48 - Meeting


A message came through on Carina's datapad, Meet me here is all it said, soon after another message came through with directions to somewhere.

Carina did not recognize the sender but knew it was uncle Pats friend, from what she gathered the area Kaius went to was probably off limits for most people, especially a junior defense student with no elemental like her.

Carina got dressed and headed to the location. "Hey where you going" Tamara asked as Carina was on her way out. " Oh going to check on my brother" she responded, "oh can I come along, I was hoping to go to the market, maybe your brother can tag along" she asked. "Sorry i'm actually meeting someone" she responded as she continued to to leave. "Please" begged Tamara "it's so boring I have nothing to do, come on i'm sure your friend won't mind" she said. "Sorry maybe next time" Carina answered in a hurry as she closed the door and left. "Damn it" Tamara grumbled to herself.

At that moment her datapad beeped and she looked at it seeing a message from Lt. Taylor.

{the brat is off island stick to the sister and try to get as much info about him as you can, my bosses are getting annoyed with our progress on the mission}

"If he's off island then how is she checking on him, she can't be possibly leaving the island too." Tamara thought to herself as she responded to the message.

{Carina just left in a hurry saying she was going to check on her brother and that she was meeting someone}

{Lt. Taylor - Why didn't you go with her}

{Tamara - I tried to but she kept saying no and then just left, what was I supposed to do without blowing my cover?}

{Lt. Taylor - Idiot!! Do I have to do everything myself you could have made believe you liked her brother or something, you already wasted valuable time just following them around when you went to the market instead of trying to get to know him, it's not unheard of for a young girl to be interested in an older boy. Use your head!!}

{Tamara - I'm sorry I will do better in the future}

(Lt. Taylor - You better!! Or else there will not be a future for you, now follow the sister and find out where she's going and who she's meeting with, but don't get caught someone who is able to check on the brat in his current location is obviously someone of high rank.}

{Tamara - Yes sir, I'm on it}

Tamara was upset by the scolding but more fearful for what she could lose by not following orders. Her family was poor and only through there connections withLt. Taylor was she even able to enter the academy, and that was only on the condition that she spied on Kaius by getting close to his sister.

Everything her and her family had was because of Lt. Taylor's family and backers, she was afraid they would lose it all and it would be her fault. She could not let that happen she thought to herself as she went to her room and pulled out a camouflage cloak from a hidden compartment in one of her drawers donning it before leaving the dorms. She was in a hurry as she feared she may have lost Carinas trail.

She looked left and right as she left the dorms, but all she could see was other students walking around, Carina was nowhere to be found. "Shit" she said to herself, running to a dimly lit area besides the dorms close to where they threw out their trash. A white wisp flew out of her and turned into a dove, "fly up and see if you can find her, we will be in big trouble if we lose her trail she said to the dove."

The white dove nodded and flew up high looking all around hoping he could spot Carina with his birds eye view. He was in luck and spotted her a good distance away. The white dove stayed in the air speaking telepathically to Tamara through their bond giving her Carinas location.

Tamara ran towards where her Elemental spotted Carina dodging people while being sure to keep the hood of her invisibility cloak down so no one could see her.

Carina walked for quite a while past a lot of buildings to a smaller one with no numbers or markings on it. The building looked closed and when Carina went up to try and enter she found that the doors were locked suddenly her datapad beeped and she received a message.

{Find a way in}

{You want me to break into this building? We're on a military island, what if someone sees me} Carina responded.

{Unknown sender - If you can't find a way in without being caught then there's no way you can help your brother if he really is in trouble.}

Carina bit her lip and felt the person was right, this should be an easy task as she couldn't even imagine what types of beasts her brother was battling or what kind of danger he was in.

Carina walked around the building carefully observing all the windows and entrances, there had to be a way in, there weren't many people in this area of campus so she wasn't too concerned about someone seeing her. On the side of the building she spotted a ventilation duct that looked big enough for her to crawl through. The cover on it looked a little old and she believed she could pry it open and climb in.

A bit away from the building was Tamara kneeling next to a tree behind a bench watching Carina walk around the building, "what is she doing" she thought to herself, "this old building isn't used and it seems locked, could she be meeting someone here, I need to stay alert in case someone else comes. "Keep an eye on the area around me as well, for anyone looking like they are coming to meet her" she said through the bond with her Elemental.

The elemental acknowledged and flew to a spot where he could watch the building and still see Tamara.

On the side of the building Carina was still looking around for a better option than the vent but found none. She went up to it and quickly pulled out her dagger slicing the heads off of the two bolts that held the vent shut. Looking around to make sure no one would see her, she opened the vent and climbed in making sure to pull the vent close behind her, unless someone walked up to the vent no one would know it was opened previously.

Carina crawled through the vent and made her way to what looked like an office climbing out of the vent she tapped her datapad and sent a message.

{I'm in}

A few seconds later and the door to the office was pushed open and Marissa walked in. The two stared at each other for a second before Marissa spoke, "you did well finding a way in, but you failed to notice the Elemental and girl following you."

"What!!!" Carina said "are you serious why would anyone want to-" she caught herself as she realized who it most likely was, "that bitch" she thought, "I knew something was up with her but I didn't know she was an Elementalist, why is she following me, i'll have to look more into her later but now I need to get to Kaius."

"I'm sorry, I slipped up but it won't happen again, how can I fix this" Carina asked staring straight into Marissa's eyes. Marissa smiled "I like this girl" she thought to herself.

Staring at Carina "We will get rid of them" Marissa answered with a smile.