
Mike's Village Cousin

There was once a farmer who owned many different farm animals. He lived in a village where the youths were charged at full energy, especially when they were on their phones. One young man in particular would often visit him and tell him different stories.

"Ever heard of Mike the Headless Chicken?" The young man once said as the farmer was sitting on his house's porch. "Well Mike was a chicken that was supposed to be killed by his owner, for dinner I guess, but the cleaver missed an important part of Mike's body, so the chicken could live without a head!." The young man said while shuddering. "Sounds pretty crazy don't you think?"

The farmer was quiet. The young man sighed.

"I understand if you don't think it's interesting or anything sir, but I just wanna share the story with you cause I think it's wicked."

The farmer rose up from his seat. "Wait here" he said. "I'll be back." The young man tilted his head on confusion, and when the farmer came back, something was in the farmer's hands.

Seeing at what the farmer had in his hands. It was a chicken, but something made the youth's eyes widened in horror.

"Where's its head!?" the young man shouted eyeing the chicken where it's feathers remained intact except for its upper head, which wasn't there.

"You told me about Mike the Headless Chicken, so I brought my own headless chicken. Exact same thing happened to this guy like what happened to Mike. Tried to cut his head off so I can cook him but it didn't work. Not sure how long he'll last though."

"Are you sure that isn't Mike himself?" asked the young man in fear

The farmer chuckled. "No, this is Mike's Village cousin."