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Chapter 11- Tell Me More

"I killed them. I couldn't let them take me. They came up to me and touched me because I was stressed. I think when I'm stressed, I kill people, and when I'm scared or haunted by someone dying, I heal someone."

"Ok, but you shouldn't have killed them anyway just because you felt like it. That was very wrong of you Raelynn."

"Well you're not my mother, so stop telling me what to do and worry about your own self for once."

"I'm worried about everyone. I don't want to lose any of you. I brought you here and if you don't want me to help you guys then I'll leave. And I care about you guys, you're the only family I have now, that's the reason I worry about you and not me. I know I'm not your mother, but I care about you."

Raelynn just stared at me and didn't say anything. I don't think she had anything to say to me. I give her one look and then headed inside to get my things and get ready to leave. Skylar follows me behind, and I knew exactly what she was going to do, give me a pep talk.

I soon got to my room and sat down grabbing my things. I just looked down the whole time when I got in there until Skylar started to talk to me.

"Are you leaving Lex? Please don't leave, just stay for me." Skylar says looking desperately at me.

"She even said she didn't want me here so what's the point of me staying. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with me when you can't have a family of your own? Please really think about it because if you really, just really do then I'll stay."

"Do you really think she meant it, you said it she was your family and you should never leave the family alone or behind. And yes I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't care if I can't have a full family with you, and it's ok we can find a way to work it out. Please just stay with me, I can't lose you too in this world."

"Fine, I'll stay. Can we go get ice cream or something to eat? I don't really care what it is." I said when I look at Skylar with a smirk on my face.

"Ok, ok let's go then. I think I found a cafeteria somewhere."

We walked down the hall to the cafeteria. Then sat down at a table after we grabbed the food we wanted, and then Raelynn, Blake, Derek, Remi, and Mia came in and sat down. We look at each other and didn't say anything until.

"Hey, would you guys like anything, a drink or food." A young woman said to us all.

"Oh Skylar and I already ate, but you give can get them something, I'll pay for it," I said nicely to the young lady.

"We'll all have a Dr. Roburt and cheeseburgers please and thank you," Blake says as he looks at her.

"Ok, 7.85 dallors please, and I will be out with your drinks."

"Here you go, keep the change." I handed her 10 dallors. "So what were you guys doing a minute ago?"

"Well, we just came in from outside after the fight."

"Whoa, that wasn't a fight at all."

"What were you two doing, and so I see you are staying," Raelynn says in a surprised voice.

"Well we went to my room to start packing, then Skylar came in and talked me out of it. Then we came down here to get something to eat. Yes, I am, and if there's going to be a problem then deal with it. No family member gets left or thrown out of my life."

"Ok, I'm glad you chose to stay. I'm sorry for a minute ago."

"I'm sorry too."

The rest of the day was good. Skylar and I took a long walk around to find a spot to sit and watch the sunset. We did finally find a spot to sit and it was a good spot. We sat there long after the sunset. Cuddling happened, kissing as well, also we fell asleep there. I would say that was the second best night of my life, I finally fell asleep too. Something felt off though like we're being watched again, this time it felt like someone familiar. I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the restroom then came back to Skylar, then I lost the feeling. I woke up again when the sun came up before Skylar woke up. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. She just looks beautiful, soon she woke up and then we headed back to the doctor's place. Walked in and everyone was rushing around like something bad happened or maybe good. We started to walk to Raelynn's room and Derek was standing outside the door.

"Where have you guys been?"

"Well, we both fell asleep outside at the sunset. Why?"

"Well, Raelynn just gave birth. Birth to twins a girl, and a boy."

"What, she was only supposed to give birth to a boy."

"Change of plans, doctor clearly didn't see it."