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Chapter 4- The Task

When I asked that question last night, that's all could think of. What now? We have a way back to World X, but when we get there, we have no idea where to go. I not even sure if humans can enter the portal, for all I know, they could die by entering it. I would have to talk to everyone, and we would have to make a plan.

"Ok everyone, gather around," I announced.

"So, did you figure out what we're doing now?" Zoe asked.

"Yes, Derek is going to open the portal, and him, Blake, and I are going to enter it. We will find my brother and Remi, and bring them back safely."

"Wait, you mean, you're not taking me?" Raelynn shouts.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean. It's too dangerous, we don't know if humans can enter the portal." I responded.

"Well, I guess we're going to find out. Because I'm entering that portal, and no one can stop me. I would risk my life, for the chance to see my sister again." Raelynn agonized.

"Zoe and I are in too." Skylar announces.

"If they want to go, then let them. It's their choice." Derek said.

I didn't want them to go, it's dangerous in our world. I'm scared they're going to get hurt. If any of them dies, I won't be able to live with myself. But, there's nothing I can do, if they want to go, then so be it.

"Fine, but you guys need disguises. If anyone sees that there are humans in their world, they'll kill you." I responded.

"Ok, I'll wear anything." Raelynn answers.

"That's because you look good in everything." Zoe says jealousy.

"So do you," I respond towards Zoe.

After Zoe and I kissed, we haven't talked much. It's just been weird between us like we just met. But I'm sure we'll talk later, right now we have to deal with disguises. All Raelynn really needs is something to show her cleavage, that way they won't be looking too much at her human aspects. Zoe and Skylar can wear something dark to blend in with the shadows. The rest of us are already species, so we're fine. Everyone put on their disguises, and we head outside.

"Derek, how do we open it?" I asked.

"I have to say a spell, then it should work," Derek responds.

"Hurry up already, Derek!" Raelynn shouts.

"Anything for you, beautiful." Derek announced.

"Oh, shut up, and just do the spell." Blake yells.

"aperiam in mundo portal ad nos quaeritis" Derek recited.

The portal appears in front of us, It brought back old memories of when I last saw it. If it weren't for this portal, I would have never met Raelynn, Zoe, and Skylar. But this portal also brought my brother and I apart. I couldn't wait to enter, and finally see him again. The only problem is, I don't know what will happen to Raelynn and the others.

I had Blake go in first, and then I brought myself to go in. It was that same place and that same feeling. The only difference is, I don't think I'll throw up this time. I walked forward a few steps, and there we were. I was back, we were back. It looked a little different from the last time I was here. There were guards everywhere, but they only looked like guards. Buildings were burning, and people were going crazy. The guards were beating people, and shooting innocents.

"What happened? Why is it so different?" Blake asks.

"I don't know Blake, I don't know." I answered.

"We have to stop these guards from killing people, this is just cruel." Zoe announced.

"We can't attract too much attention to ourselves." Derek explained.

"But we can't just do nothing," Raelynn tells.

"Their right, we have to help. This is our world, and we have to protect it by any means necessary. But no one will be alone. Raelynn will be with Blake, Skylar with Derek, and Zoe with me. If you see a guard, take care of them. I'll take one captive to find out who they are, and why they are doing this." I commanded.

Everyone ran with their pairs and started knocking out, or killing guards. Raelynn would use her flexibility to her advantage, by blocking and kicking. Blake barely did anything, he mostly just watched and helped when she really needed it. Then Derek did all the work, by putting all of the guards he sees to sleep. While Skylar wasn't doing much since she not really a fight, more of a hacker. Then there was Zoe and I, we were in charge of finding someone to capture. I saw a guard and started walking toward him. I was in charge of knocking him out, then Zoe would tie him up. When we got him, which wasn't too hard, we dragged him back to the portal. We stood to watch, making sure no one enters the portal to Earth. I never notice how skilled Raelynn was with fighting. She did tell me that her mother was a police officer and her father was a boxer, but she never told me that they taught her to fight. Zoe and Skylar have always been good with technology, but Zoe could fight better than Skylar could ever fight. Sometimes, I'm going to have to see what skills they have laying inside of them. Everyone starts walking towards the portal, looking stronger than ever.

"So, is that the captive?" Raelynn asked.

"No, he just some random guy I found on the street," I said sarcastically.

"Ha, very funny. Now let's go, I'm starving." Raelynn demands.

We all walk back into the portal, and this time, only Skylar threw up. It was time to get questions out of the captive. I don't know about everyone else, but I was ready to get some answers out of him. We all circled up around the captive, and I walked up to him. I slowly removed the mask from his face to find...
