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Chapter 10- Zoe?

When I saw Zoe, I thought that I was hallucinating. Although she looked and felt so real. Then she took something out of her pocket, it was some type of liquid in a small bottle.

"Here, take this. It will make you better, but this is all there is in this world. No one else can be affected by Raelynn. Also, don't tell anyone I'm here. I'll explain everything later when it's all over." Zoe explained.

"Wait, don't go," I begged.

With a blink of an eye, she was gone. I started to feel better though, so I stood up to try and find her. When I walked out of the room, Derek and Remi stopped me.

"Wait right there Lexa, what are you doing?" Derek asks.

"Zoe, she was here, I have to find her," I told them.

"Okay, this is getting worse, now she's seeing things. Remi, go get the doctor, I'll get Lexa back in her room." Derek instructed.

Derek took me to my room and laid me down. I knew I wasn't seeing things, she was there. Right in front of me. The doctor then walks in to take a look at me, but she looked confused.

"Um, it looks like Lexa is cured." The doctor says confused.

"What? How?" Derek asks.

"It was Zoe," I told them.

"Who is Zoe." The doctor asked.

"She's dead," Derek said calmly.

"No she's not, she was here. Right here." I yelled.

"Lexa, you should get some sleep, we'll wake you in a little bit." The doctor demanded.

I went to sleep for a while, before getting woken up by Blake yelling in what sounded like excitement.

"Yes! It's a boy! YEAH!" Blake screams.

I stood up and walked to Derek. "So it's a boy, huh?"

"Seems like it," Derek states the obvious.

"I know exactly what he's going to name this kid," Derek says.


"DRAKE WILL BE BORN!" Blake announces.

"Drake?" I said looking at Derek.

"I mix between his and my names," Derek says with an annoyed look on his face.

Skylar was on the floor laughing to death, and Remi had a hand on her head. Blake was then kicked out of the room, for stressing out Raelynn.

"Derek did you hear that I'm finally having Drake," Blake exclaimed.

"Don't forget buddy, there are tons of people who want to kill him," Derek smirks.

"Wow, way to ruin my happiness." Blake goes into a frown.

After Derek said that, it got really quiet.

"Um... well, I was wondering if you guys wanted to do something tonight. Like something to get our minds off of this whole mess. Maybe a game or something." I asked Derek, Blake, Skylar, and Raelynn.

"I'm in, whatever will get my mind off of everything that's happening." Raelynn accepts.

"What game?" Derek asks.

"Hm... what about... spin the bottle?" I announced.

"What are we, 12?" Skylar blurts out.

"I'm in." Raelynn joins.

"Me too." Derek joins.

"I'm in as well." Blake joins.

"Fine, since everyone else is in. I'll play too." Skylar decided.

"Okay, I'll grab a bottle," I tell everyone.

"Wait! Can I even play this, because of the killing thing." Raelynn worries.

"Oh yeah, the doctor said as long as your not stressed or angry during the game, you should be fine. Since I have the cure in my blood, you can't do anything to me, and if something were to happen we can just take some of my blood." I explain.

"Okay, let's get started," Raelynn announces.

We all sat in a circle around the bottle, everyone looked excited. To be honest, I was a little excited too. Everyone decided I should go first since I suggested to play this game. So I spun the bottle, and it landed on Skylar. Skylar and I kissed, which was pretty normal. Now it was Skylar's turn, I was a little worried that it would land on someone other than me. I know that it's just a game, though. When Skylar spun the bottle, it came to a stop. It landed on Derek, Skylar quickly went over to Derek and gave him a quick peck on the lips. I was happy she didn't do much more. It was now Derek's turn, he spun the bottle and it landed on Raelynn. We were all a little worried about this one, we all knew that Derek has a crush on Raelynn. We all knew, except for Raelynn herself. Derek was getting a little shaky, and Blake just walked away so he wouldn't have to see. We all watched as Derek got closer to Raelynn. And then, to no surprise, Derek pulled Raelynn towards him and kissed her like no tomorrow. Derek seemed to be the only one who enjoyed it though. After that kiss, everyone decided to end the game there, and we all went to bed. Something didn't feel right though like something was about to happen.


Someone broke down the door, and a group of 10 men came swarming in.

"Now, we have you outnumbered. Give us the one who carries the demon, and we'll be out of your hair." A man yells out.

"There's no way in hell you're getting my wife," Blake said walking towards the man with his red eyes coming back.

"Oh my, we have a demon. So you're the one who helped make the demon who would end us all." The man said with a smirk on his face.

"I sure am, and what are you gonna do about it?" Blake asked.

"I'll make you watch as we kill your wife, and that demonized fetus inside of her." The man says.

"You son of a—-" Blake starts.

"Wait. I'll go with you. But I only ask that you kill me outside, and not in front of my family." Raelynn demands.

"Okay, I'll kill you outside." The man says happily.


Blake began to say before Raelynn turned around and winked at us. We knew she had a plan, and that she didn't want us to disturb that plan. They all walked outside, then we heard everyone screaming with pain. We stared at the door before it opened. Raelynn came walking in with a smile on her face, we were a little scared and confused. I ran outside to find all ten men laying on the ground, dead.

"Raelynn... what did you do?" I asked scarily.