40 To The Wilds

Kaius and Zane left the training area and headed towards the market district. "I should call my sister and let her know I may be gone for a few days" Kaius said as he tapped Carina's contact info. It rang twice then Carina answered. "Brother, what have you been up to, how is class going?"

"Class is good sis I am going to a training area and may be gone for a few days I jus wanted to let you know in case you can't reach me."

"A few days!!!" Carina responded, "sheesh you're as bad as the rest of the family, we just got here and you're already leaving me." Kaius felt bad he didn't know what to say, she was right just like the rest of the family he was going to train and she would be left here alone. "Don't say that sis it's part of the Academy's training i'll be back-" "yea yea whatever" Carina interrupted "just be safe and bring me back something nice butthead."


Carina immediately disconnected the call. Kaius felt bad but he'd get her a nice gift to make up for it. The boys continued to the market and found Skye waiting at the front entrance. "Come on slowpokes let's pick up our stuff."

The boys walked over to the office like building and picked up their stuff.


[Please wait]


[Thank you for your purchase please come again]

After they picked up their items the kids left the building "lets buy some more supplies before we go to the dorms and start packing" Skye said. The boys roamed around the market purchasing supplies such as dried foods and other non nonperishables. Kaius made sure to stop by the different fruit stands to buy fruits for Chaos, he made sure to buy more mangos than anything else.

The boys headed back to their dorms to pack. Kaius was laying out all his equipment on the desk in his room. He had his two Elemental bangles from uncle Pat, his Aura Blade, the Wind Walkers and camouflage cloak. He was debating on what element to put into his bangles, he understood what Zane was saying and ruled out earth and time as he would let the others play their roles. He looked over to the bed in thought where Chaos laid surrounded by the Elemental Crystals, he was licking the fire one and steam could be seen rising out as he licked it. As Kaius stared at Chaos he noticed his tail now had a very prominent blue ring around it at the tip, "hmm, that definitely wasn't there before" he thought to himself.

Kaius didn't know what the blue ring on Chaos's tail signified but he decided to imbue his bangles with water and wind as he'd been working with those types forever. He put on his Wind Walkers and Camo cloak but left the hood on the cloak down, when the hood was raised the cloak would activate and start to blend in with it's surroundings. He also put on his bangles and clipped his Aura Blade to his waist.

As Kaius started to leave the room he thought about Carina and went back to his dresser to retrieve the throwing knife she gave him for his birthday, he decided to wear his school uniform as it was made from strong material and would provide some defense. The end of the sleeve had a little slot where he could store the throwing knife for easy access so he placed it there.

Walking into the living room Kaius found Skye and Zane already packed and ready with their cloaks on "You all set" Zane asked. "We're not forgetting anything right" Skye added. The boys checked their Luggage Bangles one last time and confirmed they had what they needed then headed out towards the Wilds.

As they left the building they ran into Lt. Taylor. "Good afternoon Cadets, where are you all headed to at this time" he asked. Skye and Zane immediately stood at attention and Saluted, Kaius didn't like Lt. Taylor but he didn't want to cause trouble so he stood at Attention and Saluted as well.

"Sir, we're headed to the Wilds training area" Skye said. Lt. Taylor frowned "Cadets are not allowed to access the Wilds what gave you guys the idea of going there" he asked. Kaius was annoyed and could tell Lt. Taylor was up to no good, "we've been granted access since we completed two Wonders if you don't have anything for us then we'll be on our way Kaius said as he started to walk past Lt. Taylor. Lt. Taylor was furious at Kaius's disregard towards him. "Wait" he yelled "I am responsible for the cadets in this dorm, so as your leader these types of trips need to go through me first and I have other plans for you three."

Kaius turned around and faced Lt. Taylor, colorful sparkles could be seen in his eyes as he spoke, "we have already gotten the go ahead from our instructor Saige and I was under the impression that Lt. Cruz was my mentor i'll jus give her a call and run all this by her" he said as he tapped his datapad. Hearing Saige and Lt. Cruz's name mentioned Lt. Taylor panicked on the inside "theres no need to-" but he was cut off as Lt. Cruz picked up and Kaius began to speak to her. "Cadet Thomas how are you" she asked. "I'm well Lt. I was calling as to inform you that I am headed to the Wilds training area with my dorm mates. We have been granted access after completing two Academy Wonders, but Lt. Taylor is here tellin me I am not allowed to go as he has other plans for me. I just wanted to inform you of the situation" Kaius said.

Lt. Cruz was furious at this news, she obviously knew that Kaius had access to the Wilds but hearing about Lt. Taylor meddling in her mentees affairs again infuriated her. "I'll be right there" she said as she clicked off the connection.

Kaius looked to Lt. Taylor and started to tell him that Lt. Cruz was on the way but before he could finish his sentence a blast was heard high in the air and a fiery figure landed in the middle of the group.

Dust was kicked up as the figure landed and when the dust settled everyone could see that it was Lt. Cruz who had landed, her tall figure looked at Kaius and his group then turned to Lt. Taylor.

"Shit" he cursed to himself "how'd she get here so fast." He saw there was fire in Lt. Cruz's eyes and kept quiet. Lt. Cruz turned to Kaius and his group, "congratulations on completing two Academy Wonders, we expect great things from you three, be safe and take care of each other." The boys realized that she meant for them to leave and they quickly continued on their way. When the trio were out of sight she turned to Lt. Taylor.

"This is the second time you have tried to meddle in my mentees affairs, there will not be a third" she said. Lt. Taylor was nervous but he was more scared of failing his mission and the consequences that came with it. "Ma'am this dorm and all it's members are my responsibility, I was simply-" but before he could finish Lt. Cruz stepped closer to him.

"Do not try and cite rules and responsibilities to me" she said. "And now that you mention it, it's been a while since we've trained so follow me to the Fire Elementalist training ground let's brush up on those skills you seem so proud of" she said as she walked passed Lt. Taylor and headed towards the training grounds. Lt. Taylor gulped and slowly followed her, he knew she was furious and he would regret this whole affair.