32- Gp Shop

The duo checked their notifications as they walked.

[Galactic Points awarded]

Cadet Thomas Kaius has been awarded: 1000 Gp's

Awarded by: Aiden

Reason: Successive Flawless cage wins

[Galactic Points awarded]

Cadet Thomas Kaius has been awarded: 2000 Gp's

Awarded by: Aiden

Reason: Taught the members of Earth Galactic Force Elementalist course a valuable lesson

[Galactic Points awarded]

Cadet Thomas Kaius has been awarded: 500 Gp's

Awarded by: Aiden

Reason: Putting on a good show

Skye only received 1500 Gp's as opposed to Kaius who got a little over double that, but since Skye didn't do anything except stand by Kaius's side he wasn't upset about it.

"We have a good amount of points going by how difficult Zane said it is too attain them, we should check what kind of items are offered in the Gp shop" Skye said

Kaius agreed "but let's wait till Zane's back he'd be upset if we did this without him" he said.

The two returned to the dorms and quickly changed out of their uniforms. Skye prepared them a hearty meal as the two boys were pretty hungry, they snacked earlier at the market but growing boys needed to eat.

Zane arrived a bit later and before Kaius and Skye could say anything to him about the day's events he stopped them. "I already know" he said, Kaius and Skye looked at each other with confused expressions.

"You guys are internet sensations" Zane said, tapping his datapad then swiping up he displayed the content on the tv.

The boys could see that it was a forum, looking at the comments the boys realized that they were all about them.

{These two cadets literally wiped the steel cage with a bunch of Earth Elementalist EGF soldiers}

{Cadets, yea right}

{Bro I was there, shit was insane.}

{There's no way Cadets could do that}

{These ain't normal Cadets}

{They even opened the Giant's Door}

{Now I definitely don't believe it}

{Maybe they were strong kids but opening one of the Seven Wonders, come on}

{Bro listen to me, I was one of the guys that got dragged all over the cage, why would I tell anyone this if it was a lie}

{Cause your dumb}

{Click bait}


{Mark my words these kids are gonna be famous and then you'll all be sorry you didn't believe the Great Solja Buzzcut}

{whatever bro}

There were tons of other forums that had similar conversations, it seemed like a lot of people didn't believe the stories. Zane knew right away that it was Kaius and Skye.

"Some of the other forums are pretty descriptive, you guys didn't go easy on them huh" Zane said laughing.

"Listen, we were awarded some more Gp's so we wanted to check out the Gp shop, but we didn't want to do it without you" Kaius said.

At the mention of the Gp's Zane felt angry again that he didn't have access, but he realized he'd been acting like a baby. The boys didn't have to wait for him before checking out the shop, but he appreciated that they did.

"Awesome thanks for waiting for me guys, lets check it out."

A new Icon representing the Gp shop had been added to Kaius's datapad. He clicked on the Icon and swiped up sharing his screen on the tv so everyone one could see it.

[Welcome to the Gp shop]

[Item availability are subject to change]

[Physical items can be picked up in the market district]

[All sales are final]

[select an item to see its description]

There was a good amount of items but the prices were pretty high.

[Elemental Bangle] 1x use - 200Gp

[Elemental Bangle] Rechargeable - 1000Gp

[Aura Blade] - 2000Gp

[Element dagger] - 1000Gp

[Elemental Gun] - 3000Gp

[Camouflage cloak] - 200Gp

[Elemental Armor] - 3000Gp

[Galactic web unsecure network access] - 5000Gp

[Teleportation Manual] - 20000Gp

[Time Freeze Manual] - 20000Gp

[Thunder Storm Manual] - 20000Gp

[Element Item Creation Manual] - 50000Gp

[Elemental Blacksmith token] - 10000Gp

[Star map] - 3000Gp

[Luggage Bangle] - 5000Gp

[Training area access] - 5000Gp

[Excused Absence] - 2000Gp

[Emergency kit] - 200Gp

[Health Vial] - 50Gp

[Replenishment Vial] - 50Gp

[Compact Tent] - 100Gp

[Compact Sleeping bag] - 100Gp

[Beast Ward] - 200Gp

[Beast Lure] - 200Gp

[Fire Element Crystal] - 300Gp

[Water Element Crystal] - 300Gp

[Wind Element Crystal] - 300Gp

[Earth Element Crystal] - 300Gp

[Lightning Element Crystal] - 600Gp

[Time Element Crystal] - 800Gp

[Space Element Crystal] - 800Gp

[Academy Island Map] - 1000Gp

Zane was right, the boys did have a good amount of Gp's as Kaius had 18500 and Skye had 6500. There were only a few items that they couldn't afford. A lot of the items were combat items that would help them in the field. When they eventually head to the training area those items would definitely come in handy.

