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Chapter 2- The Secret Is Out

All of us were freaking out, especially Zoe. We didn't know where Skylar was, or who took her. All we knew was that she was missing.

"Where is she! I can't lose her, she's all I have left." Zoe says while freaking out.

"It's alright Zoe, we will find her. You need to stay calm, freaking out isn't going to help anyone," I say comforting her.

We all looked around the house for any clues, of who took Skylar. I eventually came across a letter outside, on the door. When I opened it, it read,

One of you holds information that I need, and I have your friend. Your friend will be a very tasty snack if you don't give me what I want. You have 24 hours before I eat your friend. Better be quick. :)

The letter also included a phone number at the bottom, which I'm guessing is how he wanted us to contact him to give him the information. I don't know who he was, or what information he was talking about. All I do know is that he is most likely from World X. I showed the others the letter, and Zoe nearly had a heart attack just by reading it. None of us knew what information he was talking about, so we all decided the only option was to call him. When we called the number on the paper, a man with a deep and frightening voice answered.

"So, do you have my information?" The mysterious man asked.

"Actually, we were calling to ask you about what information you are inferring to," I reply.

"What information do you think I want? How to open the portal or course." He answers angrily.

"We don't have that type of information," I say confused.

"Obviously, you don't know your friends too well, sweetheart."

Then he hung up the phone. We all looked confused when he said that, and I didn't know whether or not to believe this guy. All I could think of is who would know how to open the portal back to our world. The only person I could think of was Derek. Derek is a secretive person, I wouldn't doubt that he knows how to open the portal. If he does know, why wouldn't he have told us? I look at everyone, to find Derek missing.

"Where's Derek?" I ask curiously.

"I saw him go upstairs after the phone call," Blake responds.

I knew it, it's Derek. Derek ran away, as soon as he knew his secret was coming out. I ran upstairs to find Derek sitting on the chair. He looked like he was ready to tell me everything. Derek looks at me and says,

"Lexa, please sit."

I sit down next to him, looking disappointed.

"Please, tell me it's not true. Tell me you haven't been hiding how to get back to World X." I asked sternly.


"No... no. no. no. My brother is stuck in World X, and we could have saved him. The others won't be happy with this, not one bit." As I raged to Derek, tears came running down my face.


"You don't have to explain, I'm already disappointed in you," I demanded.

I ran back downstairs and went out the door. When I reached the outside, I transformed into my werewolf form. I ran into the forest and just ran for hours, to let out some anger. After most of my anger was let out, I transformed back into my human form. I was laying on the cold ground with no clothes, and my eyes slowly closed. I was having a dream about my brother and I, it felt so real like my brother was really right next to me again. Then I started to hear distant voices.

"Guys, stop looking. Wait for me to put some clothes on her. BLAKE! I swear, if you were looking at her, I'm going to literally kill you." Raelynn's shouted.

"I wasn't looking at her, I swear," Blake claimed.

"Okay, now you guys can help me pick her up. On three, one... two... three... LIFT!"

"Looking good Raelynn." Darek expressed.

By the giggle, I could tell Raelynn was blushing.

"Hey, it was either I go all underwear, or Lexa does. And Lexa would kill me if I made her go only undergarments."

"Derek! Do me a favor, and stop staring at my girlfriend's body." Blake snapped.

The voice stopped for a while. When my eyes finally opened, we were in the house, and I was on the couch. Everyone was gathered around me, including Derek. I was a little surprised that no one was angry at Derek.

"So, no one's mad at Derek?" I say like I just woke up from a very long nap.

"None of us are mad at Derek, were disappointed, but not mad. Plus we got all of our anger out when you went all werewolf. Look, you can still see the handprint on his face." Raelynn says pointing at Derek's face while giggling.

"After we were cool with Derek, we came up with a plan to get you back into your human form." Blake explained.

My eyes went towards Derek, "You put me in a dream?!"

"Sure did." Derek emitted.

While laughing at Derek, I remembered. We only have 19 hours left to save Skylar! I was doing some quick thinking, which brought me to,

"Zoe, throw me the phone." I shouted.

Zoe threw me the phone, and I dialed mystery man's number.

"Meet me at Denver street in one hour, and bring Skylar." I confidently said into the phone.

"What are you going to do Lexa?" Zoe asked.

"We're, going to fight."