24- First Day of Class

By the time Kaius woke up and got ready for class, Zane and Skye were already in the kitchen having breakfast. Kaius left his room and sat down to join the boys.

"Good morning" Skye and Zane greeted Kaius. Kaius just nodded and waved as he sat down and started eating a muffin. "I'm so excited for today," Zane said. "Based off of the schedule posted in our room, it looks like the three of us are in the same home room. From the research i've done, it seems most of our lessons will be taught by the homeroom teacher, other than that we will be going to classes based on the elements we wield."

"I wonder what Elemental class Kaius will be in" said Skye. Kaius just shrugged his shoulders, he was excited to be here and really didn't care what courses he was put into.

"Let's all exchange contact info, so we can meet up for lunch later" Zane said.

The boys all agreed and tapped their datapads together, exchanging contact information amongst each other. "Well, let's get going, we don't want to be late for homeroom" Skye said. The boys finished their breakfast then left the dorm together.

There was a map on their datapad showing them where they needed to go. As they walked towards their destination, they saw other students headed the same way. After a few minutes the boys reached a big building with glass windows on the entire first floor.

Navigating through the building the boys found their way to their classroom. Inside they found a traditional office desk at the front which was clearly for the instructor, and four long desks with three seats at each one. There were two long desks in the front of the room and two in the back. There was already two groups sitting in the classroom.

Both groups consisted of three girls, one group sat at a desk in the front, and the other group sat behind them at one of the desks in the back. There were two desks left open, one in the front and one in the back for the boys to choose from.

The boys were very excited for class, so they decided to sit at the remaining front desk. As the boys sat down and waited for class to start, the last group of three came in. This final group consisted of three boys. The new group entered the room, but instead of going to the last open desk in the back, they walked right up to Kaius's group.

"Get up" one of the boys said, "these are our seats, so do yourselves a favor and move before we move you." Kaius just stared quietly at the boy who spoke, he was tall with a fair complexion and blonde hair. The two boys with him looked similar, with the same complexion and blonde hair, but they were taller and a lot bigger than the first boy.

Skye, being the gentle giant he was spoke up, "sorry about the confusion guys we'll move to the other desk; come on guys" he said getting up. As Skye got up and started to move he noticed Zane and Kaius hadn't moved. "Sit down Skye," Zane said, "I see no names on these seats so these clowns can sit somewhere else."

"Do you know who I am" the boy in front said. Zane shrugged his shoulders "yes, actually I do know who you are," Zane said "your the kid that's gonna sit at the back desk." The blonde haired boy was furious, he had never been talked to this way, he would teach this punk a lesson.

A red aura rose around the blonde boy and he swung his hand which which was covered in fire at Zane. Kaius was just watching and observing the whole time, he didn't plan on moving and just figured they would ignore this new group. But as the boys aura rose and he swung his fist, Kaius could hear uncle Jason's voice in his head, "respect through fear is not always a bad thing."

Kaius had made his decision, waving his hand he pulled the fire elements surrounding the boys fist away from him, turning the flame enhanced punch into a regular punch. Then, using the space element he created a portal on the ceiling. The path from the portal led straight to the boy who threw the punch. All this happened extremely fast, and before anyone could react the boy who threw the punch was falling from the ceiling.

Being such a tall building the ceiling was actually very high, so the boy was in a lot of pain when he hit the floor. The other two boys attempted to rush Kaius, but before they could take one step they found themselves trapped in a block of ice.

The entire class was quiet as everyone stared in the direction of what just happened. Kaius calmly got up from his seat and walked over to the boy who was still on the floor clutching his now bleeding nose. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" the boy said in a nasally voice. Kaius's black rainbowy aura rose around him, as he leaned in close to the boy he whispered, "like my friend said, your the kid that's going to sit at the back desk." Then he returned to his seat and sat down like nothing happened.

The blonde boy got up with an angry look on his face, still clutching his nose he walked to the back desk and took a seat.

As soon as the boy took his seat a man with a light brown complexion and dark hair walked in, he put some boxes down on the desk at the front of the room, then walked over to the two boys still encased in the block of ice.

The man walked around inspecting the block of ice then went and sat down at his desk. With a smile on his face he addressed the class "Whoever made that ice block, good job, that is high level stuff."

"I am your instructor, you all can call me Saige. The basic lessons will be taught by me, we will go over things like fighting techniques and military courtesies and customs. We'll also learn about the different species you may encounter out in the galaxy, as well as the basics of shaping and wielding the elements."

"The second half of every day you will attend courses based on the specific element you wield. Now I want you each to stand up and introduce yourself, we will start at the front of the room then end with the two behemoths stuck in the ice".

A red haired fair complexioned girl stood up and introduced herself, "My name is Megan and I am a fire Elementalist". A brunette with a fair complexion stood up after her, "my name is Ashley and I am a space Elementalist". The third girl who stood up had a dark complexion and short black hair, "my name is Shannon and I am a wind Elementalist".

Kaius stood up next and introduced himself, "my name is Kaius, and I am a Chaos Elementalist." At the sound of this the other students started to whisper.

"Ok quiet down" Saige said "so your the dragon i've heard about, Thomas's boy right" he asked. Kaius nodded. "Due to your ability to wield multiple elements you will be free to attend which ever afternoon Elementalist course you want" Saige said.

Kaius nodded and sat down, then Zane stood up and introduced himself followed by Skye. The other three girls in the class introduced themselves next, and explained that they had yet to bond with an Elemental.

"You three without Elemental's will attend different afternoon courses where you will be given the chance to bond with an Elemental" Saige said. With a serious look on his face he continued, "I advise you to take those opportunities seriously and do your best, Elementals are proud beings and being an Elementalist is an honor, so treat it as such, now let's continue with the introductions. Mr. Bloody nose your up."

The boy with blonde hair stood up, and with a nasally voice introduced himself, "my name is Alex Wiesman and I am a fire Elementalist, those two are Timothy and James Wiesman my brothers, and they are both earth Elementalists."

"Very good" Saige said "now that that's over, I have one more announcement to make before we jump right in to learning" he said with an excited expression on his face. "Starting tomorrow you will bring your Elemental with you to class, they are a part of you and also represent the Earth, so it is important that you go through this experience together."

"Now, lets jump right into the vast world of knowledge"