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Chapter 20- Gotta Stand Up (Part 1)

While we walked through the forest, Skylar started to move around a lot. After a half an hour of moving contently, Skylar finally blurted out,


We all turn to Skylar with a confused look, she quickly runs behind a big tree. I turned to Blake with the same look. The kids then turn to each other and begin to laugh quietly. We all figured that she just had to use the restroom. It took Skylar a long time like something was keeping her. I begin to walk towards the tree that she went to. Before I could walk behind the tree, Skylar appears in front of me. She looked different, her eyes almost looked like a different color.

"Are you all right Skylar?" I asked.

"Uh... yeah, why wouldn't I."

I look at Skylar concerned, and then I decide to just keep moving. "No reason. Let's keep moving."

This was weird after she left to go pee it's like she was a completely different person. I wasn't the only one who noticed it, Blake was sending weird looks at Skylar. Blake brought me to the side and talked to me.

"What's wrong with Skylar? She's normally really talkative on long trips like these, and she acts like she doesn't know where she going. I'm getting kind of worried here." Blake whispered to me.

"I don't know what it is. You don't think something happened to her when she went into the woods, do you?" I tried to whisper back but ended up saying it out loud.

"Is everything alright over here?" Skylar joins the conversation.

"Uh, It's nothing. Just talking about... how hot it is." I quickly made up.

This is so weird. I've never kept anything from Skylar before, but I'm not so sure that she is Skylar. I wish that Zoe didn't hurry back to the house, she could have help figuring out what happened to her.

I was so confused on what was happening with Skylar, but when I looked at Blake again, he looked like he had something on his mind. It was like he knew something about what was happening. I couldn't read him though, he has such a bold expression that made it so hard to read anything else.

"We should keep moving, or Zoe and her new friend will get worried," I announce in a hurry to get back and figure this all out.

We walk for five very quiet and awkward miles until we finally made it back to the house. We all walked inside and sat down, and after we got to talking, Zoe noticed what was the problem. Zoe, Blake, and I all gather in the kitchen, and Max watches the kids make sure Skylar doesn't do anything to them. In the kitchen, we discuss how to fix this. Zoe said that she wants to be the one to talk to Skylar, but then Blake steps in and demands he be the one. We are all shocked by Blake's demand, but we go along with it. All three of us then return to the living room.

"Dad, can I go outside and practice my fighting?" Drake asks.

I thought that this would result in a minor problem in our plan, but Blake didn't think so.

"Sure thing son. Skylar, would you like to join us outside." Blake says in a deep voice.

Skylar agreed, and all three of them walked outside. I waited a few minutes before going outside myself to make sure nothing happens. I sneak past Drake and into the woods where Blake took Skylar. I crouch behind a big bush as a disguise, and I'm close enough to hear every word they say.

"Reed? I know that you are hypnotizing Skylar, and I also know that you can hear everything I'm saying." Blake says staring straight into Skylar's eyes.

After hearing that, It made me even more confused than ever. Whose this Reed guy, and how does Blake know him, and why is he hypnotizing Skylar? So many questions, but no one to answer them. I was going to find out why in just a second when I confront them. I try to stand up, only to find out that I was frozen in place. I couldn't move an inch, and I couldn't even see who was doing this to me. Until Max walks up beside me and says, "Since you want to watch so much, I'll let you watch every... single... moment...."

I knew I couldn't trust that Max girl, and now where am I? Frozen in an uncomfortable position, watching Blake talk to my fiance who is being hypnotized. I had nothing to do, but watch.

"Blake, you found me out." This Reed guy says coming out of Skylar's mouth.

"Why are you doing this?" Blake questions.

"You took everything from me. You took my brother, my parents, my whole life." Reed responds.

"It's not my fault that our parents choose me over you. At the time there was a one-child limit, and I ended up being the lucky one."

"You better watch what you say, I have the upper hand here. There's no way you would hurt Skylar in any way, especially when her lover is watching. I wouldn't try anything either, or you both get it."

"Skylar, you know what to do"

Skylar then walks towards Blake and pulls a dagger out of her back pocket. After I see the dagger, there's nothing more I wanted to do than to scream out to tell her to stop. Although there was nothing I could possibly do.

My attention then goes toward Drake who runs into the woods, not knowing what was happening. He stood in shock when he saw what Skylar was about to do. Before Blake could say anything to Drake, Skylar comes closer to Blake and covers his mouth.

"It's too late to say goodbye," Skylar says while still covering Blakes' mouth.

Drake watched in horror as Skylar pressed the dagger into his father's throat, gurgling noises escaping Blake's mouth. Skylar's lips twitched into a malicious smirk as she dragged the dagger across his throat, a trail of blood following her weapon. Drake watched as the life slowly drained from his father's eyes. Skylar dropped her dagger and pushed Blake down onto his knees. She looked up at Drake, maintaining eye contact as she kicked him into the dirt below him. Blood splattered around Blake, causing Drake to turn away quickly as tears gathered in his eyes.

"Well... that was easier than I thought it would be. It's your turn pipsqueak." Skylar shrieked with delight.

She stalked towards Drake, who unconsciously backed away from her. He noticed her eyes seemed glazed over, almost in a possessed like manner. He immediately suspected a hypnotist, although his anger overruled his logic.

As she neared him, he open hand punched Skylar's stomach. When he did that, the whole world seemed to slow down. Then Drake's vanes all turned black, the black and mysterious vane then somehow transferred to Skylar. We could tell what happened then, but it looked like all of her insides were being crushed inside of her. Seeing all of this, it was angering, and sad. A tear traveled down my face and then to the ground, all of this was too much.

Zoe comes running to Skylar's dead body and falls to the ground, Zoe happened to be frozen as well. For some reason, Max let her go, and not me. Zoe had tears streaming down her face, this is the worst I've seen her cry.

Z was next to come running into the woods straight to Drake, and right into a hug. She didn't care what Drake did, she knew it wasn't his fault. Drake was still in shock of what he did to Skylar, he didn't mean to, it was the anger that controlled him.

As I watched everyone over their lost one, I began to feel some tingling in my feet. It seemed that Max's ability was wearing off. Although I was weak and sad about both Blake and Skylar's death, I had to stand up and be strong. My determination overpowered my weakness and gave me the strength to turn into my werewolf form. I chased down Max and trapped her in a corner. I then slowly walked closer to her on all fours and began to growl. Then I pounced onto Max and torn her apart piece by piece. After she died, something came off of her body, it seemed to be a spell worn off after death. I could see some of the words in the spell, it read: tenetur a sanguine.

"Bound... by... blood?" I think for a second before remembering what that spell is. Bound by blood is a spell that binds two people together, they both feel and share the same pain and injuries. "Uh no, ZOE!"

I quickly run back to where Zoe and the kids were, just a few feet away I hear a scream come from Z. I run quicker, to find Zoe dead already. She felt the same pain Max did, leading her to death. I walk to Zoe's now dead body and fall to my knees. I felt too much anger to unleash and too much sadness to cry. I showed neither emotions and stood back up. I then turn to the kids and say, "It's time we end this world."