27- Opening the Stone Door

Skye had been trying to open the door for a little over twenty minutes. Kaius lied down on the bench and began tapping away on his datapad, he decided to use this time to see if there was some information he could find on the black market. He was excited and couldn't take his mind off of the possibility to score some exotic items.

The boys were already late for class, and although Kaius really wanted to attend the lesson, he would never leave Skye behind.

After a bit Kaius decided to give up on his search for the time being and give Skye a few more pointers. Getting up from the bench, he walked over to Skye. He was still in front of the door, making exaggerated body movements while trying to open it.

Skye stopped what he was doing and looked to Kaius, his body was covered in sweat and his clothes were drenched. "Im not strong enough," he said looking to Kaius.

"First of all," Kaius said, "why all the strenuous body movements?" Skye was shocked, he didn't understand what Kaius meant. A lot of people moved their arms around when wielding the elements, it went back to the days of using a wand and focusing the energy. Moving ones hands helped them to focus and move the elements how they wanted.

Kaius shook his head, "you can feel the elements around you right, then will them to do what you want and move how you need them to, dont force them. As an Elementalist your the master of your element, but that doesn't mean your better or above them, they follow your commands because they have chosen to. Like Saige told us earlier, being an Elementalist is an honor. The Elementals have given us a great gift, but the reason a lot of people stay stuck in the the lower ranks is because they don't respect the elements."

Kaius could tell Skye was even more confused from the look on his face, the only way he would understand what Kaius was trying to tell him was if he saw it. "Watch and feel how I move the elements" Kaius said.

Without moving at all Kaius pushed his senses out and felt all the earth elements around him, there was a huge amount on the stone door, but there were even more hovering around Skye. He was clearly loved by the elements.

Kaius reached out and felt all the elements, he pulled them to himself and had them hover around him. Skye couldn't actually see the elements but he could feel them start to gather around Kaius. Kaius's black rainbow aura rose around his body, he looked towards the door and wielded the elements in it to swing open, then closed.


The door swung open once again, then a second later slammed closed. Kaius looked back to Skye and explained. "The elements are a part of us, instead of a master, think of yourself as more of a big brother. Feel and guide them with your intentions, shape and move them but don't force your will or be aggressive with them."

Skye was starting to understand, he closed his eyes and felt the elements, he focused on where they were. He didn't do anything but focus on them, by focusing he was able to feel even more elements then he normally did, and he was shocked to discover the huge amount of elements that surrounded him.

He reached out, feeling for all the elements around him. He felt the huge gathering of elements in the stone door, the mountain it was built into, and the dirt the trees grew in. Even the ground he walked on was filled with earth elements.

Skye just quietly observed the elements, they hovered around and gathered in some places like the stone door. Skye just stood there observing and feeling the elements for twenty minutes, and Kaius did not disturb him at all.

Skye reached out to the elements in the door and slowly wielded them to move, he could feel the elements within respond and move as he wanted them too. For Skye, he was just slowly moving the elements, but if someone was watching the door they would see that it was shaking, not only the door but the whole mountain seemed to be rumbling.

Kaius smiled, Skye was definitely getting a feel for it, people always believed that earth Elementalist needed to be strong, tough, rock like people, but when dealing with the elements none of that mattered.

Skye was feeling happy, he felt as if the elements were a part of him. He opened his eyes while continuing to focus on the elements in the stone door. He began walking forward and the stone door slowly started to open.

Stopping in the door way, he turned to look at Kaius with a smile on his face. "Thank you brother, i'll never forget what you've taught me, now lets hurry up to class we're already late."

Kaius laughed as he followed the gentle giant inside the mountain as the door slowly closed behind them.

Entering the mountain, the duo found themselves in a long dimly lit corridor. Kaius created a fireball that hovered in the air around the two boys, lighting their way. The duo followed the corridor and it soon led them to a massive open area. In this open area they found many students practicing earth techniques, including Timothy and James, the boys Kaius trapped in the ice block.

As the two boys entered, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at them. Timothy and James had sinister smiles on their faces. Kaius and Skye were almost an hour late, so they fully expected some type of awkward entrance to occur.

A short bronze complexioned man with long black hair walked over to Kaius and Skye, the man had no shirt on and was barefoot "What are your names" he asked, arriving in front of the duo.

"I'm Kaius," and "i'm Skye" the boys answered. The man nodded, "why did the stone door open three times" he asked. Skye scratched his head as he answered, "that was my fault, it took me a little while to get the door open so Kaius opened it twice so I could see how it was done."

The man looked at Kaius and noticed the shiny rainbow fire shaped badge. With a serious face he spoke, "So you mean to tell me that you opened the door twice to show him how to do it, and after watching the door open twice, you were then able to do it yourself?"

The boys nodded, "yes sir that's correct." The man nodded his head and tapped a few keys on his datapad. When he was done, a chime went off in Kaius and Skye's ear. Looking at their datapads they saw that there had been a change to their schedule and they had a few new notifications.

Before the two could read the details of the changes, the man spoke again, "you two have the rest of the day off. Starting tomorrow you will no longer be in this course." Although the cavern was big, the other students could hear what was being said, and Timothy and James began to laugh at the two being kicked out of class.

Kaius remained quiet, and Skye looked like he might cry. The man shook his head, "I apologize for being so blunt, this is not a punishment. Those who are able to open the stone door do not belong in this class, your abilities are leagues above others your own age, so you will be attending a more advanced course."

The rest of the class stared with wide eyes, not only did these two late guys not get yelled at, but they also got put into a more advanced class and got the rest of the day off.

The duo smiled as they nodded their heads and thanked the man. The man turned and walked away, but before he got too far he looked back and spoke, "please don't slam the door on your way out."