Zane went crazy at the sight of the unsecure network access, but seeing the price Kaius was able to calm him down with the promise of coming back to it out once they checked out the other items. Looking at the items Kaius finally realized that the bangles and aura blade he got for his birthday were definitely unique. The ones carried in the store were either one time use or could only be recharged with a single element. The bangles uncle Pat gave him could hold whichever element Kaius wanted to put into it.

The aura blade his dad gave him was equally special as it could also be used with multiple elements, he was starting to get a faint idea of the type of connections his family had to have been able to get him these types of items.

Skye also noticed the bangles and seeing the water one Kaius wore on his wrist he asked how he liked them. Kaius twirled his fingers morphing the water bangle on his wrist into a ball of water, then did the same to the two wind ones he wore on his ankles. "These are not actually bangles, I just molded some elements like this to see how long I can hold them while doing different things, I honestly forget that I even wear them now that i'm so used to it."

Skye and Zane just stared at Kaius for a minute before they both broke out laughing. "You do such amazing things all the time that they are starting to seem normal to you" Skye said. "Not only do you mold those elements into a wearable item that looks and responds like one, you do it without even noticing, it's not something most people can do" Zane added.

Kaius just shrugged he really didn't know what to say he always felt a strong connection to the elements, like they were a part of him.

Kaius thought the elemental armor might be cool but seeing that they could only hold one type of element he didn't think it'd be as useful to him, he'd have to find a way to get a hold of some that were similar to his bangle and aura blade.

The Gp shop also offered rare techniques such as Teleportation and Time Freeze, Kaius had already learned the teleportation technique from his mom, so he cared little for it. He had a decent grasp on wielding time elements too so he didn't think that'd be helpful either, but looking through the list he saw the Thunder Storm technique was for sale and smiled widely.

He'd always wanted to learn how to do this, combining his elements he imagined fighting in a giant storm with the wind howling and lightning striking. Seeing the price brought Kaius back to reality, even with all the Gp's he'd accrued he still didn't have enough.

Continuing to look through the list he clicked on an element crystal to see what the description was.

[Fire Element Crystal]

[Naturally formed crystal made out of condensed Elemental energy. Elementals love them as they can be used to make them stronger. Also used in weapon/armor construction. Can also be crushed to fill the area with the specific element.]

There were different types of Element Crystals, and from the description it seemed like not only would they be good when fighting in an area where the Elemental energy was scarce, but the Elementals also loved them and could get stronger when absorbing them.

"Do you think this Academy island map would show us the location of the black market" Skye asked.

"There's no way that info would be on their, I think the best item to purchase is the unrestricted network access" Zane said. "With that we would be able to search websites and forums that are not moderated by the academy."

Kaius didn't know what to do, he agreed with Zane that the map wouldn't be any help, but he was starting to think the black market was just a myth and really didn't want to waste 5000Gp's just to be able to access more sites and find nothing. It would also put him further from his dream of creating a giant thunderstorm.

Zane could see Kaius's hesitation, "The unsecure network access is a little pricey, so how about you buy it for me now and I will pay you back the Gp's once I get some. Judging off your reward for opening the Giants Door each Wonder completed should grant us at least 5000 Gp's. Tomorrow we can try and tackle the Timeless door and hopefully gain some more points."

Kaius liked this idea and agreed, he purchased the unsecure network access and decided to buy one of each type of Element Crystal for Chaos totaling 8400 Gp's, leaving him with a little over 10000.


[Thank you for your purchase. You can pick up your items in the market district]

The unsecure network access was a chip that had to be inserted into your datapad so the group would have to head to the market district and pick it up.

Since they would need to head to the market district anyways, Skye decided he'd buy a few things too. He purchased the academy map and an Earth Element Crystal for Brock, before he completed the purchase he realized Speedy would be left out, being the gentle giant he was he decided to purchase a Time Element Crystal for him.

Skye's total came to 2100 Gp's leaving him with 4400. As everyone made their purchases the three boys headed to the market district.