy." Looking to Jason he continued, in the meantime you and I will travel the galaxy and investigate the disappearance of the other Chaos Elementals."

"You mean the three of us will," Anna chimed in. "Honey" Micheal said looking towards her, "this is why I never married" Jason mumbled under his breath.

Narrowing her eyes at Jason than looking to Micheal "I am going" she said "if there is something that threatens my family then I will do everything I can to destroy it" she said, as a purple aura encompassed her body and the space around her began to warp.

Knowing he had lost the battle Micheal frowned, "ok, ok, but who will look after Carina" he asked.

Her aura disappeared and Anna smiled, "she will attend the academy as well" she said.