31- Steel Cage match

Kaius was really annoyed, he hoped to stay low key but it seemed that wasn't an option for him. It looked like they wanted him to run a gauntlet with them. Two fighters would go in the ring and battle, the winner would stay on to fight the next challenger as the loser would wait for their turn again.

It seemed like a test of endurance, Kaius quietly walked into the cage, "I am going to kick every one of their asses" he thought to himself. Skye stayed right next to Kaius and followed him in, he didn't like to fight but he wouldn't leave Kaius.

"Normally these are one on one fights but since theres two of you there'll also be two challengers" the black haired man said.

The buzz cut men walked in the ring together as the other people in the class lined up close to the door. Everyone could see through the cage, and being close to the door would let them run in quick.

Kaius and Skye faced off against the two buzz cut men. The two groups were set up on opposite ends of the cage, Kaius looked over to Skye "let me handle this" he said "No, i'll help too" Skye said.

Kaius smiled "thanks brother, but honestly these guys aren't worth it. How about you just focus on the elements and observe the differences between the right way and the dumb way to wield them."

The buzz cut men heard Kaius's words, "you boys need a diaper change or you ready to fight, lets go" the black haired man yelled.

"Ok" Kaius yelled, he waved his right hand and ten basket ball sized rocks came out of the ground. "Haha how cute," the black haired man yelled, but the brown haired man narrowed his eyes. He noticed that Kaius only waved his hand nonchalantly and those rocks flew out of the ground, "somethings up with this kid he thought," but the realization came too late.

The rocks flew towards the buzz cut men, and before they could respond the ground they were standing on became like quicksand and they sunk into it.

They were sunk up to their waste and the rocks were still coming, the two man panicked and covered their heads with their hands.

But it was like the rocks had a mind of their own, they hit them in their stomach which was unguarded, then when they moved to defend their stomach they got hit in the head or the back.

They constantly tried to defend but it seemed like there was an infinite amount of basketball sized rocks. The two men also tried to move the earth to create a barrier but it was like the elements wouldn't listen.

Although it wasn't too taxing on him, Kaius was actually trying. He willed all the earth elements around the men to either became basketball rocks or to hold the men in place. The elements couldn't respond or do what the buzz cut men wanted because they were following Kaius who held higher authority than them.

Kaius didn't fully understand what he was doing. He believed he was just stronger than the two and the elements were following his will instead of the buzz cuts'.

In actuality, Kaius was negating their ability to use the elements. Kaius's connection with the elements reached a level where he didn't need to fully exert his will for the elements to do his bidding. He wanted the two men to be stuck in the ground so no element would dare help those men get out.

The buzz cuts could feel the earth elements but they couldn't understand why they couldn't wield them.

Leaning on a wall in a corner of the class was a tall bronze complexioned man with curly black hair. The man smiled quietly while observing the battle. He knew about these two students and could see exactly what Kaius was doing.

Students opening the Giants Door was unheard of, so of course this man knew about the two prodigies that would be joining his class.

Skye just stood next to Kaius focusing on how he moved the elements. He could sense the elements next to the men and didn't understand why they couldn't get out of the quicksand or put up a barrier.

Becoming more curious he tried to control some of the elements on the side of the cage where the buzz cuts were but realized he couldn't move them either. He tried again but focused on the elements outside the cage and realized that he could will them however he wanted.

Skye was shocked, he didn't know how Kaius did it but he realized that Kaius was locking down all the elements in the cage. Skye smiled, he realized then and there that he'd follow Kaius anywhere. He was already extremely grateful to Kaius for teaching him how to open the Giants Door, but now he had a newfound respect for his friend.

Kaius got bored and swatted his hand, causing the ground the buzz cuts were in to flip upwards and fling the men into the steel cage by the door


The two men hit the cage and fell to the floor, "Next" Kaius yelled out.

Two men pulled the barely conscious buzzcuts out of the cage as two more men hesitatingly entered it. As soon as the door to the cage closed the earth under the men moved upwards slamming the two into the top of the cage.


The two new challengers were smashed against the top of the cage then fell hard to the floor, "Next" Kaius yelled out.

Kaius spared no one, every challenger was smashed either into the side of the cage or the ceiling before falling hard to the ground.

Everyone except Kaius, and Skye who just stood there the whole time focusing and studying the elements were battered and bruised.

From outside the cage the buzz cuts yelled "brothers, perhaps we got off on the wrong foot, I admit it was harsh of me to force you into the cage. How about we go back to simple sparring and I can show you to the instructor."

Kaius shook his head "that's kind of you big bro thank you, but it would be rude of me to break the rules on my first day."

The buzz cuts looked at each other with a confused look "what rules would you be breaking brother, it's fine trust me."

Kaius shook his head again "you said we fight until we can't fight anymore and it looks like all of us are still standing, so get in here" Kaius said as his black rainbowy aura rose around him.

Kaius was right and the buzz cuts knew it, sadly they walked into the cage.


Kaius continued abusing these soldiers. After a few hours the cage was littered with barely concious soldiers. As they'd run out of people to pull each other out they started leaving the losers where they fell.

Kaius wasn't ruthless and he made sure to only thrash new challengers and leave the barely conscious ones alone.


Slow clapping was heard from the side of the room as the bronze complexioned man finally made his appearance.


One of the barely conscious men left managed to yell out as he recognized the man clapping. All the losers lying on the ground did their best to snap to attention. Kaius and Skye also snapped to attention and faced the man.

"Please, be at ease you two" he said pointing to Kaius and Skye. "I am Aiden, the instructor of the Earth Galactic Force Elementalist course. It is a pleasure to have you two in my course, opening the Giants Door is no easy feat."

Hearing Aiden's words the rest of the men were shocked, these two kids opened the Giants Door. Realizing their mistake the buzz cuts felt fear as everyone else stared daggers at them.

The buzz cuts were the reason the rest of them had been subjected to such a beating and the buzz cuts knew the others would pay them back in full.

Aiden tapped his datapad and Kaius and Skye heard a few chimes in their ears. "I know you are far from exhausted but I believe you two clearly deserve the rest of the day off, thank you for todays lesson and I shall see you tomorrow."

Kaius and Skye began walking out of the cage as the rest of the men heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh, you men must think class is over for you as well, hahaha. On the contrary, class has only just begun" Aiden said with a sinister smile on his face.

As Kaius and Skye left the building and headed towards the dorms, they could hear the sounds of banging and even a few screams.