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Chapter 5- Some Answers

"Wait, you're telling me all this time you have been working with them." as I questioned my own brother.

"Yes, let me explain and it's going to be a long one. Remember when you ran out of the house when I told you the truth about ma and pa and you ran out of the house. Well, I went looking for you for days, then I stumbled on across those people. They went to help me find you if only I joined their group."

"I wait for you at 12. I went to Derek and Blake's house to have them help me. I was scared, I thought you might have been killed by The Dust or a vampire. I can't lose you too, you're the only thing I have now." I explained. "We all came back to look for you and Remi, wait where's Remi?"

"She's still at the house, on the floor where she hides from danger or scared." He tells everyone.

"We have to go get her right now," Raelynn demands. "She might be scared or hurt.

"Raelynn your sister, since the last time you saw her she's changed a lot. She really isn't that scared anymore." Lucias directs his focus on Raelynn as he speaks.

I never thought in a million years I would see my brother in a guards or bad guys outfit and helping them, I never thought that. I came looking for him and he was right in front of me the whole time. I just can't right now.

I walk outside onto the roof to breathe and to smell the fresh air. Zoe comes out after and sits next to me.

"Do you want to talk about it or anything." She asked me.

"I don't know, I came to save my brother and he was there the whole time. He saw me and didn't say anything."

"He might have done it because he wanted to keep you safe. Maybe he knew they would kill you or hurt you if he yelled it out loud. I don't know maybe no one will ever know unless you ask him." Zoe tells me in comfort.

"I just don't get it at all. Ahh, breathe Lexa." I say in a whisper. "I was also wondering about the kiss we had two nights ago? Why haven't you talked to me about it?"

"I didn't know if you really wanted to commit to it since you're a werewolf and I'm a human. I didn't know how we could be with each other."

"I could've come to Earth sometimes and you could've come to World X. I could've stayed with you." I tell Zoe with a strong voice.

"Derek, Blake, are we lost somewhere? Where are we?" I asked quietly.

6 Months after the portal.

"Derek, where are we going? I don't recognize this road at all."

"We need to get food. It's just right down the street."

I walk on the sidewalk and 3 girls walk directly at us and run into each other.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you. I'm just trying to get some food." I apologize nicely as I look at one of the girls.

"Do you guys have somewhere to stay? If not you can stay with us. This is Skylar, Zoe and I'm Raelynn."

"Hi, this is Blake, Derek, and I'm Lexa. No, we don't have a place to stay. We aren't from around here."

I sat there on the roof with Zoe next to me while I thought about the first time Zoe and I met. I never thought back then that I would never like her in the future the way I do now. Out of every girl in the world and all I see is Zoe standing there. I want to be with her, but I don't know how it would work when we are on different planets.

"Here, you guys can lay here for tonight until we can get a room made for you. There are the blankets and if you need a drink there are some in the frigid, help yourself." Raelynn says to us.

I couldn't sleep that night at all. I could only think about my brother and if he's ok. Zoe came out when I tried to go onto the balcony quietly while everyone was sleeping.

"Hey, are you ok? Is something up?"

"Thinking about my brother and wondering if he's ok out there by himself. I need to tell you something. I'm a werewolf, Derek's a dream demon, and Blake is an ice demon. I don't think you have to anyone else in your group to tell our secret. Please don't tell anyone else, ok."

"Zoe, I love you," I tell her in a meaning way.