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Chapter 16- Traitor

The kids were trained and ready to fight, if they need to, of course. Drake can control his ability, and Z can heal someone whenever we need her. No one has come after them in a while, it's almost quiet around here. This would be the perfect time to leave with Skylar, live our lives together. So, we said goodbye, and Raelynn seemed fine with it. She wasn't too mad or sad about it. Skylar and I walked out, and our lives changed for the better. We got a house in World X, I got a job, and we went on a few dates. A few years passed, and nothing bad had happened. Until one day, Skylar and I were sitting at our dining table. We were having the best date, I was planning to propose to Skylar today.

"So, how is the chicken I prepared for you?" I asked.

"It's very good!" Skylar exclaimed.

"Skylar, I've been waiting a long time to do this, and it's no better time than now." I got down on one knee and started to pull the ring out of my pocket. Before I could pull it out, a portal appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh! Come on!" I complained.

Blake and Derek came through the portal, they looked worried. No one else came through the portal with them.

"Lexa. Skylar. We need your help." Blake says while trying to catching his breath.

"What are you guys doing here, and what do you mean by help?" I questioned.

"It's Drake and Z, they're missing. We can't find them anywhere, please help us." Blake begged.

"What! Wait, where's Raelynn?" I asked.

Blake walked away from the conversation, leaving Derek to explain. Blake was worrying me, that something was wrong.

"Derek? Where's Raelynn?" I acted suspiciously.

"She— she and Mia died last year," Derek mumbled.

My eyes started to water, and soon I started to sob. Skylar ran to our room and slammed the door. This was the worst news ever.

"H— how did they die?" I managed to stutter out.

"Well, there was this group, they called themselves, The Black Scorpions. Raelynn and Mia were all by themselves when they saw them killing innocents, and they went after them all alone. They were too much for them, and one of them shot them both right in the heart. We were too far away to save them, not even Z could bring them back. It was a rough day for us all." Derek explained.

"Oh my gosh, that sounds awful. Have you been able to find this group?" I asked.

"No, but we're assuming that this group, is the one who took the kids," Derek told me.

"What makes you so certain, that this group took the kids?"

"Well, we set up cameras in the backyard, just for this reason. The only problem is, the cameras didn't show where they went with them."

"We can help you, but can you give me like 5 minutes?" I told Derek.

"Why— Oh, I see," Derek says while reading my mind and smirking.

After he left, I got back on one knee and finally asked Skylar to marry me. It was perfect, other than getting disturbed by Derek and Blake. It was nice to see them again, though. Although Skylar and I wouldn't be able to get married any time soon, it was nice to know that she's mine. It was time to find the kids, and I knew exactly what to do. Skylar and I rushed outside, and I started to talk.

"I need something of Z's and Drake's, something that one of them has worn recently," I demanded.

"First off, congrats on getting engaged. Second, here is Z's bracelet we found where she was taken." Derek said, still with a smirk on his face.

I took the bracelet and started to sniff it. I have the best sense of smell, thanks to my werewolf abilities.

"I got it, follow me," I announced.

I started running towards the scent, it was getting harder to track the closer we got. I stopped for a second because the scent was gone.

"Why did you stop?" Blake asked.

"I lost the scent, we should rest and try again tomorrow. If I don't have any energy, then I won't be able to smell the scent." I explained.

"Okay, let's rest. We can continue in the morning. Before we sleep, we should make a plan, we can't just walk in and ask for them back." Derek said.

"I say we come from the west, and surprise them," I commented.

"That sounds good." Derek agreed.

"Maybe we should have a watch out, just in case someone comes after us," Blake adds.

"I'll do it. I slept not too long ago, so you guys should sleep." Derek offers.

"Okay, thank you, Derek." I thank him.

We all fell fast asleep, and Derek kept watch. My mind was filled with such wonderful dreams. I was having such an amazing dream until I heard a loud bang. My eyes opened wide, and my eyes directed to the two men knocking out everyone. I could see Derek, but there was no time to look. One of the men walked towards me with a gun, for some reason I felt weak. I could barely move, I couldn't get away. The man then turned the gun around and slammed it into my head. I could see nothing, could feel nothing. All I saw was darkness. When I could open my eyes, it looked like I had something on my head. It was a bag, I could slightly see out of it. There wasn't much to see, it was too dark to see anything it the room I was in. I looked to my sides to find everyone else, except for Derek. I tried to talk, but there was tape over my mouth. All of a sudden there was a door that opened, and it slammed against the wall. A black figure, the shape of a man walked in. He walked towards me and took off the bag on my head. When I saw who it was, I wanted to hit him. He then took off the tape on my mouth.

"DEREK! You son of—-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. All I want to do is make this world good again, and that can't happen when those twins exist." Derek said.

"So what are you going to do, kill your own niece and nephew?" I asked.

"Well, of course. What else can I do?" Derek smirked.

After he said that a noise came from beside me. It was Blake trying to talk, he was trying to get Derek to take off his bag and tape. Even though it was annoying, it worked. Derek had enough of him making noises, so he took off the bag and tape.

"I will never forgive you if you kill my children. Kill me instead, please." Blake begged.

"Mm... no, I'm fine."

Derek then put the bag and tape back on Blake and walked back towards me.

"I feel like having a little bit of fun. Oh, I have an idea. You are going to choose which one of your friends here, you want to die. You either give me a name in the next 3 hours, or I'll kill them all right in front of you. Oh, and the handcuffs on you blocks all of your abilities, so you can't really escape. I would be thinking about who you would like to kill."

Derek then left without a word more. I looked around me to find anything at all, but there was nothing. There wasn't even a speck of dust, not even a light bulb. Nobody said anything, I was getting a little worried.

"Lexa. When Derek comes back, I want you to say my name." Skylar insists.