
Where's my Flute?

"Come down to dinner!" my mom exclaimed from the kitchen.

I was under my bed going through the spider webs and toys I had when I was a kid. Now I'm all grown up and I'm in highschool. I couldn't fit my head under the bed, so I used my arm to reach out.

"In a minute!" I called out. "I'm looking for my flute!"

"You can look for it later!"

I wish I could agree with her on the spot, but the problem is that band practice was canceled today. A few months from now, the music class and I would have to bring out various pieces in order to celebrate our seniors' success on their final exams. Said event would take place before their graduation.

Today was supposed to be the start of practicing, but one of the flute guys went into a nasty car accident, got a gear lever stuck up his butt. I don't know how, or even if its a 100% percent true, but I heard people say that is the case

I saw my younger brother, who was around 8 years old, standing by the door. "Okay, okay. I'll go down." he went down soon after I said that.

Trust me, the only thing more annoying than your parents calling you down, is when they send your sibling to be a messenger, and it gets worse if then keep on trying to drag you. So in the case of my younger brother, I gave in.

Tom was my younger brother, while the eldest brother was Tim. I know, very creative names. You'll have to ask my parents about that.

Anyway, by the time I arrived at the dinner table. Fried fish was placed on the table. Everyone eyed my mother's homemade fish like a pot of gold. My mother eyed me like a hawk and asked what took me so long. I told her about my missing flute.

"You can look for it later. At least eat first." she barked. "Besides, didn't you once told me you put some dust on it so it'll be small in your pocket?"

"Yeah." I said sheepishly. "Miniscule Dust. It's because my bag is full of things already." I turned to my younger brother who sat next to me. Father was still at work. "So, how was school Tom?" I asked him

"He was nervous as hell talking to some girl he likes." Tim laughed as Tom glared at him with daggers. "Hey, did I tell you about Tom's morning?" Tim looked at me.

"No, why?"

"Tim put a snake in my boots." Tom grumbled. "It wasn't actual snake but.."

"Tim. You know your youngest brother hates snakes." My mom said. "Oh and you two thank Tom for making this fish. He helped me."

"I was just joking." Tim said. "I mean I don't see why be afraid of snakes as long as doesn't have poison with it." He just finished cutting some big chunks of fish with his hands, and started shoving them into his mouth. Tom smiled at this sight for some reason.

Tim ate like a horse, but he stopped midway as his pupils grew big.

"Tim!?" Mom shouted as I raised myself from my seat. Tim was choking, and I noticed some pattern in his throat, a long slender like structure, initially short but became longer as Tim kept on choking whilst Mom tried to embrace him and push his abdomen. That structure in his throat.

Wait. There was something about the tip of it.

"Is that my flute?" I exclaimed as Mom pushed Tim's abdomen from behind so hard that Tim spat out the flute and landed near my plate.

"But how.." Mom said as she looked at me and Tom. "Did you two have anything to do with this?"

"Hey don't look at me I was the one who was looking for it in the first place." I then eyed Tom, who just shrugged and folded his arms.

"We're even now Tim." Tom said in victory, then looked at me. "Hope you didn't mind if I used your Miniscule Dust."

"Dude. A snake in your boots vs choking on a flute?"

"A prank is a prank." Tom defended.

Looks like I'll have to always keep my room locked for my brothers. I have to admit, eventhough my flute was covered in Tim's saliva, at least it wasn't a piano.