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Chapter 15- What Do You Really Stand For?

I was furious, I wanted to kill him for touching them, but at least they weren't Zak anymore. Also, that isn't good because that means there are 20 people murdered for no reason at all. I was mad that I let them get close to each other and I knew better.

"Let them go, I'm begging you, they're just kids. The only reason they turned into Zak was because they were defending themselves and trying to save someone while they were in training. Then they got too close and touch." I looked and spoke at him with lies coming out of my throat.

"I gave you guys warnings about this, and now I told you so. Your time is up, I gave you a chance and now it's time to see them burn hell."

"You better put them down now." I could feel the angry forming above, I could see my werewolf, it turns.

I run as fast as I can into the man. We were having a fight. I took him by the neck and threw him into the wall. He gets up and grabs me and punches me in the face. He takes me by the collar and throws me up into the air. Down below us as we were fighting, Raelynn and Blake were grabbing Drake and Zoe as fast as they could before I came tumbling down to the ground. I stood back up ran and clawed him in the face. He was down for a second which gave me time to call out my other friendly werewolf friends.

"Howwwl." Into the sky you may say as my call echoed through the black lit night I could hear the stomps of my fellow friends. One by one each of them attacks the man and everyone else that was trying to kill the kids. Some of them bit the heads off the people so they couldn't come back.

Its me and the man against each other we had the same battle like before. I could feel something or someone touching my back, but no one was there. The second I knew the guy just dropped to the ground then looked at me.

"Who are you, and what I'm doing." The man looked confused like he lost his memory all the sudden.

I looked back and asked, "Derek do you have anything to do with this?"

"No why? I was helping with Raelynn nothing more."

Everyone else stopped too, the bad guys at least.

"Everyone stop, what is going on? They all just stopped out of nowhere." As I was saying that I was changing and this time somehow I still had clothes on my body. Usually, they rip when I turn.

"Wait what, how this on me? I'm so confused."

"I've never in my life have seen this happen before, not the clothes, that I did do, but with the people. I swear I didn't do any spell because I knew you wanted to kill him."

"Well ok, we need to tie them up and take them with us. Do you still have that prison under your mansion, or did they take it out already?"

"The last I knew I still had it."

"Ok well let's go before anyone else comes after us." After I said that I looked into the distance and saw a ghost, Remi. I could just be seeing things again like I use to.

"Hey, Derek wait up. I was wondering if you had the practice basement still as well so I can train the kids individually this time?"

"Yeah, I still have it sometimes I use it to fight with my brother, combat fighting is what I mean, pshh nothing."

"Ok, and huh sure. I think it's best for all of us to stay at your house for now if that is ok with you sir. Do you have a butler yet? You could be Bruce Wayne, I think that's is what they call him in that one movie Batman."

"Yeah I actually have a butler and he was off the night before, but no, I'm not Bruce Wayne. Yeah, it's fine if you guys stay in the house. You can look around and pick a room to sleep in. I have about 20 rooms in all and a ton of bathrooms." He turns around and starts talking to everyone. "You guys can stay with me in my mansion. You can have your own rooms, I have about 20 rooms and a ton of bathrooms. So no having to sleep on each other."

Then I walked back to Skylar and grabbed her hand and intertwined it with mine. She looked at me and smiled, the happy smile, not I'm disappointed in you smile which she does and its intimidating that it scares me, just kidding.

"So do you want to pick our room? I got a scoop that there is a hot tub in a couple of the rooms, if you want to get it I can get the room number for one of them, huh. You need some relaxing time."

"Sure we can get the hot tub room. Hey, you need relaxing time too not just me, miss I'll bite your face off."

"Hey, I can't help it that sometimes my face looks like that. Haha. Are you ready for this to be all over and live somewhere new and exciting, an adventure awaits us."

"I guess I'm ready to settle down. I just feel like it will be too soon to leave our friends that need us, but I'm ready if you are."

"Yeah it does kind of seem like that, but if you ever want to see them we could go see them, I'm not going to force you not to see them, I'm not that kind of person to do that. All your choice I'm just right behind you every step you want to take."

"Ok, I'll have to think about it."

Then it was silent after that. I could tell by her face that she was trying to decide what to do after everything is over. I wish I could read minds, maybe I'll ask Derek for a spell to do that later. We soon got to the mansion, got to the door and the butler came outside and hold the door for us all. Then everyone started to pick their rooms, and I got the room number for the hot tub for Skylar and I. We got to the room after 20 minutes of trying to find it. I didn't have a swimsuit, but for some reason, Skylar packed one for her and me which is kind of weird that she had them. There were some extras in the room in different sizes too. We got settled down in the room, got into the swimsuits, and got into the hot tub. It felt so good to be in it. Skylar and I finally got some alone time which was the best. After that, we got out of the hot tub and into the bed where we started to make out. Soon we did go to sleep after making out all night.

I was the first one up again, but I just laid in bed with Skylar because she was sleeping on me and I didn't want to move her. She looked so beautiful when she sleep if I didn't say that already. While I was laying there I was thinking to myself to where are Skylar and I going to go. Maybe I can get Derek to give me some dallors to buy a house on World X.

It was time to train the kids individually. I had to train Drake while Raelynn trained Z because she doing fighting skills which I have but I'm too hard when I am practicing fighting skills. Drake practices first by himself before I brought in a test animal to try and to touch him and not kill him.

"I know this is going to be hard to do, but you have to try, ok Drake?"

"Ok, ahhh I can't do this. I keep killing them."

"Hey, calm down you can do this just take a deep breath and don't think about killing them. Here the next one, again take a deep breath and stay calm, don't think about it."

"Ok, I'll try. Here I go." Drake said and took a deep breath and looked at the animal, got closer touched it. He pets the animal, and nothing happened. The animal is not dead.

"YOU DID IT DRAKE! Yes." I screamed with excitement. "See I told you could do it."