20- A Gift for each of you

"Open mine next" Patrick said, handing Kaius a small square box. Opening the box Kaius found two bangles inside.

"I see you already have one" Patrick said pointing to Kaius's wrist where the water bracelet he made rested, but these are made from top tier material and will hold the elements inside better."

"This" Kaius asked pointing to his wrist. "I made this myself to practice holding the elements in a specific shape." Kaius twirled his fingers and the water on his wrist transformed into a ball of water and hovered in the air next to him.

Patrick was shocked and yelled out, "that's incredible. It takes most people years to develop the ability to perform such a thing, and even then their not able to control the element as easily." Turning to Jason Patrick asked, "how have you been training this kid, thats at minimum a Mage rank skill."

Jason smiled and winked "trade secret" he said.

Patrick nodded "I see," he said. Turning back to Kaius he continued. "Regardless, these bangles are top notch and they will hold whatever element you put into it. They come in real handy if you're ever in a place where the natural Elemental energy is scarce."

Smiling Kaius thanked his uncle, "i'll take good care of them" he said.

Carina ran up and handed Kaius a simple throwing knife, "this is from me brother, take good care of it."

Kaius was confused as he studied the simple knife. "It's just a blade" he said.

Carina was furious and stomped her foot, "it's my favorite one idiot!!! It's even got my trademark etching on the bottom."

Kaius smiled shyly, realizing his response was mean. "I'll treasure it Carina, thank you" he said as he slipped it onto his waist.

Anna walked over to the two and twirled her wrist. Out of nowhere two big boxes appeared, one in front of Kaius and one in front of Carina. "These are gifts for the both of you, from me dad and uncle Jason" she said.

Carina was so excited, "a gift for me" she said "wow thank you."

Kaius and Carina both opened their boxes, inside they found a white academy uniform and some type of electronic device. Kaius was excited and immediately pulled the uniform out. He recognized it as an academy uniform. Carina was a little confused as she pulled out hers.

The uniforms were all white and had their first names embroidered on the right breast pocket area. The left breast pocket area had the initials EGF, for Earth Galactic Force. On Kaius's uniform the whole right side up to the shoulder area, to include the sleeve was red. The red extended all the way down the pants as well. Carina's uniform was the same but where Kaius's was red, hers was baby blue.

Confused Carina asked, "umm, am I supposed to wear this"? Anna laughed then spoke, "yes, you will be wearing it when the two of you attend the academy.

Carina's eyes were wide in shock "i'm going to attend the academy, but I thought you can only attend when your 16" she said. Anna responded, "that used to be the case, but the academy just started a new program for 14 year olds. Although you are not quite 14 yet, your father and uncle were able to pull some strings and get you in a little bit early."

Carina was extremely excited, and thanked her father and uncle, "thank you so much" she said hugging and kissing Micheal on the cheek, she then turned and thanked her uncle giving him a hug and kiss as well.

"What's this thing" Kaius said pulling out the electronic tablet looking device. He examined it and noticed that it was pretty flexible. Micheal walked over and took it in his hand, he placed it on Kaius's forearm and as soon as he did it tightened around Kaius's arm. The device was not bulky at all and felt comfortable on Kaius's arm.

"This is a datapad" Micheal said. "It connects you to the internet and will allow you to communicate with others. It does most anything you can think of, and you will need it when you go to the academy."

"There is one other thing" Jason said. Walking over to Kaius he pulled something out of the box. Taking it in his hand, Kaius was able to see that it was a pin in the shape of a flame. The flame was rainbow colored and shined beautifully. "This is an Elementalist badge, all Elementalists have one. The colors of the badge symbolize the elements one wields" Jason said.

Anna spoke up again "the two of you will start at the academy next week. During that time, your dad, Jason, and myself, will be going on a little trip off world. We will most likely be unreachable for the majority of the time, but we will contact you both whenever we get the chance."

Kaius and Carina looked at each other squinting, "why are you guys going off world Carina asked"? Micheal responded "we are just going to check some things out, but like your mom said we will contact you both every chance we get and will be back before you know it. Uncle Patrick will be at the academy so if there is anything either of you need just contact him and he will see to it."

"There is one more gift I would like to give Kaius" Anna said. "I want to teach you a skill. While I am not an expert at it, it is still a rare skill that few can perform." A purple aura surrounded her and she disappeared from the spot, "over here" she said appearing behind Kaius. As Kaius looked behind him Anna disappeared again, reappearing in her original spot.

"That's teleportation" Kaius said, with a wide grin on his face. "Yes it is" Anna said, "and now I will teach you how to do it." Anna walked up to Kaius and held his hands. "Open yourself up and sense how the elements move as I teleport us about. The key to this ability is moving the elements where you want to go, you create a pathway starting from where you want to end up, to where you currently are. Now pay attention" she said, as a purple aura surrounded her body and they disappeared. They reappeared a few feet away then teleported again. The two teleported all over the training area.

To everyone else it looked as if the two were blinking in and out of existence as they teleported all over the place, disappearing and reappearing before anyone could get a good look at them.

Kaius's experience was a little different, for him everything was slow motion. He saw a portal form at the spot they would travel to, then a path appeared from the portal; leading to where Kaius and Anna stood.

Kaius could see how the elements moved and created the portal at the destination. Then the elements formed a path to where they currently were. He was amazed by what he saw, and shortly after he asked his mother if he could try it on his own.

Anna released Kaius and allowed him to try on his own. Focusing on where he wanted to go, Kaius shaped the purple space elements in the air creating a portal. Once the portal was created he pulled the elements back towards him creating a pathway from the portal to where he was.

Kaius's control of the elements was excellent, and the pathway he constructed seemed sturdier than Anna's. As the pathway reached him, Kaius was sucked onto it and appeared at his destination. It was a lot faster than what Anna did. As Kaius teleported all over the training area, all the others could see were the after images he left behind. As a space Elementalist, Anna should have been able to feel where the elements gathered, giving away Kaius's destination; but even she could only see the after images he left behind.

"The boy's a natural" yelled Patrick.