22- Sight Seeing

Lieutenant Cruz showed Kaius and Carina around the island. From their flight in they could see that the island was big but as they were taken around they discovered it was even bigger than they imagined.

Lt. Cruz took them to the Academies cafeteria where the three ate lunch and Kaius and Carina asked her all about the academy. "When you're not in your classes you have free reign of the campus and shopping areas. Carina you will have a few more restrictions and less time to wander the area outside of campus until your 16 and graduate into the Earth defense program. The program you are currently in is the Junior Defense program." Carina listened and understood everything Lt. Cruz told her. "Let's visit the shopping district and then i'll show you to your dorms" Lt. Cruz told them.

The trio left the cafeteria and headed towards the shopping district, they chatted as they walked and then a little black fox appeared on Kaius's shoulder. "Oooh shopping," the little black fox said, "buy me something good. Do they have mango's for sale there" Chaos asked looking at Lt. Cruz

Lt. Cruz's brow furrowed, "is this your Elemental" she asked looking to Kaius. "Yes" Kaius answered "Lt. meet Chaos, Chaos meet Lt. Cruz she is my mentor." Chaos sniffed the Lt. then smiled, "you smell nice your a good person, I like you" Chaos said. Lt. Cruz smiled, "it's nice to meet you Chaos, your a cute little Elemental, i'm very surprised that you can talk when you're in an animal form." "I'm a bit different than normal Elementals" Chaos said puffing out his chest.

Kaius and Carina gave each other a confused look than asked Lt. Cruz what she meant. Lt. "why are you surprised that Chaos can talk when he's in his animal form, can other Elementals not do the same" Kaius asked.

Chaos was normally always in the form of the little black fox. Their parents and uncle's Elementals didn't show themselves too often, and when they did they were usually in their human form.

"Normally" Lt. Cruz started, "Elementals can talk to their Elementalist through their bond, but while in animal form, they take on all the traits of the animal, and human speech is not one of those traits. As Elementals grow and become stronger, some may gain the ability to speak telepathically to others, but it's not very common. Some Elementals don't even take an animal form and choose to remain inside the bodies of their Elementalist."

"Speaking of Elementalists," she continued, "where is your Elementalist badge." Kaius pulled out the rainbow fire shaped pin and showed it to her. "That's a unique badge," she said furrowing her brow. "You must always wear your badge, it represents the type of Elementalists you are, and also acts as your dog tag. If you're in the field, the tags also act as a way to identify other Earth Galactic Force troops. That reminds me" she said pulling out two small transparent circle stickers. She gave one to Kaius and Carina, "these go behind your ear and sync to your datapads, think of them as microphones."

Kaius and Carina placed the stickers behind their right ears and heard a chime as the device synced to their data pads. "Your data pads and now those communicators are synced to you, no one else can access them" she said.

The trio soon arrived at the shopping district. There were all types of stores and stands, selling tons of different things, it really did look like you could buy anything here. The trio walked around exploring the market for a bit, then headed towards the dormitory area.

They arrived at a row of 3 story buildings and stopped in front of one. "This is the Jr Defense programs area, and this building is one of the girls dormitories, boys are not allowed in so you will have to wait for us here Kaius," said Lt. Cruz pointing to a bench next to the building. Carina hugged her brother, "Call me so we can do lunch together" she said as she kissed her brother on the cheek and headed into the building.

Kaius was sitting on the bench with Chaos in his lap when he heard a voice from the side. "Hey, what are you doing here," the voice said. Kaius turned to see Lt. Taylor walking towards him. "Your names Kaius right, i'm Lt. Taylor, its good to meet you." Kaius looked at the Lt. and nodded his head "Nice to meet you" he said. Chaos looked at Lt. Taylor and squinted. Lt. Taylor saw this and greeted the little black fox, "hello little Elemental," he said.

Chaos just turned the other way completely ignoring Lt. Taylor. Lt. Taylor was furious on the inside, first Kaius did not stand and salute him failing to show him the courtesy he felt he deserved being higher rank, and now this trash Elemental shunned him.

For a split second Lt. Taylor's eyes shown red then he calmed himself. His orders were to get close to the kid, and being rough with him on the first day would not be a good idea.

"That's an odd little Elemental you got there," Lt. Taylor said with a smile. "Maybe I can show you around and give you some pointers on how to raise him properly, as a wielder rank Elementalist i'm pretty good."

Kaius had a bad feeling about Lt. Taylor, listening to his uncle's advice he would follow his gut and stay as far away from him as he could. Kaius looked at Lt. Taylor and responded, "Lt. Cruz already showed me around, and i've been trained by my uncle, a dual Master Elementalist, I doubt there's much you can teach me."

Lt. Taylor was furious but before he could say anything Lt. Cruz appeared. "Lt Taylor" she said "what are you doing here, I assume that all went well with the Thomas families departure." Although they were both Lieutenants, Lt. Cruz was a Mage rank Elementalist and that put them on two entirely different levels. "Yes ma'am," said Lt. Taylor, "the Thomas family got off without a hitch. As for me I was just in the area, I happened to see the new cadet and thought i'd offer to show him around and share some pointers."

Lt. Cruz quietly stared at Lt. Taylor, this behavior was unlike him. She knew that Lt. Taylor was a proud bastard, and somewhat of a bully, he was able to get away with this due to a rumor that he had ties to one of the world leaders. It was clear that there was more to this offer of friendship.

Lt Cruz narrowed her eyes and sternly spoke "I am Cadet Thomas's mentor, and his uncle and father are both Master Elementalists who still hold the rank of General, furthermore, Cadet Thomas has had the best training his whole life, I doubt there is much, if anything you could teach him. Unless you have business in front of the Jr. Defense girls dormitory you're dismissed Lieutenant."

Lt. Taylor was furious, but there was nothing he could do. He saluted Lt. Cruz then turned around and left.

Lt. Cruz turned to Kaius, "sorry you had to see that" she said. Kaius didn't know how he should respond so he just stayed quiet, he already thought highly of the Lt. and now he liked her even more. "Let me show you to your dorm so you can unpack and get a good nights rest" she said.