47- Strange feeling

Carina shot up from bed panting and sweating heavily. She grabbed her chest as she felt a sharp pain in her heart. Kaius immediately came to mind and she couldn't shake the feeling he was in trouble. It had only been one day since he left but she never had this feeling before and her uncle always taught her to trust her gut.

She lifted her arm and tried to contact her brother.

{The person you are trying to contact is outside the coverage are}

Regardless of the message displayed on her datapad she continued trying with no success.

Giving up and now even more worried, she tried the next best option, uncle Pat.

Pat immediately answered, "hello niece how are you, do you miss your uncle" he said as the line connected.

"Uncle Pat something is wrong with Kaius, I have a really bad feeling" she blurted out. "Ok calm down" he said realizing that this was a serious call, "why do you think something happened to Kaius what's wrong" he asked.

Pat obviously knew that Kaius and his roommates had entered the wilds, but he wasn't very concerned knowing how much of a monster his nephew was. He believed that unless Kaius and his team happened to stumble into the Elemental beast cave they should be able to handle anything on the island.

Carina took a second to think on how she could explain the weird feeling in her heart. "I got this weird feeling and a pain in my chest uncle. I really think he's in danger or hurt" She said in a sad voice.

"I think they are fine, that is a training island, and although Kaius and his team are young I don't think the island will be too dangerous for them. But I will still have someone look into it" he answered trying to comfort his niece.

"I want to help" she blurted out

"Nope, no absolutely not, I won't let you go to the island he said sternly.

"Why not" Carina whined, "you just said it wasn't that dangerous, i'm not much younger than Kaius and you know I can fight."

"Damn it" Pat mumbled to himself, he did say the island would not pose much of a threat to Kaius in order to put Carina at ease, but he knew it could be dangerous, especially that damn Elemental beast cave.

"Im sorry but I won't let you go" he said using all his strength to tell his favorite and only niece no. If anyone could see Pat they would see his body shaking and sweat pouring down his face. He would rather fight an army of Elementalists blind and unarmed than tell Carina no.

"Then I will never talk to you again" Carina yelled back, "but niece please understand" Pat responded practically in tears, "and from now on Uncle Jason is my favorite uncle" she added. Before disconnecting the line.

That was it Pat couldn't take it and instead of a click with the line being disconnected he heard glass cracking as his heart shattered into a million pieces. "Noooooo" he yelled to the sky in full blown tears "i'll fix it i'll fix it" he stammered frantically trying to call Carina back.

Carina didn't want to use her trump card like this and really did feel bad about it, but she had to make sure Kaius was ok herself. Part of her felt like he was all she had left. Not even a second later her datapad rang as uncle Pat called her back. She answered after two rings and immediately heard Pats voice.

"Haha I was just kidding niece of course I can have one of my special friends pick you up and take you to check on Kaius. I will give her your info and she will contact you shortly" he said doing his best to sound as if he wasn't having a complete breakdown.

"Oh thank you soooo much uncle you are truly my favorite and bestest uncle, how did I ever get so lucky, I love you so much."

Pat glowed and nearly floated in the air like he was ascending to heaven hearing those words from his niece, "haha of course niece you know your favorite uncle will always be there for you, I will contact my friend now I love you too niece and will talk to you later" Pat said as he disconnected the line. He was on cloud nine and nothing could bring him down but as he tapped his datapad his fingers froze over a name. His body was forcibly telling him not to press the button.

Pats finger continued to hover over the name as his heart fought with the rest of his body, he felt if he pressed the name his life would be in danger. But thinking back to his nieces words of being the bestest uncle he felt as if he would die a happy man and his heart won forcing his body to click the name.

Ring, ring, ring

"Pat you scoundrel how are you" Marissa happily said as she picked up the line.

As soon as Pat heard her voice and thought about what he would ask he began to kick himself, he was too young and handsome to die now. Immediately he pulled out every compliment he possibly could in effort to sweet talk her.

"Hello my most beautiful colleague, I was just thinking of how strong and intelligent you were, your elemental abilities being such top tier you are truly a cut above all others, I am so blessed to have you as one of my MOST CLOSEST and DEAREST friends I-" right after Marissa heard Pat start to spout his nonsense, her whole demeanor changed and the smile she originally possessed was gone.

"Spit it out" she interrupted him, "I know you want me to do something you know I will object to so tell me what it is so I can say no and get back to what I was doing."

Sweat started to drip from Pats forehead as he began to explain. "Well you see my nephew went to the wilds, and although I am not worried about him, my niece had a bad feeling and wanted me to check up on him. That's normally no problem but she said I have t- I mean I think it would be wise to take her along to check on him so she can see for herself putting her mind at ease."


Pat looked down at his wrist confirming that the call had been disconnected. Before he was able to press the button to call back his office door was kicked open and Marissa was standing there with a green aura around her.

Pat was stuck in place and didn't dare breath as Marissa walked over to his desk and leaned over on it, her hair slowly flapping in the wind like a movie playing in slow motion. "Tell me your request again" she said leaning closer to Pat as her eyes began to turn green.

"Ugh I I was hoping you would" pat gulped and pulled on his loose collar as if it was choking him then once again explained his request.

Marissa stood up from the desk and just stared at Pat for what seemed like an eternity to him but she might have been slowing down time just to make it seem that way.

"Ok," she said smiling.

"Ok" Pat repeated shocked that she would easily agree to it he wiped the sweat off his forehead and smiled. "Thank you very much I will definitely owe you for this" he said.

Marissa grinned widely and responded "oh yes my dearest friend, you will owe me big and you will soon regret, I mean pay for such a request." Still smiling Marissa turned to leave, "if she does not pass my trial I will not take her regardless of what you want but you will still owe me, send me her info and i'll start right away" she said as she left Pats office closing the door behind her.

Pat shivered once Marissa left the room, "that woman is so scary but I think it will all work out and I've just helped Carina gain a new mentor" Pat said to himself smiling.