39- Preparation

The boys were quiet for a few seconds as the conversation did not go how they expected it to. Zane opened the box in front of him "holy crap" he said. Inside he found a pair of Wind Walkers and a Camouflage Cloak. Skye and Kaius opened their boxes and found the same, looking over the equipment they found the the Elemental Blacksmith insignia on both pieces.

"This is Elemental Blacksmith equipment, I can't believe he gave us these" Zane said. at the bottom of the box Kaius found a card, he pulled it out and read it aloud "The Elemental Blacksmiths have been known to take back equipment if they feel the users aren't worthy of them." The boys each looked at each other, they understood that this was a warning from Saige, if they didn't show skills worthy enough of this top tier equipment they would lose it.

"Let's go eat lunch at the dorm we can drop this stuff off and order some supplies for the trip, after our Elementalist Course we can meet at the market and pick everything up" Zane said. The boys left the class and headed to their dorm.

The boys were sitting on the couch as Kaius swiped up displaying his datapad on the tv screen. The list of everything from the GP shop appeared, they really didn't know what to expect but it sounded like they might be there for a few days so the boys wanted to stock up as best they could.

[Welcome to the Gp shop]

[Item availability are subject to change]

[Physical items can be picked up in the market district]

[All sales are final]

[select an item to see its description]

[Elemental Bangle] 1x use - 200Gp

[Elemental Bangle] Rechargeable - 1000Gp

[Aura Blade] - 2000Gp

[Element dagger] - 1000Gp

[Elemental Bow] - 1500Gp

[Elemental Gauntlets] - 1000Gp

[Camouflage cloak] - 200Gp

[Elemental Armor] - 3000Gp

[Galactic web unsecure network access] - 5000Gp

[Teleportation Manual] - 20000Gp

[Time Freeze Manual] - 20000Gp

[Thunder Storm Manual] - 20000Gp

[Element Item Creation Manual] - 50000Gp

[Elemental Blacksmith token] - 10000Gp

[Star map] - 3000Gp

[Luggage Bangle] - 5000Gp

[Training area access] - 5000Gp

[Excused Absence] - 2000Gp

[Emergency kit] - 200Gp

[Health Vial] - 50Gp

[Replenishment Vial] - 50Gp

[Compact Tent] - 100Gp

[Compact Sleeping bag] - 100Gp

[Beast Ward] - 200Gp

[Beast Lure] - 200Gp

[Fire Element Crystal] - 300Gp

[Water Element Crystal] - 300Gp

[Wind Element Crystal] - 300Gp

[Earth Element Crystal] - 300Gp

[Lightning Element Crystal] - 600Gp

[Time Element Crystal] - 800Gp

[Space Element Crystal] - 800Gp

[Academy Island Map] - 1000Gp

There wasn't much change to the items offered in the GP shop other than they no longer offered an Elemental gun and now offered an Elemental Bow and Elemental Gauntlets. These bows were designed to focus elemental energy into it eliminating the need to use actual arrows, the only downside is that it could be taxing on the user. The Elemental gauntlets could be infused with an element and were very sturdy they also added another layer of defense.

Each of the boys purchased 2 Emergency Kits which contained 2 health vials 7 days worth of rations as well as wraps, bandages, peroxide, pain reliever and Fire starter. They also each purchased 5 more Health Vials, 5 Replenishment Vials a Compact Sleeping bag and Compact Tent. The tents were designed to be connected together to create a bigger area.

Kaius currently had the most Gp's so he also purchased 3 Luggage bangles one for each of them, 3 beast wards, and 2 beast lures. The luggage Bangles were special Bangles which created a pocket space about 10 feet wide where items could be stored, Zane and Skye promised to pay Kaius back in the future. He wasn't too concerned about it as he still had 6000Gp's left and there were still other Wonders he could challenge. There was also a chance that they would make some Gp's from the carcasses of the creatures they killed.

Zane also purchased the Elemental bow leaving him with just 600Gp's. Skye bought the Elemental Gauntlets and a rechargeable Elemental Bangle leaving him with 1300Gp's.


[Thank you for your purchase. You can pick up your items in the market district]

"When we pick up the items we can grab some more dried food" Skye said. "I'm going to head to Time Class again today, so me and Zane will meet you at the market district" Kaius said.

The boys left the dorm and headed their separate ways.

Kaius and Zane headed to time class and again used the Timeless door entrance, this time they breezed through it and were prepared for the falling walkway at the end. Climbing up the final stairs they entered into an open training area and found Marissa staring in the entrance. "You know you don't get more points for completing the Wonder again right" she laughed. The boy's nodded "yeah but it seems weird taking the regular entrance now, plus we wanted to polish our skills. We are heading to the Wilds once class is over" Zane said.

"Really" Marissa asked "well in that case lets practice with Elemental weapons today." She pointed to a wall which had a bunch of different weapons on it. Pick a weapon from the wall, unless you already have one of your own. Kaius did have an Aura Blade but he hadn't brought it with him so he went to the wall and picked up a sword, Zane followed suit and picked up a bow.

"Good choices" Marissa said nodding, "Zane head upstairs there is an area with moving targets where you can practice with that bow" she said as she pointed to a set of stairs in the corner. "Kaius head to the corner over there where there are Elite practice dummies you can spar with. Marissa pointed to some mannequins in the corner, "be careful what you set the difficulty to and feel free to strike with all your energy those dummies can take a beating."

The boys headed to their designated areas as Marissa headed to another room filled with screens that showed Kaius and Zane's locations. Kaius went up to the dummies and turned all five of them on, he set them each to the highest difficulty then waited for them to turn on. The five dummies buzzed to life then faced Kaius.

[Advanced Combat training initiated]

[Commencing combat in 3...2...1]

All at once the five practice dummies rushed towards Kaius who just smiled as he reminisced on training with his uncle.

Zane was standing in an open area looking at a screen, he tapped a few buttons and the screen slowly sunk into the ground. A few seconds later a mechanical voice rang out

[Commencing multi-target training]

[Training will begin in 3...2...1]

5 targets popped up out of ground and spun in circles around Zane, he waved his hand slowing down the targets then grabbed the bow and focused time elements into it, a green glowing arrow appeared and Zane fired it out. He quickly hit a target then fired again and again, repeating the process till all five targets were hit. Zane hit every target dead center, they were slowed which made them easier to hit, but Zane was tired and realized that he'd have to be wary of how much power he put into his arrows. The screen came out of the ground and Zane once again tapped a few buttons.

[Commencing team support training]

[Training will begin in 3...2...1]

Marissa had a smile on her face as she watched the boys on the screen. Her datapad rang and she looked at her wrist to see who it was, smiling she answered. "Patrick you scoundrel, I was just thinking about you."