46- Elementals Appear

"Ugh you get on my nerves sometimes you know that" Kaius said. Chaos laughed "we're one, two halves a whole my power is your power and if you aren't able to wield it then your destined to be destroyed because of it. I'd rather our journey end here because we're weak then to see you be hurt later, I can't watch them take another of us... not again..."

Chaos's voice drifted off as Kaius continued to sink deeper into the river. This was the second time Chaos briefly mentioned his past, it made Kaius think about what he could have went through before coming to Earth. Kaius also wondered how well Skye and Zane were fairing, he needed to help his friends and he couldn't leave Carina alone either.

Kaius's eyes shot open and his black aura manifested around his body, the cold dissipated and Kaius now felt warm. He pulled in the elements and his body felt full of energy. A bright blue aura manifested around his black aura and a blue wave shot out propelling him up out of the water.


Kaius rose out of the water and hovered above it, the snow white Gryphon that had knocked him into the water was still hovering in mid air and the two locked eyes. "Very good" Chaos's voice rang out in Kaius's head "now take a break and watch how to properly wield the elements" he said.

A black flame came out of Kaius and floated in front of him, the flame began to change and morphed into a young man about the same height as Kaius. The young boy had extremely long hair that came down to the back of his legs, his hair was rainbow colored and shimmered as it it blew in the wind.

At the same time a brown flame came out of Skye and hovered in front of him, the flame began to transform and formed into a shirtless and barefoot male with really short brown hair. Brock appeared and landed hard on the ground.


As he landed the whole cavern shook and a few rocks fell to the ground. Brock looked up at Chaos who had been floating in the air and the two nodded at one another.

Zane was still laying on the floor and finally managed to crawl over to the wall and lean against it, "time to show our skills" he said. A green flame came out of Zane and hovered in front of him, the flame slowly transformed into a short skinny kid with green slick back hair, he had green paint on his face and down his arms. Speedy turned back to Zane and winked "I got this" he said, then flew into the cavern.

The three Elementals looked towards each other and nodded in silent agreement as Chaos smiled. The Bright yellow Gryphon flying in the air squawked as three more white gryphons flew into the hole and hovered next to the other three.

As the Elementals looked around they counted 6 snow white Gryphons and 12 brown ones. Chaos pointed his fingers and a blast of lightning shot out and blasted all the Gryphons, the snow white Gryphons were able to maintain their balance in the air but the brown ones had scorch marks all over them and fell to the ground.

Before they could hit the ground Speedy waved his hand and they froze in place. A ball of green elemental energy began to accumulate in his hand and slowly took the shape of a sword. The sword sparkled with green energy and speedy disappeared from his spot and appeared next to the brown Gryphons frozen in the air, one by one he sliced them in two.

Two snow white Gryphons looked towards Kaius and started to fly towards him, but before they could even move Brock had shot through the air like a cannon and grabbed both of the snow white Gryphons by the head slamming them into the ground. Two snow white Gryphons dived towards Brock when a ball of brown elemental energy appeared in front of him, the energy spun fast and slowly shrunk into the shape of a long spear.

Brock threw the spear and it zoomed through the air like a torpedo hitting a Gryphon square in the face and skewering it to the cave wall. The other Gryphon had now reached Brock and used it's beak to bite towards his head, Brock raised his arm and the Gryphon bit down hard cracking it's beak on Brocks arm. Brock stared at the Gryphon then grabbed it by the head before smashing it into the ground. The Gryphon looked like a stake sticking straight out of the ground for a second before it's body slumped over with it's neck twisted in a weird direction.

The last two snow white Gryphons attempted to fly away but were struck by Chaos's lightning once again. They spasmed in the air and Speedy appeared next to them slicing their heads off.


The giant bright yellow Gryphon dived down into the cave and smashed the stone stair case. Lightning Crackled along it's body as it landed in front of Brock and grabbed him with one of it's claws. The Gryphon tossed Brock away and he smashed into the wall creating an indent in it.

Speedy appeared on the side of the Gryphon and slashed his sword at it, but the Gryphon swung it's long tail smacking him into the wall next to Brock. The Gryphon then turned around and looked towards Chaos who was still floating in the air. The two locked eyes and Chaos smiled.

The Gryphon squawked and like lightning flew towards him, Chaos didn't even move he waved his had and a blast of wind knocked the Gryphon out of the air smashing it into the ground. Rock debris flew all over the place and the boys raised their hands to shield themselves from it. Chaos waved his hand again and the lightning crackling along the Gryphons body disappeared.

Like the bear who controlled fire, this Gryphon was able to control lightning, but Chaos dispersed those elements making the Gryphon unable to wield it.

Gryphons were smart creatures and it realized what Chaos had done, the Gryphons eyes went wide and it darted into the air towards the hole in an effort to escape. Chaos shook his head "you think you can get away after picking a fight with us" he said, "you'll be our new mount."

Before the Gryphon could reach the hole in the ceiling Chaos made a downward motion and a wind blast knocked the Gryphon back to the ground. Immediately after Chaos teleported in front of the Gryphon and grabbed its beak with both hands, flipping it upside down he slammed it continuously into the ground then threw it into the wall.


the Gryphon smashed into the wall and slid to the ground. Chaos slowly walked over to it, and the Gryphon cowered in fear. Chaos stopped in front of the Gryphon and put his hand on it's head, "I know you can understand me right" he said. The Gryphon hurriedly nodded it's head in agreement, "those guys are your new masters" Chaos said pointing towards the trio who had grouped up near the entrance.

Chaos smiled "good, don't make me change my mind about keeping you alive," the Gryphon sat up like an obedient dog then bowed it's head towards the trio.

Chaos walked over to the trio as Speedy and Brock appeared by his side. Skye was helping Zane stand as he was still dizzy when the two groups came together.

Chaos looked at the group scanning each of them, "you guys have become strong but the only way to become stronger is through hard work, and pain" he said smiling. "Do not summon your Elementals back, you guys wanted to come here to train and so train we will, I know it's taxing on your bodies to manifest your Elementals in this form but deal with it. Now the real Elementalist training begins."