38- Advice

The group attended class like normal and sat in their seats waiting for Saige to arrive. Saige walked in and greeted the class "good morning everyone" he said placing some boxes on his desk. There were quite a few boxes stacked by his desk as every day he seemed to bring in a few. "Let's get right into it with a question to get those brain juices flowing." All the students perked up wondering what Saige would ask them, they enjoyed his lessons as he taught them a lot about being Elementalists.

"As an Elementalist, is it possible to wield your elements anywhere" Saige asked. The students looked at each other in confusion. This seemed like a trick question, the elements were everywhere so why wouldn't you be able to wield it regardless of where you were?

Alex Wiesman, the boy who sits in the back row raised his hand and answered. "Of course it is, the elements are all around us, regardless of which one you wield there's always some of it around. There may be a small amount of it limiting your usage, but there is always some."

A few of the students nodded in agreement as they looked to Saige for a response. Saige smiled and nodded, "Very good answer, but what if you were underwater and tried to wield fire would it work?" All the students looked back to Alex who was at a loss for words. "ugh, well, of course that wouldn't work but anywhere else you'd be fine" Alex stuttered.

"That's not really accurate" Zane said raising his hand, Saige looked to him and nodded. Zane continued "you would be able to wield your element underwater as you are part of that element, if you are a fire Elementalist then you are in essence not only someone who can wield the element of fire but a part of the element as well. We store a bit of our element in us at all times, so even if you were under water you would be able to wield fire. You wouldn't be able to do much as there would be an abundance of water snuffing out your flame, but nonetheless you would still be able to wield your element."

Saige nodded "very good Zane, you are correct we can wield our elements anywhere, but the environment does play a role and can make it difficult. Being underwater or in a volcano are extreme examples that we use to explain that the elements are not only all around us but also a part of us, so while a fire Elementalist would be weaker underwater, they are not completely immobilized."

"That also brings us to the next topic, equipment. Equipment is used to augment our abilities and cover our shortfalls." At the mention of equipment Kaius became excited, he was very interested in Elemental equipment.

Saige continued "while equipment can be extremely helpful, remember that they are limited by the user. Elemental equipment can take a toll as it requires our bodies to actively supply Elemental energy in order to function properly."

Alex Wiesman raised his hand and Saige pointed giving him the go ahead, "my father told me that the best equipment makers are the Elemental Blacksmiths, but they are extremely picky and will only make equipment for strong Elementalists, like the shield they made for my family" Alex said with a smug look in his face.

Saige smiled and nodded "you're right the Elemental Blacksmiths are world renown, and believe it or not they are even gaining a reputation throughout the galaxy. However, you aren't entirely right about them making gear for just anyone as they still run a business and need to make a profit." At the sound of this Zane looked back at Alex and winked then put up two fingers to indicate the two times he'd been wrong today.

Alex was fuming on the inside but he stayed quiet and pretended he didn't see Zane at all.

Saige saw this but also pretended he didn't see it as he continued his explanation. "The Elemental Blacksmiths make generic armor for the public and the EGF, but custom and specialty pieces require an extreme vetting process. A piece bearing the Elemental Blacksmith seal is extremely rare and difficult to come by. As for that shield you mentioned, I wouldn't go around telling others that you're family still possesses it."

"The Elemental Blacksmiths have been known to take back equipment if they feel the users aren't worthy of them."

"As for different types of equipment, we have weapons such as bows, swords, and guns just to name a few. There are different armor types which provide defense, as well as accessories that can assist you in a variety of ways. The camouflage cloak is a common accessory that provides cover as it mimics the environment around you. While it's not as amazing as the invisibility cloaks you read about or seen in movies, the cover it provides can come in handy."

Saige opened one of the boxes sitting on his desk and pulled out a pair of Grey mid cut boots. The boots had three small clear crystals running down the back of it. Saige brought the boots over and handed it to Kaius's group for inspection.

"Take a look at these boots and then pass them to the next group" he said. Kaius Skye and Zane all examined the boots, the first thing they noticed other than the crystals and the color was that the boot was very sturdy but also extremely light. The boots were almost weightless, and had no laces or straps. On the inside wall of the shoe there was an imprint of a war hammer but the head was a letter B. "Pretty cool" Zane shrugged as he passed it over to the group of girls sitting in the other front row seats.

Seeing that every student got a chance to inspect the boots Saige began his explanation. "These are called Wind Walkers, an extremely rare piece of equipment which can provide the user the ability to walk on air for a few minutes."

All the students were whispering excitedly to one another. "While these boots require the wind element, they can be used with an Elemental Bangle and can come in real handy in a pinch."

Saige placed the boots back in the box and closed it, "tomorrow is Friday and there will be no classes. When you return on Monday I want you to each have a weapon that you are interested in learning how to use."

All the students were excited about this news, they couldn't wait to get a chance to learn how to use different weapons. "Enjoy the rest of your day and have a good weekend" Saige said as he dismissed the class and sat behind his desk.

All the students left the class except for Kaius, Zane, and Skye. Seeing that all the students were gone except these three Saige smiled "what's up boys is there something on your mind?" Zane and Skye looked to Kaius signaling for him to speak.

Kaius shook his head "sir, the three of us have been granted access to the Wilds training area and are planning to head there after class, is there any advice you can give us" he asked. Saige smiled at Kaius's question, he was well aware that these boys had completed two Wonders and gained access to the Wilds as well as the Gp shop. He knew it was only a matter of time before these three would head over to the Wilds.

"The Wilds is a dangerous place, and technically not an area on this island." The boys were shocked by this revelation. They were under the impression that the Wilds was part of Academy Island. "When you boy's reach the Wilds training area there will be a portal that will transport you to another island, the entire island is considered the Wilds. There is only one safe location on the island, and that is the area where the portal is located. Be aware that you will be in danger the entire time you are there, but if you work together and use your combined skills I believe you will do well."

"See we'll be ok" Zane said nudging Skye. Skye ignored Zane and instead spoke to Saige, "do you have any advice on what type of equipment or supplies we should bring, anything we should be aware of."

Saige shook his head as he continued to smile, "it's unheard of for cadets to enter the Wilds which is why I have shared the information I have with you, normally no info is given to those that enter, but I will give you a few more tidbits of help. Be prepared to camp out, especially if you are going after class. Don't stress about making it back by Monday you will most likely not be able to." The boys eyes went wide, but before they could ask what Saige meant he got up from his desk and picked up three of the boxes by his desk placing one in front of each of the boys. "This is the most I can do for you boys good luck and take care of each other." After that Saige turned and left the room.