43- Momma Bear

None of the boys expected the bear to have this kind of strength nor the ability to wield fire. Zane focused his time element to slow down the giant piece of ground coming towards him and at the same time sped himself up as he attempted to dodge the incoming rock. The piece of ground was heavy and was coming fast, Zane just narrowly dodged but expended a lot of energy in doing so.

Skye immediately jumped back and continuously put up stone walls in front of him. The fireball continued forward and blasted through two of the walls Skye had put up. Kaius put up a few stone walls around Zane in order to provide him some cover then threw a massive ball of water at the fire ball hoping to slow it down.

The ball of water hit the fireball and it instantly fizzled out. Kaius didn't expect this result and his thoughts fell back to the blue ring around Chaos's tail.

As Kaius was helping Skye and Zane the bear wasted no time and rushed at him. The bear was fast but Kaius was faster, he blasted the bear with a torrent of wind in order to create some distance between them. The bear staggered back a step but continued it's rush. Kaius continued using wind to augment his speed on top of his time buff. He waved his hand and encased the bears hind legs in a block of ice but it quickly melted away and the bear continued its course. Kaius used teleport and appeared behind the bear. Ready to strike as he imbued his Aura Blade with lightning.

The bear was fast and it's reflexes were good, it sensed Kaius behind him and swung it's two right arms around to where Kaius had appeared. Kaius raised his sword and attempted to block but there bear was too strong and Kaius was knocked into a nearby tree.

Kaius got up from the floor and leaned against the tree, blood was trickling down the side of his lip and he saw the bear still coming at him. He immediately teleported as far away as he could but was sure to not get close to Skye and Zane as he feared the bear would target them.

The bear turned around and threw a massive fire ball at Kaius. Kaius waved both his hands and launched two ice spears at the fire ball. The first ice spear destroyed the fireball and the second continued traveling towards the bear who was standing on its hind legs and used all four of his upper paws to smash the ice spear. Kaius raised his hands above his head then pulled them down hard as a giant lightning bolt came from the sky and struck the bear.


The bear roared in pain but Kaius continued blasting it with lightning bolts. Zane was finally up and knocked a bolt infused with time elements and shot it at the bear aiming for it eyes. Skye had also recovered and made the ground under the Bear soft like quicksand. Zane's bolt hit the right eye of the bear and stuck in it, the bear roared again but then suddenly fell into the ground.

Kaius continued blasting the bear with lightning bolts as Skye and Zane sent barrages of rock spears and arrows at it. The bears speed drastically decreased under Zane's barrage of arrows, allowing more of Skye's earth spikes to hit its mark. Skye moved both his hands over his head as a giant boulder appeared over the bear, bringing his hands down hard the boulder smashed into the bears head sending rock debris everywhere.

When the dust cleared the bear was seen still stuck in the quicksand with its head laying on the ground. The bear was breathing it was clearly not dead, but this gave the trio time to breathe... or so they thought.

Kaius suddenly sensed an influx of fire elements being pulled towards the bear as flames began to coalesce over it's body. A pillar of fire erupted from it's position and the bear propelled itself up out of the ground and into the air. As it landed back on the ground the boys could see it looked different. Besides its whole body being on fire there was now a massive horn on it's head.

Kaius spun his hand in a circle over his head and a rain cloud appeared over the area. A downpour of rain started as Skye and Zane continued to barrage the bear.

The bear's flames were dying down and it ran towards Kaius with its horn out hoping to skew him. Kaius teleported out of the way as Skye put up stone barriers to block him from the bears site. Skye continued putting up stone barriers all around the bear as Zane continued his barrage of arrows. Zane hit Kaius and Skye with a time arrow again buffing their speed, then knocked another bolt and aimed for the bears other eye.

The bear moved it's head and knocked the bolt away with it's horn. Kaius imbued his sword with wind and began slicing the air sending sharp arcs of wind towards the bear. The bear was being barraged from all sides but was still standing strong. Kaius continued his barrage as he teleported around the bear looking for an opening.

Skye created a diagonal pillar behind the bear and bashed it in it's back leg. The bear stumbled to the floor and at the same time Skye sent another pillar of earth and bashed the bear in the head, as the bear was momentarily dazed Kaius made his move.

He teleported by the bears head as it was still falling and imbued his sword with all the water elements he could. The blade was made out of a special material that solidified and created a sharp edge when imbued with an element. Besides it's elemental affinity it was also an extremely sharp blade.

The blade Shone a deep blue color as Kaius used two hands to stab the blade through the bears remaining eye.


The blade sunk deep into the bears eye through its head, only the hilt could be seen sticking out. The flames on the bear slowly faded out as the bear lay on the ground.

The trio didn't move for a few minutes as they observed the bear waiting for it to get back up. Kaius pulled out his sword and the boys noticed there was no movement from the bear. "WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT!!" Skye yelled. Kaius and Zane looked towards him and saw Skye with his hands on his head, "We've barely been here a few hours and already almost died, why the hell did we come here" he yelled. Zane was quiet and looked to Kaius they didn't know what to say, they'd won the battle but it was definitely a tough one. Without their teamwork they would have been dead for sure.

"Let's take a rest and then clean this place up before exploring the cave, I can't imagine there is anything stronger than mama bear in there" Kaius said. Skye created a thick wall of rock around the clearing, as Kaius made a campfire. Zane dragged over the carcass of the bear that had been roasted "at least we can eat real meat tonight" he said with a smile. Kaius just laughed as Skye threw a small rock at Zane. The bear was already somewhat charred and all the hair was burned off of it. Kaius walked around and stored each of the bear carcasses into the special Bangle they had received from the Wilds attendant but not before retrieving his knife and Zane's bolts.

The special bangle was huge as all the carcasses fit into it with no issues, it was even able to keep the bodies fresh. The trio sat around the campfire and enjoyed their roasted bear meat. "After that battle I agree with Skye, lets seal up the cave for now then explore it in the morning, with the walls up we have good cover and can take turns being on watch" Kaius said. "Ok i'll go first" Zane said.

The boys didn't bother setting up their tents and just laid their sleeping bags next to the fire, they were tired but couldn't sleep. They talked nonstop about the bear and how it was able to wield fire. They'd never heard of such a thing as creatures wielding the elements but it made sense. Elementals were symbiotic and if humans could unite with one why couldn't other creatures.

The boys didn't get any sleep and as the sun rose they each drank a Replenishment vial which made them feel rested and energized. Packing up his sleeping bag Kaius turned to the cave "now let's see what else is down there" he said.