50 - Where are we

The dove flew to the side of the building but could not find Carina anywhere, Tamara was pissed as her Elemental passed her the information, there has to be an entrance or something over there look around I am on my way" she said getting up from her spot as she began to walk towards the building.

The dove swooped to the side of the building and landed on an old garbage can with no lid, he looked all around the alley but there was nothing there except a vent, underneath the vent were two small shiny objects as the dove opened its wings to fly closer to the object he saw a shiny streak out the corner of his eye but by the time he looked towards it something pierced his head and the elemental dropped into the garbage can it was sitting on. two objects were heard dropping into the empty steel garbage can making a clang clang sound.

Carina was standing on the roof in a spot where she could not be seen from anyone and watched as white smoke rose from the garbage can and slowly faded away.

"ugghh" Tamara groaned suddenly then spit up a pile of blood and fell to her knees "what the fuc-" she tried to say before she collapsed on the ground and fell unconscious.

Inside the security room Marissa was standing with a smile on her face as she observed the whole thing. While Carina was in the security room she took note of the distance between where her follower hid and the spot on the roof where she could see the alley, she focused on the dove and once it flew close to the alley she darted to the roof and got in position. She watched the dove for a few seconds until she noticed it open it's wings getting ready to fly away then threw her throwing knife hitting it square in the head, instantly killing it.

Carina returned to the security room informing Marissa that the job was done, "the Elemental is dead, and my follower did not see me" she said. "You did well" Marissa said as she turned around to face Carina, walking over to her she put her arm on her shoulder "let us collect your loot and head to the location of your real test.

Marissa left the building with Carina following behind, they first headed to the side of the building where the Elemental was killed. Carina went over to the garbage can and dumped it's contents as her blade and a big white stone fell out, the stone was bright white and looked to be glowing. "What's this" Carina asked picking up her knife and the glowing white stone.

"That is an Elemental heart" Marissa answered, "when an Elemental dies that is what is left behind, the heart can be used for many things but we will talk about that more later. Marissa turned away and headed towards the blood on the ground where Tamara laid, still unable to be seen due to the cloak she was wearing.

Marissa felt around and finally found Tamara's head, pulling the hood off the girl was now revealed and Carina narrowed her eyes in anger, her suspicions were correct.

Marissa pulled the cloak off of Tamara and picked her up, she walked over to the bench where Tamara originally hid and laid her on it. "She will wake up soon lets go" she said as she threw the cloak towards Carina and began walking towards a different area of the island. Carina caught the cloak and hurriedly followed behind her.

The two entered the market area and continued to walk. After walking for a bit Carina noticed that the area they were now in was way less populated then other areas. Marissa continued to walk and then entered a dark alley which turned out to be a courtyard with a fountain in the middle and a few benches off to the side. There were a few flower beds and inside the fountain beautiful Koi fish swam around.

It was a cozy little courtyard but the shadows of the neighboring buildings made the area seem gloomy, behind the fountain was a wall with a beautiful starry sky and an earth painting on it.

Marissa walked up to the painting and tapped her datapad a few times before swiping up on it. An exact colored replica of the painting shone from the datapad overlapping the colorless painting showing how beautiful it was.

After a few seconds all the gems lit up and rumbling was heard from the fountain.

Carina turned around and saw the fountain moving out of the way revealing a stairway. Marissa walked down the stairs with Carina following as the fountain returned to its normal position covering up the stairs.

Marissa and Carina continued walking down the dark stairway and opened a door at the bottom.

When the door opened Carina could see that the two entered into a big area with tables set and a bar in the corner.

Marissa closed the door behind them and then walked over to the bar, "I need the training area" she said to the man behind the bar who wore an eyepatch and had a purple parrot sitting on his shoulder.

The man nodded his head and tapped a button under the bar as an opening on one of the walls was revealed.

"Thank you, and if that scoundrel comes by tell him I don't want to see him and that he better not come to the training area unless he's prepared to train." Marissa said as she winked to the man behind the counter.

The bartender shivered and the parrot jumped off his shoulder and flew away squawking "no training, no training" it squawked as it landed on the other end of the room.

Carina had no idea what was going on, but was now even more curious about who Marissa was and just how strong she could be.

"Oh don't be like that" Marissa laughed as she walked towards the open corridor in the wall. "Good luck girl" the man whispered as Carina hurriedly followed behind Marissa.

The two walked through the Corridor which contained many different rooms, a few of them had people inside talking and laughing.

Carina followed Marissa and after a few turns the two arrived in a big open area the size of football field. There were all types of machines and weapons off to the side, there was even stands where it seemed like people could sit and watch whatever was going on.

"Where are we" Carina asked, "we are in the black market and this is the training area, now no more questions the real test is about to begin."