21- Academy

Kaius and Carina were both wearing their academy uniforms as they sat in an airship that zoomed towards the Earth Galactic Academy. Anna, Micheal and Jason sat and chatted with the children. The five of them sat chatting nonchalantly enjoying their time together.

As the group arrived at the landing zone, Anna couldn't help but feel sad. Her gut was telling her that it would be a while before her family was together again like this.

The Academy was built in the Pacific ocean. The campus itself was massive with many buildings scattered all over. It was in fact its own island, under the direct control of the World council and the Earth Galactic Force. Anything one needed could be found here. The island was called Academy island, and in the center was a huge tower reaching into the sky.

As Kaius and the group's ship landed, they exited the ship and found two figures dressed in a uniform similar to Kaius and Carina's approaching the group. Where Kaius and Carina's uniform was white, the duo's was gray. The stripe on the side of each uniform matched the color of the Elementalist badge, which in this case was red.

There was a tall male with a fair complexion and brown hair, next to him was a tall slender female with dark brown hair and a reddish brown complexion. "General's, welcome to Academy island. I am Lieutenant Cruz, and this is Lieutenant Taylor" the female said as the duo approached and saluted. Micheal and Jason returned the salute and Micheal introduced Kaius and Carina, who snapped to attention and saluted the Lieutenants. "These are my children, Kaius and Carina Thomas, is everything ready to go," he asked.

Lieutenant Cruz nodded, "yes sir, your transport is ready and standing by, Lieutenant Taylor will escort you to it. I will ensure that Kaius and Carina are settled in and am responsible for showing them around the island. I am assigned to be their mentor and will be checking in on them periodically during their time here."

Micheal nodded and looked to his children, he was sad, but also proud. He was worried about them and did not want to leave, but he had to get to the bottom of the disappearance of the Chaos Elementals.

This mystery directly affected Kaius, and if someone or something killed the chaos Elementals, then Kaius could be in danger. Kaius was an anomaly, one that not even the elder Elementals understood. His abilities were strong and many powerful figures would try to take advantage of him. He also worried about Carina, although she was not an Elementalist, she unknowingly displayed weird abilities.

Micheal and Anna believed these were side effects from the Celestial energy the two had been engulfed in when the Celestial sacrificed herself to save them. Regardless of where Carina's abilities came from or how strong Kaius became, Micheal and the group would do everything they could to protect them.

Micheal hugged his children, "Do your best, study, and train hard." Looking to Kaius he added, "keep an eye out for your sister, make sure she doesn't kill anyone" he said winking. Kaius nodded his head, "be safe and hurry back he responded." The three hugged and Micheal moved to allow Jason a chance to speak to the children. Jason came forward and hugged Carina.

"Study well little one," Jason said, giving her a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead. Jason was a man of few words, but Carina knew how much her uncle loved her. "I'll do my best uncle, stay safe and hurry back" she said.

Jason put his hand on Kaius's shoulder and squeezed it, "always be aware of your surroundings, if your gut tells you something is not right, trust it. Never has my gut steered me wrong." Kaius nodded as Jason turned to make way for Anna to say good bye to her children, but after a step he stopped and turned back to Kaius. "Some times showing restraint can be a good thing, but there are often times when dominating your opponent in order to make a statement yields better results. Respect through fear is not always a bad thing."

Jason turned and began to walk away. Anna walked up and squeezed both of her children. "I love you both very much, take care of each other and I will see you both soon" she said as she released them and placed a kiss on their foreheads. The three adults turned and began to follow Lieutenant Taylor. Watching their family leave, Carina squeezed her brothers hand and continued to hold it.

Lieutenant Cruz came forward and spoke, snapping the two out of their daze, "let me show you around campus. Don't worry about your luggage it will be delivered to your room." Kaius and Carina nodded as they followed Lieutenant Cruz and left the landing area.

As Micheal and his group left the children with Lieutenant Cruz, Micheal couldn't help but notice Anna was taking it harder than he'd expected. Grabbing her hand Micheal spoke, "it is not too late for you to stay my love, Jason and I can handle this mission alone." Anna shook her head "I know you're both very capable, but i'd never be able to live with myself if something happened to you and I wasn't there doing everything in my power to help. Besides, with Patrick here, this is the safest place on the planet for them." Jason chimed in "I agree, as eccentric as your brother is, he's also extremely capable and would move heaven and Earth to protect the children" he said.

The group followed Lieutenant Taylor to another landing area and to a gray ship with no markings. The ship looked very ordinary but the group knew this ship was equipped with the best technology available. As they entered the ship they checked the cargo area and ensured that their supplies were correct. Micheal and Jason thoroughly inspected the space craft as Anna began to load their personal luggage that arrived to the ship shortly after they did.

Once all inspections were complete and the group was satisfied, they thanked Lieutenant Taylor and took their seats in the cockpit. Micheal would be piloting the ship as Jason settled into the co-pilot's position, Anna would be acting as the navigator. Lieutenant Taylor saluted the ship as it took off and left Earths atmosphere.

Once the ship was out of sight, Lieutenant Taylor touched a button on his data pad, "the parents and uncle have left the planet, the children are with the mentor Lieutenant Cruz." A voice on the other end responded. "Good, keep an eye on the children and find a way to get close to the boy." "Yes sir," Lieutenant Taylor responded as the call was disconnected.