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Chapter 1- The Big Beginning

Breathe, just breathe. That's all we could think about when our time is going down. Everything was going so fast I couldn't even see it.

"Lexa come back, I can explain. I was trying to protect you from everything!" Lucias shouts as I run away.

That's all I can remember, that my brother was yelling at me to come back. He was the only thing I had now. The only thing that I could defend. I stare into the distance, as I wait for my werewolf transformation.

Raelynn passed out on the floor. There was Blake next to her. I watched them sleep as I waited for the knock to come.

Knock, knock. There it was. I slowly stand up and moved to the door. The door creaked, then opened widely. It was Zoe and Skylar.

"Lexa, is that you?" Blake asked. As he looks through the darkness ahead of him. As he walks closer I run into him as I look back to make sure Lucias wasn't following behind me.

"Lexa watch where you go next time. That really hurt my side. Give me a warning next time." Blake blurted.

Zoe and Skylar walk into the room and sits down next to Raelynn, and Blake. I thought the knock was going to be something different. Something so different, The Dust. It will suck your soul if you breathe it in.

My brother was a baby when he was sent to our so-called World X planet by a portal. A portal that hasn't been open until 6 months ago. Now he's captured on World X while I'm on Earth, as people call it. That's when I met Skylar, Zoe, and Raelynn. Lucias, Blake, Derek, and I have all been friends since we were babies. My mother and father found Lucias and took him home with us, and gave me a brother, but we all didn't know what species he was. I'm a werewolf species, my whole family is one, and I turn into a different form that is called a human on Earth. The only time I turn into my werewolf form is when I'm protecting someone, running for a long time, and when I get super angry.

Blake, Derek, and I went through the portal when we saw it. A month after we got stuck on Earth. We ran into Skylar, Zoe, and Raelynn on the street. They took us in when we didn't really have a home to go to. Skylar and Zoe are sisters and Raelynn says she had a sister, but past away in a car crash.

"What was her name, your sister?" I asked Raelynn.

"Remington," Raelynn says, looking all frustrated like it happened just yesterday. As she said the name, my eyes widened. The name sounded familiar.

"You said Remington right, she was staying with my brother and I on our world. She's alive, as an angel, I must correct myself when I say something like that." I explained to her.

"You need to take me to her, please I need to see her now!" Raelynn says angrily.

"The portal closed awhile ago, 6 months to be exact. We haven't found a way to open the portal, yet." Blake tells Raelynn in an upsetting voice.

After we talked and talked about the portal and the plans. It got really late so everyone was tired and wanted to go to bed. I was the last one up, and when I was awake I didn't hear anything. After I closed my eyes, then I heard the sound of the door opening up. Everyone wakes up and runs to each room. The only person that went missing was... Skylar.