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Chapter 21- Time We End This World (Part 2)

"Aunt Lexa? What do you mean by, 'End this world?'" Z asked.

"I mean, we're going to kill every living thing in this world. Nothing here is good, no one here is a good person. Everyone's an enemy." I declared.

"What's your plan?" Drake asks joining in.

"Well, I was thinking Zak, but I don't think that will work," I say while thinking of a different plan.

"There's only one way to find out," Drake says walking towards Z about to touch her.

"NO! WAIT!" I yell running towards Drake and Z.

As I run towards them, it looked like I might not make it. Even though there was a short distance between us, it seemed like it would take a million years to get to them. When I finally reached them, it was too late, they already touched. This was different when they touch though, when I got to them I seemed to have touched them at about the same time that they touched. When they were transforming, it seemed that I was transforming with them. It was weird, it was like my whole body was disappearing and my soul was entering a whole new body. This was definitely not what I was planning, but this could be good as well.

After the transformation was complete, Zak was made, but he looked different. He was bigger and looked stronger. One thought came to mind after the transformation. What would happen if I turned into my werewolf form? Before thinking, I turned into my werewolf form. Although I couldn't see myself, I could tell that I was bigger and stronger than ever. This is how I want to destroy the world, in this form.

I ran to the nearest town, making it there in less than a minute. I then kill everyone I could find, some tried to fight back, but they had no chance against us. This anger inside of me was slowly going away the more people we killed. I didn't know when this transformation would wear off, so I went faster. Town by town, I would slaughter criminals and innocents, bad people and good people, adults and children.

I could hear Z and Drake in my mind, Drake seemed to be fine with all of this, but Z was screaming for us to stop. There was no stopping me until everyone and everything was gone. We smashed buildings and killed like no tomorrow. It was a bloodbath, bodies everywhere, people screaming. It was insane.

Once we reach the last town, my heart started to beat fast. I finally started to feel the guilt. Even though I wasn't fully controlling myself, I did want to do all of this.

We finally came up to the last person, they were a young child. She looked us straight in the eyes and said, "Do what you have to. I know this world is terrible, I feel the same way. So take me away from here, I don't want to live here anymore."

This girl reminded me so much of myself, brave and not afraid of dying. I didn't want to kill her, she was different from the rest. She didn't fight back, she didn't run, but she looked us straight in the eyes and told us to kill her. This was the first good person I've met in this world. Something happened then, Drake took control. Drake then smashed the little girl, the blood went everywhere. After she we killed her, everything went black. I could feel anything, I couldn't move a single muscle. I know there would be some consequence for me turning into Zak with them, but I didn't think it would be death. I also didn't know death would be this boring. It's just darkness, but then I felt something. It was a slight feeling, but it was there. My eyes slowly open, the farthest they could open was only halfway. I look around for the kids, but it was hard to look around since the only thing I could move was my eyes. I look to the side and see both the kids out cold, thankfully I could see them breathing.

I then look back to the front of me so my eyes stop hurting. I lie there for an hour, before getting some more feeling. Then out of nowhere, a bright light appears in front of me. The light was so bright, I had to close my eyes for a minute. When I open my eyes again, a young girl appears in front of me.

"Are you just going to lay there Lexa, or are you going to get the hell up?" The girl yells at me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked confused.

"It's me, Raelynn, I've been reborn."

The End