28- Galaxy Points

The giant door slowly opened as the two boys walked out, Skye made sure to control the elements in the door carefully so it would not slam shut. The boys were quiet as they walked towards their dorm building.

The whole thing happened so fast and they were still shocked by it. From what they gathered, opening the stone door seemed to be some type of test that they unknowingly past.

When they entered the cavern and saw all the students, the two realized there must have been another entrance into the mountain.

"Lets check our datapads and see what notifications we got about the new course" Kaius said. Skye agreed and as the two checked their datapads, they noticed there were quite a few messages.

[Course Removal]

Cadet Thomas Kaius has been removed from: Jr. Defense Elementalist course

Reason: Student has shown abilities far surpassing the course requirements.

[Course add]

Cadet Thomas Kaius has been added to course: Earth Galactic Force Elementalist course

[Galactic Points awarded]

Cadet Thomas Kaius has been awarded: 5000 Gp's

Awarded by: Jerome

Reason: Opened Giants door

[Galactic Points awarded]

Cadet Thomas Kaius has been awarded: 10000 Gp's

Awarded by: Jerome

Reason: Trained colleague to successfully open Giants door

[Galactic points shop access]

Due to your outstanding abilities and or contributions you have been awarded access to the Galactic shop

[Training area access]

You have gained access to "The Wilds" training area

Kaius didn't fully understand what he had just read. He understood the course changes, but what were these Galactic points and access to the shop.

Better yet, what was this Wilds training area. He looked to Skye, but his confused face told him he had no idea either.

"It says I was awarded 5000 Gp's is yours the same" Skye asked. Kaius nodded "yes but I also got another 10000 for helping you open it." "That makes sense" Skye said, "teaching and doing are two different things, just because your able to do something doesn't mean you have the ability to teach someone how to do it."

Kaius never imagined he was a good teacher but clearly this Jerome person thought he was. Kaius was very interested in these Gp's but without more information he had no idea what they were used for.

"Maybe Zane will know something about them, he always knows tons of weird information" Skye said.

The two went back to their dorm and changed out of their uniform. They looked up information and ate snacks until Zane returned.

After a few hours Zane finally returned to the room. Grabbing some snacks Zane sat down with the boys "how was class" he asked.

Skye and Kaius told Zane all about the giant stone door, the messages they received and how they were removed from the class and put into another.

Zane looked at the two with a serious gaze, "you guys are messing with me right, there's no way any of that happened" he said.

Kaius and Skye extended their arms so Zane could see the messages on their datapads. Zane's face made many different expressions while reading the messages on the datapads. He went from shock, to sadness, anger, then shock again. Finally he jumped up from the couch and headed to his room while yelling "damn it "damn it "damn it".

Zane slammed his door shut but the two could still hear him yelling through it. Five minutes later Zane came out wearing a new set of clothes and sat on the couch. "Sorry about that guys, im so jealous of the two of you. Kaius you have to come to Time Elementalist class with me tomorrow, please, you have to" Zane said.

"I did plan on going to class with you tomorrow, but now I want to figure out what this new class is. I'll go with you the day after for sure. More importantly it seems like your familiar with all this info, what can you tell us" Kaius asked.

"Ok look," Zane said. He began typing on his datapad then swiped up so the image appeared on the tv screen. "The stone door," Zane began, "is called the Giants Door, its one of the Seven Wonders of Academy island. There are in fact seven of them," as Zane said this he tapped his pad and 7 different pictures appeared on the screen.

There was a picture of the Giants Door, a big building that looked like a clock, and a dome sticking out of the ocean that was barely visible. The other four pictures had question marks on them.

"There's not much info about the 7 wonders, the academy keeps a tight lock on that information, but i've been able to find out info on these three. Each wonder relates to an element and its believed that it takes at least a Mage ranked Elementalist to open the doors. It's somewhat of a secret test to gauge the skills of an Elementalist, the Elemental energy in these things are off the charts and a lot of them force you to focus on multiple tasks at once."

"Opening these doors is an amazing display of power and ability, and the awards behind them are amazing. The Galactic Points, commonly referred to as Gp's are a form of currency that can be used for most anything. But it would be a waste using them on just anything, as the things in the Galactic shop are only obtainable with Gp's, and there's rumored to be rare stuff in there. You guys gaining access to it is almost as good as finding the black market."

Kaius and Skye were even more excited, they had just followed the directions on their datapads and happened upon the door, not seeing another way in they believed it was the only entrance.

Zane continued speaking, "cadets opening the door is unheard of which probably adds to the amount of points you guys received, 5000 is an astronomical amount, especially for a cadet. A regular EGF troop would have to go on tons of real world missions to accrue that amount. But all this is purely speculation, like I said, the academy keeps a tight lid on these things."

"And what about the Wilds training area, whats that" Skye asked. Zane shook his head, "god im so jealous of you guys I totally forgot you got access to that too. The Wilds is a training area where you can go and battle all types of creatures and trade their carcasses in for Gp's, but it's extremely dangerous."

"Ughh" Zane said in frustration "I feel like im out of the club, lets go and see if we can find where the black market is, if we can find it I'll definitely forgive you two for leaving me in the dust on the first day."

Kaius and Skye looked at Zane with sorry expressions but Zane wasn't moved and stared daggers at the two of them. "Ok ok" Kaius said "but lets take a look at the Gp shop and see what they have in their before we go." Skye nodded his head excitedly, but as Kaius looked at his datapad it rang. He saw it was Carina and answered, "where are you guys at, we're already at the entrance to the market district. I'm growing old waiting for you brother hurry up!!!" she said hanging up.

Kaius looked at the boys, "that was my bossy sister, they're already at the market district waiting. Lets head over and meet them, we can check the Gp shop later."