49 - Killing an Elemental

"Follow me" Marissa said as she turned and left the room. Carina quietly followed Marissa as they moved to what looked like a security room, there was a desk with a lot of monitors showing different areas of the building.

"Look really close at the monitor here" Marissa said pointing to one of the screens which displayed a bench with a tree behind it. The cameras were of high quality and the picture was as clear as looking out the window. Carina studied the screen but could not spot anything, "I don't see anything" she said looking back to Marissa.

Marissa moved to the console and grabbed a joystick which she used to zoom onto the bench, "look at how the grass sways in the wind," she said. Carina looked back at the screen and noticed the grass swaying as Marissa said, but looking closely she noticed a spot where the grass did not sway, "what's wrong with this small area here where the grass is unaffected by the wind" she asked while pointing to the screen.

"That is where your tail is hiding wearing a camo cloak, look" Marissa answered as she hit a button turning on the thermal camera and exposing a figure kneeling behind the bench next to the tree. "Your follower has some skill as it was a good move to hide next to the tree behind the bench, the camo cloak works by mimicking the surrounding area the more things around the more difficult it will be for someone to spot them, especially when they are standing still."

Turning off the thermal camera Marissa pointed to another camera which showed the sky and white dove flying around, "this is not a dove but actually an elemental. It looks like your follower lost you and then sent the dove to find you and keep an eye until they caught up, I bet the two are communicating telepathically through their bond."

"How do you know it's an elemental and not a regular dove" Carina asked. Marissa sat down on the keyboard and started typing away, one of the screens changed and showed an image of Carina leaving her dorm and walking towards the meeting location, a few minutes later, the door to the dorms opened again but no one came out, Marissa then changed the camera showing an area by the dorms dumpsters and a wisp appearing and turning into a dove before flying into the air.

"Ok but how do you know it's the same dove" Carina asked, Marissa looked over at her and narrowed her eyes in annoyance. "Don't ask stupid questions, when have you ever seen a dove on this island, they are not even native to this area, and if that isn't enough I followed it and you as you just strolled over here without a care in the world, had you been faster they might have never caught up to you. for someone who's worried about their brother you had no sense of urgency to make it to this meeting."

Marissa was right, although Carina was nervous for Kaius, for some reason the feeling started to go away and she didn't feel that sense of urgency or fear she had when she first woke up. But it was still no excuse she knew she should have been more careful and moved with a sense of purpose. Marissa tapped the keys and the video continued to play switching back and forth to different views showing Carina and the same dove following her from high up.

Carina blamed herself but she was more pissed off at the person who followed her which she was almost certain was Tamara. "tell me what to do she said with a serious face."

Marissa nodded seeing Carina's serious expression, "I told your uncle that regardless of how much he cried I would not take you if you did not pass my test, this was not the test I had in mind so before you can complete my test you will have to deal with this situation adding another factor to stopping you from checking on your brother." Carina opened her mouth to say something but before she could Marissa interrupted her, "and your cute loving niece tricks won't work on me so don't even bother, I can assure you that you will not set one foot off this island if I am not satisfied with your ability, I won't take you with me if you will only be a hindrance. I don't believe this trip is necessary in the first place, I've witnessed your brothers strength and I am sure he is fine."

"The only real danger on that island is the elemental beast cave and I doubt he would be foolish enough to enter a giant cave that leads underground. The receptionist would have told them about the dangers there as well" Marissa said sternly, "although she is a bit forgetful" she thought to herself while picturing the young receptionist lounging behind the desk.

Carina bit her lip, most people let her have her way but it didn't seem like this woman would give in to her bullshit. "fine, i'll show her i'm just as talented as my brother" she thought to herself. Steeling herself she looked at Marissa with a serious face "I will do whatever I have to." "Now that's what I like to hear" Marissa said smiling "but we'll see if you have what it takes, kill the dove from afar without being seen, do not alert the follower, she will leave once her elemental is killed as she will be weak and in a lot of pain; if your lucky she may pass out from the blow and you would have gained yourself a nice cloak."

Carina nodded and turned back to the computer screen, she tapped at the keys changing the cameras to get a good view of the surrounding area and the doves movements. Marissa watched and was very impressed with how Carina quickly got to work and easily worked the camera system. She really shouldn't be letting Carina mess with the cameras but she liked what she was seeing and was quite fond of the girl, "I wonder if she can do it" she thought to herself.

"What is she doing she hasn't come back from the side of the building yet, I thought you said there was no entrance on that side, can you see her" Tamara asked her elemental. The Elemental assured her that there was no entrance on that side and last he saw her she was just looking around. "maybe the person she was waiting for showed up, go to the side of the building and tell me what you see" Tamara said through their bond.