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Chapter 19- Jealousy

Zoe looked so happy with Max. It hurt so bad, the jealousy took over. I couldn't stand it, I walked away.

"There you happy now, you have her." I said in a mean way, I was so angry. So jealous I couldn't even stand it that it hurt so bad. I walked over to a rock where it had a beautiful skyline, sat on the ground with my back to the rock looking over the edge. I heard footsteps coming from behind me that I didn't even care to look around me.

Skylar came up behind me and tried to scare me, "BOO! Dang it I didn't even get you."

"I could hear your footsteps from a mile away, remember, I'm a werewolf," I said in a mean way.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Nothing." The silence was there for a few minutes until I broke it again. "Actually, I know this might hurt you, but I'm jealous of your sister.'

"Umm, what do you mean jealous of my sister." She questioned me in an upset tone.

"I mean I hate seeing her with Max. I don't know why, because we broke up and now I'm with you. I just thought I was done with her like I would never have any feelings for her again. I don't know, it's just killing me inside."

"Ok, well it does hurt a little bit, but I'm fine with it. You want to know why?"

"Why?" I said curiously.

"Because I knew it would upset you. You did date and love her. I still love you no matter what. I know what jealousy feels like, I've been there before. You just have to fight though, and I'll be right next to you to get through it." Skylar said motivated as she sat down next to me.

"I love you too, and thank you for cheering me up, it did help a lot with the speech an all. What do you say after everything we get away from everyone completely, to where no one can find us, and just live together. I'm tired of fighting wars with World X, we can leave here and go to Earth, to an island we can call our own, and live there for the rest of our lives. I can try and find a spell that can keep us immortal forever. Have kids, which I don't even know how that will work out, but we can try something."

"Yes, yes we can. We can do it all, and I don't know about the kid's thing too." She says as she leans over to kiss me.

We walked back holding hands and smiling at each other. I lean over and whisper in her ear, "Do you want to leave now?"

She looks at me and nods yes. We walked over to everyone as they were talking to one another. Then they looked at us.

"Oh your guys are back, Max this is Skylar and her girlfriend Lexa." She gave me a weird look as Zoe said it.

"Nice to meet you too. Oh, you're the one that chose Skylar over Zoe." Max announced out loud as she shook my hand.

"Umm, I guess I am. Well, guys, Skylar and I decided to go to Earth and live on an island that we aren't going to tell you, and get away from all of this and love each other." I said as look at everyone.

"No! You can't leave! Our journey isn't over yet!!" Blake yelled at us.

"We just want this all to be over, I'm done with this. It's killing me inside I can't take it anymore, it's not like the old days anymore. I want to be able to have a life, I want to marry Skylar since I did propose to her." I held up Skylar's hand to show the ring. As I showed the ring, Zoe looked at the ground sad like I never asked her.

"Well, that can wait."

"NO, IT CAN'T!" I was getting angry I could feel the werewolf in me showing. "I need another walk."

I could hear someone following me as I walked away and I know this time it wasn't Skylar because I have her scent down already. I went behind a tree and waited to see who it was, and it was Zoe.

"Why are you following me?" I said angrily as I walked out behind a tree.

"I wanted to see if you were ok. Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"Are you sure because you sound upset."

"I'm just tired of Blake trying to tell me what to do, and he ruins everything, the proposal, my life in general."

"Well he's just sad about Raelynn dying, wouldn't you be sad if Skylar, or... or even me died?"

"Yeah, I would be. I just hate when he says it at a bad time, every time."

"So, you proposed to Skylar. It looks like you are going to have a wife now." Zoe sadly said.

"Yeah, I will. Are you mad, because I didn't ask you when we were together?"

"No... maybe, yes a little. I know we weren't even together for that long, because I died, then you were with Skylar like you've always wanted."

"Well you want to know something, I'm jealous that you're with Max, that's why I walked away earlier. I thought I was done with having feelings for you, but apparently, I still like you. AHHH, why does everything have to be so complicated?"

"I don't know why it does. I wished we had more time together than what we did, but we are now with different people, and maybe that is for the better. Sometimes it does hurt me when I see you with Skylar, but I fight it."

"I guess it's time to go back, don't you think?" When I said that she looked at me a weird way that she was going to do or say something. There it was she leaned over to me and gave me a kiss.

"Umm, we are with different people. You just said that." I asked disappointedly looking at her.

"Yeah, I know."

"Then why did you just kiss me?"

"It was just one last kiss before your gone forever, and I missed your lips."

"Umm, I liked it, but it wasn't right. It didn't feel right, I love Skylar nothing can change that. We should just go back and act like this never happened, got it."

"Yes I got it, don't speak about this. Let's just go."

She sounded sad when she speaks to me like she didn't want to say anything at all. As we were walking, I wasn't looking at her, but I could smell the teardrops on her face. I was now upset, so I stopped walking and said, "I'm sorry, it's just I don't want to cheat on her. You know I still like you, but I love her. I know you're sad because I can smell your teardrops on your face. Please don't cry, and you have someone, Max. Ask her to marry you, unless you guys just meet not too long ago then I would recommend waiting for a little before you do it."

"I have thought about it for a little now. We started dating a year ago, maybe a little longer. I just thought you'd hurt my feelings a little bit."

"I wasn't trying to. Well, we should go, they might be wondering where we are."

"Yeah, we should."

We walked to the place where we were at, and everyone was waiting for us.

"I'm all good now. I'll stay this one last time, and that is it. I want to be able to have a life of my own without any interruptions. Got it, Blake, I'm done after this."

"Yes, I get it, okay. We should start heading back now before it gets too dark."

Then we started walking again. Skylar and I were in the back holding hands again. We are waiting for our happy ending.