26- Elementalist Course

Kaius exited the class building and found Zane and Skye waiting out front for him. "Hey guys" Kaius greeted, let me message my sister, I promised her we'd meet for lunch", "Cool" Zane said. As the trio began to walk towards the cafeteira, Kaius sent Carina a message asking if she was available for lunch. Carina instantly responded that she was, and that she'd meet him at the cafeteria building.

When Kaius and crew arrived they found Carina waiting in front with two other girls. Carina ran over and hugged her brother, "hi brother, how's your day going so far" she asked. "Its been good," how's your day so far" Kaius asked. "It's going great" Carina said, "I saw uncle Pat, and my roommates are super cool, come let me introduce you to them" she said pulling Kaius towards two girls waiting by the entrance to the cafeteria. The two girls both had a light brown complexion, and black hair. "Girls, this is my brother Kaius, Kaius this is Tamara and Lily." "Hi" Kaius said, "let me introduce my roommates, this is Zane and Skye, guys this is my sister Carina and her friends Tamara and Lily." The group all greeted each other then headed in to the cafeteria.

They got their trays and found a corner table to sit at, "what do you guys have going on after this" Carina asked the boys. "We have our Elementalist course next," Zane said, "Kaius, have you decided which course your going to today"?

"Yes, i've decided to check out the Earth Elementalist course with Skye" Kaius said. Skye was extremely happy Kaius would go with him to class, but seeing Zane's frown he tried to cheer him up, "maybe Kaius will go to the Time Elementalist course with you tomorow" he said. Kaius nodded, "yeah, that was my plan" Kaius said, "i'm plannning to rotate each course one at a time."

The group chatted some more about there day, and how much they had been enjoying the academy so far. Finishing their lunch, the group left the building and headed their seperate ways, but before they left, Carina told the boys that they were planning to go the market after classes and invited them to come along. Without wasting anytime, Zane answered for the group "heck yea we'll be there, there's something I want to check out so we'll meet you guys after class."

When the girls left Kaius looked to Zane and asked what all the excitement was about. Looking around Zane pulled the two boys to the side of the path and began to whisper, "listen, i've been doing a lot of research, and I discovered that there is a hidden black market somewhere in the shopping district. They sell all types of things you can't find anywhere else, there's even rumors that they sell technology from other worlds as well as detailed manuals on Elemental skills. But finding the place is only the first part of being accepted, you have to undergo a test afterwards, and even then it's not guaranteed they'll let you in."

Kaius and Skye furrowed their brows in thought, it would be awesome if they could enter this secret black market and have the chance to buy unique items. "I like it," Kaius said, "once class is out, we'll meet with the girls and head to the shopping district, keeping our eyes peeled for any clues to where the black market is." The group split up as Kaius and Skye headed towards their Earth Elementalist class, and Zane headed towards his Time Elemental class.

On the way to the course, Skye turned to Kaius, "thanks for coming with me for the first class, i'm honestly kind of nervous, but with you here I feel a lot better. Honestly i'm not that good at controlling my element." Kaius looked at Skye and focused on the elements he sensed around him. As Kaius focused, he began to see the elements. There were thousands hovering all over Skye, it was like an overprotective mother hugging their child. seeing this Kaius knew Skye was stronger than he believed himself to be. Kaius had already decided that these were his people so he would do everything he could to help Skye realize his strength.

"Trust me Skye, your a lot stronger than you think, you just have yet to realize it." Skye didn't respond, he wanted to believe what Kaius said, but he just didn't see it, he didn't like fighting. The two continued to walk to their class and soon came upon a huge mountain. At first the mountain seemed out of place, but as the two looked closer they noticed the number written on the mountain matched the building number on their datapads.

Kaius and Skye walked towards the entrance where they found a giant stone door that was sealed tight. Looking around they found no other entrance or way to get in, there wasn't even a doorbell. The two looked around some more but after a while they decided that the door had to be the way in, they just needed to figure out how to open it.

"Looks like the door's the only way in" Kaius said looking to Skye. Kaius sensed a lot of Elemental energy in the door, and he was confident he could open it. He wanted to give Skye a chance first, as this was a great opportunity to build up some of his self esteem. "Open it for us"

Using super exaggerated movements, Skye stomped his foot on the ground, and positioned himself in a horse stance. Then he pulled his arms up over his head then out towards the door, but nothing happened, the door didn't move an inch. Kaius focused on the elements and observed how Skye wielded them.

Again Skye saw thousands of earth elements leaving Skye's body and floating towards the door, but when they hit the wall they just scattered. It looked like Skye was just shooting earth elements at the door. This went on for a few minutes, and Skye started to sweat.

"I can't do it" Skye said dejected. Kaius walked over to give him some pointers. "That's because you're doing it all wrong, dont just force the elements to bang against the door. Reach out to them, feel all the elements around you and control them. Right now your essentially just throwing elemental energy against the door."

Skye closed his eyes thinking about what Kaius told him. He could sense the elements in the door, but the elemental energy was so heavy that Skye didn't think he was strong enough to move it.

Skye shook his head "I can't do it, the energy is so thick, I dont think anyone can control so much-"


Skye was interrupted by the door slamming open. The ground shook around them and Skye stumbled over. Jumping to his feet with a huge smile he looked at Kaius, "wow your so strong Kaius, thanks for opening the door for us. I was starting to get nervous that we wouldn't make it in time" he said. As soon as Skye took a step towards the door it slammed shut, shaking the area once again. Skye didn't fall over this time but he looked to Kaius wondering why'd the door shut.

Kaius saw the look on Skye's face and began walking towards a bench close by. "We're not going in unless you open the door yourself" he said taking a seat on the bench.