52 - Carinas ability

"Do you have one of these knives without an etching" Marissa asked. Carina shook her head, "no I etch all my knives and daggers they all have that same etching on them.

Marissa nodded and walked over to the wall, of weapons where she told Carina to pick one from before their fight. Finding a simple and plain knife she pulled it off the wall and handed it Carina "Can you put your mark on this" she asked. "No I don't want that cheap ass knife. "Obviously i'm not giving you the knife to keep dummy, just etch the damn thing" Marissa yelled.

"Fine fine Carina grumbled as she pulled out another knife and began etching her mark on it, when she was done she handed it to Marissa. Marissa observed the knife and didn't notice any changes in how it looked or felt, she tried teleport it and realized she couldn't. Steeling herself she sliced her finger again and screamed in pain "fucking shit, that stings she yelled." Even being prepared for the possible pain and her theory being right the pain was still unbearable.

"Why do you keep cutting yourself, are you someone who gets off on hurting themselves"?

Marissa's eyes turned green with purple specks as she stared daggers at Carina, "you little shit this pain is your fault, do you even understand your ability?"

"What ability I'm not an Elementalist" Carina said with a confused look. Marissa shook her head, "Lets prepare for our trip and I will explain everything to you." Marissa pocketed the knife and turned to leave as Carina followed.

The two entered a room in the corridor they originally came from. The room was big and had couches on one side and a workbench on the other.

"Have a seat and relax while I gather some things" Marissa said as she walked to a bare wall and tapped it a few times, the wall slid up to reveal another wall with many different weapons and armor on it.

Seeing all those weapons Carina couldn't sit still she headed to the wall and began to check out all Marissa's toys.

"This is some pretty cool stuff," Carina said as she admired a pair of daggers on the wall. "Thank you, never hurts to be prepared" Marissa said winking at Carina.

Marissa grabbed a few items off the wall and put them in a bag. Then went and sat down on the couch waving Carina over.

As Carina sat down Marissa began to explain her theory to her. "I believe you posses the ability to nullify the elements."

Carina gave her a weird look and Marissa continued her explanation. "During the entire fight I was unable to teleport the daggers etched with your mark, I also cannot use any of my elemental abilities on you."

"So does this mean im invincible against Elementalist" Carina asked. "I don't think so" Marissa said shaking her head. "Let me explain, pure Elemental energy seems to have no effect on you, but I do believe that you would still be hurt if you were hit by lets say a fireball or earth spear, even though those are items created using Elemental energy they essentially become objects no different then if you were hit with a sword or a stick."

Carina was in deep thought as she listened to what Marissa was saying. "Although I believe you would still be injured from something like an ice spear, I imagine the damage would be far less as your body will naturally dispel what little Elemental energy is left in it. In short blunt objects will hurt you but pure Elemental attacks will do nothing."

"Let me see that Elemental heart you got earlier."

Carina nodded and pulled out the Elemental heart from her pocket and handed to Marissa.

Marissa took the Elemental heart in her hand and was shocked. It looked like a regular stone as the white glow in the center was gone. This further confirmed Marissa's theory.

"The energy in this Elemental heart is completely gone just from you carrying it around, this confirms what I've been saying and gives us more information. Your body seems to naturally nullify Elemental energy but does not effect you being touched by Elementalist" Marissa said while placing her hand on Carina's to demonstrate her point.

"I imagine in the future when you are stronger and know how to properly wield this ability an Elementalist would be unable to even touch you."

Carina didn't like the sound of that, "everyone in my family is an Elementalist, does that mean I won't be able to even hug or be around them"?

Marissa shook her head, "that is a worry for another day, but I believe in time you will be able to turn this ability off and on at will."

Carina had a sad look on her face, "no one has ever heard of an ability like this, who will teach me" she asked.

Marissa stood up and placed her hand on Carina's shoulder, "although I don't fully understand this ability I will do my best to train you. From now on I am your teacher" she said with a stern look on her face.

Although still a bit worried Carina was really happy hearing that Marissa would train her and she smiled and thanked her.

"Don't be too happy, my training will be tough and I still owe you for cutting we with that damn knife of yours, that shit stings."

"But you cut yourself two times after that just for fun how is my-" Carina stopped speaking as she saw Marissa's death glare.

Marissa handed the bag she filled earlier and handed it to Carina. Walking to the work table she opened a drawer and pulled out a storage bangle but before she tossed it to Carina she got the feeling that the girl wouldn't be able to use it until she could control her ability and put it back down and closed the drawer.

"We will work on your equipment but this should suffice for now, etch everything in that bag including the bag itself, and be sure to NEVER lose any of your etched weapons and equipment. The items with your etching would be dangerous in the hands of an enemy."

"One last thing" Marissa said as she walked over to the equipment wall and grabbed a few items before placing them in her storage bangle. "Do your best to keep your ability a secret" she said turning around to face Carina once again. "Now hurry up and prepare it is time to check on your brother."