51 - Real Test

"Don't make such a serious face" Marissa said smiling, "the test is simple, all you have to do is hit me once."

"That's it" Carina asked. She didn't really believe it would be that difficult, she always managed to get atleast one hit when she would spar with her uncle Jason and there was no way this woman was as strong as him.

"Yup thats it" Marissa said as she walked over to a screen on a side wall and pushed a few buttons. "Choose a weapon" she said pointing to Carina as she walked to the other side of the training area and stood there.

Carina looked to where Marissa pointed and shook her head "i'm good, lets start already we need to hurry up and check on my brother."

Marissa looked at Carina and smiled "then lets begin." Snapping her fingers a portal appeared and mechanical soldiers started to walk out of it.

These mechanical soldiers were the same ones Kaius had sparred against when he was training in Marissa's Time Elementalist class, but instead of the five Kaius fought there were 10 facing off against Carina.

The mechanical soldiers were Elite training dummies, they were very nimble and were designed to mimic a fight between people. Their bodies were similar to a humans but made of metal instead of flesh and blood.

Carina's eyes went wide with shock but she soon calmed down "I knew it wouldn't be that simple" she thought to herself, "lets do it then."

Marissa pulled a throwing knife out of her sleeve and tossed it at one of the mechs hitting it right in the knee causing it to fall. She then ran towards it to finish it off but before she got there, the other mechs moved in to protect the injured comrade.

Carina didnt back down and continued running forward as she pulled a dagger from her sleeve and began swinging it at the mechs. The mechs crowded around Carina trying to grab her, but her small size worked in her favor as she slid between the legs and rolled away. All while swinging her dagger attacking the joints of every Mech she squeezed by.

As she continued to dodge and strike the mechs in their joints she began pulling more throwing knives out of her sleeve and throwing them with her left hand while still fighting with the dagger held in the right one.

Marissa watched from the back, very impressed at Carinas speed and ability to dodge while still doing damage to the mechs. What was even more impressive was how she constantly threw knives at the downed mechs and hit her target every time, completely incapacitating them.

Carina slowly dwindled down the mechs and when there were only four left Marissa decided to take it up a notch. As carina dodged a punch from one mech she parried a kick from another then sliced its knee causing it to fall to the ground. Rolling away she threw a knife at another rushing mech before slicing the arm joint of another. Spinning away from the mech whose arm she sliced she threw a knife toward the mech who was still kneeling down from when she sliced his knee but before the knife connected the mech disappeared then reappeared in another location. Carina narrowed her eyes then looked towards Marissa who was just smiling at her.

Carina had no time to complain and continued dodging and striking, but it was getting more difficult to dodge as Marissa began teleporting the mechs mid attack causing Carina to hit air throwing off her momentum.

"Damn it, fine if thats how you wanna play i'll show you what I'm capable of" Carina said to herself. She continued dodging around the mechs attempting to damage any that she could, as she dodged around the area she began picking up her throwing knives.

Seeing Carina attempt to recoup her ammunition, Marissa tried to teleport the knife away before Carina could pick it up. Seeing her reach for another knife on the ground Marissa tried to teleport it away but to her surprise she couldn't and Carina picked it up as usual.

"What the hell just happened" Marissa thought, trying to teleport another knife Marissa realized it wasn't a fluke and whatever those knives were she could not teleport them away.

Carina was completely unaware of Marissa's shock and continued fighting the mechs and gathering her previously thrown knives. After collecting them all she backed away as far as she could from the mechs and wildly began throwing knives at them. She focused primarily on the ones further to the outside, causing Marissa to teleport them to more of the center of the field in line to where she stood.

Carina was wildly throwing knives and Marissa did her best to keep count hoping to deplete Carinas ammo so her mechs could rush in and finish the fight. Marissa was also crazily teleporting her mechs in order to dodge the knives being thrown at them. She teleported a mech right next to Carina but to her surprise Carina hit it right in the chest with a throwing knife that stuck inside of it as soon as it appeared.

Carina's reflex and reaction speed threw Marissa off and as she went to teleport the mech with the knife in its chest to safety she again discovered that she could not. That moment of hesitation was Marissa's down fall.

Right after hitting the mech in the chest Carina quickly threw three more daggers out 1 towards each of the other mechs and one towards Marissa herself.

When Marissa realized her target was the other Mechs she gave up on the damaged one and tried to teleport the other two, but as they were directly in front of her she realized her mistake as now the knives were headed in her direction.

Not thinking properly she reacted in the most common way and attempted to teleport the dagger coming at her but realized once again that she couldn't and dove to the side in order to dodge it.

The first dagger missed but as she dove to the side another dagger hit her in the arm. "Aaggh!!!" she screamed in pain as she fell to the floor clutching her arm that had been barely grazed by the throwing knife.

Carina felt horrible hearing Marissa's scream, "did I overdo it" she thought as she ran over to check on Marissa.

"Are you ok" Carina yelled as she ran over to help, Marissa got up from the floor still clutching her arm but realized that the pain was gone. "I'm ok" she said not fully understanding what just happened.

Carina was happy that Marissa wasn't hurt "so I pass right" she asked smiling. Marissa rolled her eyes and nodded "yes you pass, good job" she said rubbing Carina's head and mussing her hair.

Carina began fixing her hair as she smiled ear to ear. "What kind of knives are those" Marissa asked. "Oh these" Carina said pulling out one from her sleeve and handing it to Marissa "They're nothing too special my mom got them for me, I really like them because there lightweight and easy to hide."

Marissa took the dagger and inspected it, it was very well crafted and super lightweight but it wasn't anything too special, Marissa couldn't understand why she couldn't teleport the knives and why the small wound she received hurt so much. She made a small cut on her finger to see its sharpness and screamed in pain once again dropping the knife to the floor. "Fucking shit damn it that stings, what the hell is up with these knives" she yelled.

Marissa bent down to pick up the knife and noticed a small etching on the bottom. "What is this mark" she asked showing it to Carina, " oh thats my etching, I mark all my knives so no one can steal them." Hearing Carina's response Marissa had a faint idea of what was going on but she couldn't be too sure without testing her theory.