42- This Our Camp Now

The trio continued roaming through the woods, it'd been at least an hour but they hadn't found any suitable areas to set up camp. "What's that over there" Skye said pointing to what looked like a cave further ahead.

"I don't know but let's check it out" Kaius said leading the way. The boys came to a small clearing and tucked in the corner was a huge opening that led into a cave. The cave looked pretty deep, and by circling around it the boys could see that it was set underneath of a hill.

"This place is perfect" Zane said looking around, "we can set up a small rock barrier around it and even make a door out of stone so nothing will sneak up on us while we sleep." Zane picked up a rock and threw into the cave. The cave must have been deeper than they thought because the boys didn't hear the rock hit the ground. "Maybe I threw it too far, Kaius why don't you throw in a fireball to light up the area inside."

"I don't know if that's such a good idea" Skye said "I'm thinking we should just seal up the cave and camp in this outside area, we can set up the tents and will still have the cave at our backs, if somethings living in there it will just be locked up until we leave."

Kaius was debating but he didn't have long to think as a loud roar was heard from the cave. The three boys looked at each other in shock "Spread out and be prepared for whatever comes out" Kaius yelled.

The boys backed up and created a triangle formation, Kaius and Skye were a few meters away from the cave on either side of the entrance as Zane was further back in the middle of them, from there he could still see inside the cave but could also see and assist Kaius and Skye as needed.

A Big black bear came out of the cave, but the bear looked a little different than a normal bear. As it exited the cave completely it stood on it's two back legs and roared at the trio. When the bear stood up the boys could see it's full size, it was huge and had another set of arms sticking out the middle of it's body, in total the bear had six arms.

The boys were nervous but stood their ground. "Don your hoods" Kaius yelled as the boys had taken them down when they were talking about how to set up camp.

In the bears eyes the boys had disappeared, but then it began sniffing the air and looked in Kaius's direction and roared. They could fool the bears eyes but clearly he was able to sniff them out. Zane wasted no time and knocked an Elemental Bolt and fired at the bears eyes.


One of his arrows hit the bear right in it's eye angering it. The bear roared louder and smashed the ground in front of him with his four front paws, dust and rocks were kicked up everywhere. There was more noise from inside the cave and three more bears came running out. The other three bears roared and the one with the bolt in his eye ran towards Kaius.

"Skye, distract the other bears, Zane slow them down as much as you can i'll handle this one" Kaius yelled. Skye immediately created earth spikes and started tossing them at the bears, he also created a small earth wall around the bears hoping to slow them down. Zane fired normal Time arrows at the bears slowing each of them down, as they became imbued with his time element their speed drastically decreased. Kaius was easily able to dodge the bear running at him by rolling to the side, as the bear passed him it stopped and sniffed the air again, but Kaius didn't let up. Before the bear could catch his scent he activated his Aura Blade by infusing it with lightning


the blade glowed bright yellow as lightning bounced along it.

Kaius rushed the bear and slashed at it's side ROAAAR. The bear roared and swung his two right paws around to where he had been slashed from. Kaius had already moved and Sliced at the bears back.


The bear roared again and this time the three other bears looked over to their bear companion and saw the floating blade in the air.

"Kaius I think they can see the blade" Skye yelled out as the three bears began to run towards Kaius. Kaius rolled away from the injured bear and backed up to where he could get a better view of all four bears. Zane manifested another Time arrow and fired it, but this time he hit Kaius. Kaius felt a small jolt and the time Elements in him felt stronger, it was like a small fire had been lit inside of him and he felt great. The bears movements looked even slower now.

This was one of Zane's support skills, just like how he was able to shoot arrows and slow down the bears, he was able to shoot arrows and speed up the reaction and movements of his companions.

Kaius liked this feeling and pulled more time elements towards him drastically speeding his actions. Kaius made an upward motion with his freehand and a pillar of fire engulfed one of the bears running towards him, he then ran forward changing the element in his blade to fire as he sliced at the neck of the bear he'd first been fighting.


the bears head was cut clean off and floated through the air before landing in front of one of the other bears who stopped scared at the sight of the bear head. Zane and Skye took advantage of the bears hesitation and went to town.

Skye created four rock spears and skewered the bear as Zane knocked an Elemental Bolt and hit it in the eye. The bear was on it's last leg as it stood up and roared. Kaius took that opportunity and threw the blade Carina had given him right into the bears mouth.


The blade entered through the bears mouth and stuck out the back of it's head. The fourth bear had finally reached Kaius and swung his four enormous paws down, but suddenly a bolt hit him in the eye and the bear roared in pain. Two stone boulders then hit the bear, one in the head and the other in the side. The bear swung its head around trying to find where the attacks came from but as Skye was still cloaked he focused his attention on Zane's bow floating in the air. Kaius used his blade imbuing more fire elements into and swung it horizontally cutting the bears hind legs clean off.

The bear fell to the ground and Kaius stuck his sword through its head killing it. He turned towards the bear that was burning in the fire pillar and dispersed the elements which uncovered a huge charred hunk of bear on the ground.

The boys removed their hoods and sat on the floor breathing heavily. "We did it" Zane said laughing. Kaius and Skye started laughing as well. "We make such a good team, now let's claim our new base" Zane said as the trio got up and started walking towards the cave entrance.


An insanely loud roar shook the area and birds flew out of the nearby trees chirping crazily. The boys all donned their hoods and jumped back even further from the cave and assumed their triangle formation once again. Loud steps could be heard throughout the cave and the ground shook. Soon after a bear twice the size of the other bears came out the cave and stood on it's hind legs. The bear was massive and had four arms just like the others, but this bears fur and eyes were red. The bear looked right at the trio one by one, he could clearly see through their cloaks. It then looked at the bodies of the dead bears in the area.


The bear was clearly angered and released a massive roar that shook the area once again. Then it grabbed a huge chunk of ground and threw it towards Zane with incredible speed, right after a fire ball formed in it's hand and the bear flung it at Skye.