23- Roommates

Lt. Cruz and Kaius walked to another area of the campus not too far from where Carina's dorm was. They stopped in front of a building identical to the one they had taken Carina to, except this one had five floors.

"This is your dorm, building number 2000" Lt. Cruz said. "Your room number is 501 i'm sure you can find your way. In your room you will find a copy of your schedule, it should have also been sent to your datapad. I'll be leaving now, if there is anything you need feel free to contact me" she said tapping the datapad on her wrist with the one Kaius wore. A chime sounded in Kaius's ear.

"I have added myself to your contact list, we will be in touch" Lt. Cruz said as she turned around and left the area.

Lt. Cruz felt bad about the way she abruptly left Kaius but something was bothering her about Lt. Taylor's behavior, she wanted to look into some things.

Kaius walked into the building and took the elevator to the fifth floor, when he arrived he found only one door on the entire floor. The tag on the door read 501 so Kaius knew he was in the right place. He tapped his datapad on the door handle and a chime sounded in his ear unlocking the door.

Kaius walked in to a huge living area with couches and a big tv. There were 4 doorways leading to other rooms. Kaius could see that the biggest doorway lead to a beautiful fully equipped kitchen. From one of the other doors he heard a voice and headed towards it.

The door was open and inside Kaius found a boy sitting at a computer playing a game. The boy was tapping away at the keyboard yelling at the screen.

"Knock knock" Kaius said remaining outside the door. The boy at the computer turned around and stood up, he had a fair complexion and long dark brown hair that was braided into cornrows "you must be the third roommate" the boy said walking over and extending his hand. "I'm Zane, and this little guy is called Speedy" Zane said pointing to his head where a light green bunny appeared.

Kaius shook Zane's hand and introduced himself, "i'm Kaius and this little guy is Chaos," he said pointing to his head where the little black fox appeared.

Chaos looked towards the green bunny and puffed up his chest. Speedy recognized Chaos's strength and the fact that he was a Chaos Elemental, wanting to make a good impression speedy disappeared then reappeared holding a mango that he threw towards Chaos.

Chaos's eyes lit up as he caught the mango "I like these guys" he said as he hopped off Kaius's head and sat on Zane's bed eating the mango.

Zane laughed "that's one cool Elemental you have there," zane said.

Kaius smiled "thank you" he said. "Speedy is pretty cool too, I could barely follow his speed when he went to get that mango, I can tell he is a strong Elemental."

Zane nodded, "awesome, another time Elementalist" he said. Speedy had used time elements to speed up his body so when Kaius was able to follow his speed, Zane assumed that meant he was a time Elementalist like him. "Paying closer attention to Kaius's Elementalist badge, Zane noticed the different colors and squinted his eyes. "That's a very unique badge" he said.

Kaius paid Zanes remark no attention, from Lt. Cruz's reaction to his badge he assumed people would naturally be curious about it. "You said there is another roommate, what kind of person is he," Kaius asked.

"Oh Skye, he's a big teddy bear, come on I'll introduce you to him" Zane said. He lead Kaius to one of the other closed doors Kaius saw when he first walked in. Knocking on the door Zane yelled out "Skye, open up I want to introduce you to someone."

The boy who opened up was pretty big, but shorter than Kaius and Zane, he had short black hair and a golden brown complexion. The boy had a big smile on his face and immediately shook Kaius's hand "its so nice to meet you, i'm Skye." Kaius managed to pry his hand away from the death grip Skye had on it and introduced himself, "good to meet you Skye, i'm Kaius."

Skye pointed to a creature on the bed and introduced him "that big guy is Brock" he said.

Brock was an orange pangolin, a creature that looked kind of like a anteater and an armadillo. Brock had a really hard looking shell that covered most of his body, he was sitting on the bed eating some bananas.

Brock turned to look at Kaius then turned away as if he wasn't impressed, but a split second later he looked at Kaius again with wide eyes as if he was looking at a ghost.

At the same time Chaos and Speedy walked into the room. Chaos and Brock locked eyes and Chaos once again puffed up his chest. Brock grabbed the bananas he was eating and on his hind legs ran to Chaos and dropped them in front of him.

It was an odd sight to see the pangolin run on only his back legs like that.

"Are you hungry" Skye asked, "the fridge is stocked and i'm a pretty good cook. How about I whip us up some dinner and we can chat."

Kaius and Zane agreed and the three went to the kitchen as Skye began cooking. They chatted about their families and how excited they were to be at the academy.

"It's cool to have another earth Elementalist in the dorm, sorry Zane your outnumbered now" Skye said.

Zane had a confused look on his face "what do you mean," he asked "Kaius is a time Elementalist like me."

"No he's not" Skye said "he's clearly an earth Elementalist like me, I can feel the earth elements surrounding him."

Kaius shook his head, "your both right" he said "i'm actually a Chaos Elementalist and wield all elements."

Zane and Skye looked at each other then started laughing hysterically. "Good one" Zane said holding his stomach.

Zane noticed Kaius wasn't laughing. Skye and Zane looked at each other, then looked at Kaius's badge, and then to the little black fox who was sitting on the table with the other Elementals eating fruit.

Their eyes went wide as the realization hit them. "Holy shit" Skye whispered. "You're really a Chaos Elementalist," Zane said. "Good god, no wonder the Elementals responded to Chaos like that. I thought it was just a myth" Zane added.

The trio spoke late into the night as Zane and Skye bombarded Kaius with questions. Soon Kaius decided to call it a night as he was still in his uniform and hadn't even unpacked yet.

"Ok guys i'm gonna call it a night, i'll see you guys in the morning."

The three bid each other good night and headed to their rooms.

Kaius's room had a big bed, computer desk and couch in it. He also had his own bathroom. It had been a long day and as soon as Kaius hit the bed he fell asleep. Tomorrow would be the first day of classes and he couldn't wait.

In another part of the campus Lt. Cruz was sitting in front of a computer screen and had Lt. Taylor's information pulled up. She had been combing his records for hours looking for any hints that would give her a clue as to why he was so interested in Kaius. Suddenly the screen flashed indicating an update to the record had been made.

She scanned the screen once again and saw that under the section where it showed what dorm buildings Lt. Taylor was in charge of, building number 2000 had been added.