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Chapter 9- The Unthinkable

Everyone looks at each other frantically unable to talk. I thought to myself how could this be possible. There hasn't been a life or death demon for centuries.

"How is this even possible, just how? We haven't had one for centuries, but passed away." Blake panicking as walking back and forth.

"Babe please sit down, you're scaring me. Please tell me what the last one was."

"He was a killer, but it is possible that our kid could become a healer, it's a slight chance to 5%. It could also become a killer, we just won't know."

"Is there a way to make sure it becomes a healer? I don't want it to be a killer." Raelynn says and starts crying. Blake rushes over to comfort her.

"I'll do everything to make sure it comes to a healer, but I don't know how to make sure it is. I'm not going to give up."

"What about what that man said about everyone coming after the baby? Please don't let them take it away from me."

My heart beats even faster than when the guard came and took Mia away from us. This baby could kill any of us right now except the parents. I don't want Skylar or anyone else near Raelynn. I can't lose another person that I love in my life.

Skylar looked at me and never said a word when I told her the news. Then I look up into the sky.

"It's beautiful tonight. I know it might be a lot to take in, but I trust you. I think soon we will be great friends, just please say something."

"I'm just trying to not freak out, don't worry I won't tell anyone until your friends are ready to tell my friends. Yeah, it does definitely look beautiful tonight. So when do you turn into a werewolf? Are the rumors true that you turn when it's a full moon?"

"Ok, and no the rumors are not true. The only way I turn is when I run a really long time when I'm really angry, and when I'm protecting someone. What about you, any secrets?"

"No not really, but I can protect myself, I'm a tech person, and I'm book smart."

"Wait do you know Harry Potter?"

"Yes, the best book and movie ever."

"Definitely the best book and movie of all time."

"What do we need to do?" I asked looking scared.

"We need to take her to the doctor in World X. We need to make sure it's what we think it is and I what to know the gender since baby demons grow faster than human babies. Grab a bag with food and water, plus other things we will need. It will be a long walk, and Lexa if you want we can stop at your house if you need anything from there."

"Ok, I'll get the bag and supplies," Skylar says in a rush.

"Nah we don't have to stop there," I say.

"We leave in 5, so grab what you need or want."

Everyone starts rushing around grabbing everything we need for this 2-day journey in World X just to get to the best doctor in the world.

"Remi get down here you are coming with us this time!" Raelynn screams out as Remi comes down the stairs already.

"I know sis I was just getting my things, don't worry I was planning to come even if you didn't want me to come. I had to see for myself."

5 minutes came fast and everyone was ready to go. We all lined up to go into the portal. My hand intertwined onto Skylar's hand as we walked into the portal. We got to the other side and we stayed silent because of all the guards nearby. We started to walk to the doctor, the only doctor that can save Raelynn and tell us what we are dealing with. Skylar and I walked behind everyone so we could keep guard. Derek put an invisibility spell on us so no one can hear and see us. Raelynn, Blake, and Mia all up front holding hands. Remington stood by Derek with a jealous look on her face as she stared at Mia. Everyone was talking to the person right next to them, but Skylar and I were silent the whole time.

"Hey, what do you want to do after this Sky? I'm letting you choose since I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Thinking to myself, that is actually similar to what I said to Zoe before she died.

"I don't care, anywhere with you in it I'm fine. I just don't want to lose you too in all this. I do want to be somewhere where we can go outside and look at the sky whenever we feel like it."

"Ok, well after this we can look for a place somewhere either here or on Earth. I don't want to lose you too so please don't touch Raelynn. Ok?"

"Ok, I'm looking forward to finding a place for you."

We still talked, but it wasn't very important to worry about. Then it started to get dark and everyone went to sleep. Mia and Raelynn were in Blake's arms. Derek had decided to lay on a rock and Remi decided to lay behind a tree near no one. I was awake watching everyone while I had Skylar in my arms asleep so peaceful. I want to go to sleep but couldn't lose anyone else in their sleep or any way of death.

The next morning everyone woke up, but Skylar was the first one this time. We ate breakfast to whatever Skylar packed in the bag. I had cereal and I shared with Skylar so we didn't eat all of it. Then we started walking again. Then soon we get closer to the doctor, but we had to stop so we could eat again. This time it was sandwiches, I just had a little bit of Skylar's sandwich because I wasn't super hungry. The walk and waiting felt forever in my own speed perspective. I took a deep breath and tried to turn into my werewolf form so Derek, Mia, Skylar, and Remington didn't have to walk anymore. If I could touch Raelynn I would give her a ride as well as with Blake too, but couldn't because I could die.

"Guys I'm trying to turn into my werewolf form so I can give you a ride. Here if we have Raelynn a lot of clothing we could get her on my back and if it doesn't work then I'll have a few hours until something happens unless the doctor can save me. And everyone else can get on to so we can get there faster. Ok, everyone."

"I don't want to kill you by accident," Raelynn says scared.

"I want to take that risk if I'm the only one that can get us there faster. Just get ready, please." As I say that my werewolf shows.

Everyone gets on my back and nothing happens when Raelynn gets on. After everyone got on I start off running and there we go. I get even closer to the doctor's place than before they got on my back. Soon we got there and rushed into the doctor's office. I turned back to my human form and Skylar then gave me clothes that she brought just in case of this. The doctor soon came in and had Raelynn go into a room with Blake so he could take a look. The doctor was on our side apparently and didn't want anyone to kill the kid.

"Hey, guys I'm very light headed," I said freaking out. The next thing I remember is being rushed to my own room with Skylar by side. They started treating me right away. I could see Skylar crying and screaming for a cure for me. I asked Skylar to get me something to eat. That's when the doctor and I were alone for a few minutes and he told me he doesn't know if he could cure it. I look up and start crying.

"Ok I get it, it's fine I knew something would happen. I took the risk. Can I please be alone for a second."


The doctor soon leaves and then in a second the door opens again and I thought it was Skylar or the doctor, but neither.
