Call me Hardy. Every sphere does all around the Planet, my very round home. In between our planet is Earth and some big red planet by the name of Mars.
I'm no astronomer by any means if I have to be honest, dear reader, but I'm more than ready for an adventure, especially nowadays.
As I am speaking to you right now, unfortunately, my Planet is on the aftermath of a great illness. Back then at least, most Spheres I know have already passed on to the Greater Beyond, living in peace I presume after the Yellow Flu hit our planet as hard as the Big Bang.
Of course the Yellow Flu won't be contagious for others, the only sad thing is that those who have the Flu have to live with it until it's their time to pass from this life.
I am unfortunately one of the bearers of the Flu, and I'm gonna be gone someday. Very sad.
But I'm not gonna let some Flu determine the state of my enthusiasm. Oh no, I'm in control of that.
Earth has been a central of interest to me for a long time, especially since my parents named me after two human writers: Hubert Selby Jr. and Henry Miller. Take their first names and you got me, Hubert Henry Sphere, but like I said earlier, the spheres called me Hardy, probably because I'm a hard sphere. Seriously, ask my friend Joe, and he'll confirm to you that a small crater hitted me in the stomach but I felt ticklish instead.
By the time my parents told me about Hubert and Henry, and how they told "interesting" stories through narration, I couldn't help but put my focus onto the blue planet, whatever its inhabitants are up to and what lives they're living, or what's going on there. So here I am now floating through space, heading over there to see what it's like for the people there.
Maybe I could tell these stories to my fellow spheres of my Planet. Yes! That's it. A storyteller I will be, and the stories I would tell would be from this Earth.
"Safe travels fellow Sphere." is what most of the inhabitants of my Planet said to me just before I started my epic voyage to Earth.
My eyes were yellow because of the Flu, so I got my droopy facemask on covering my upper face. The mask's material was thin enough for me to see what was in front of me. But this was space, and at this point the meteors and craters be somewhere else. The blue planet wasn't far from me, as I began to enter its atmosphere.
I could feel the force of air running down my face as I gained speed. Coming down, I could see greens, blues and a little bit of light browns I guess. Stoppin at a distance within the air, I could see it all, skies, cities, buildings, forests and plains. Most of the things in the view were far but of course I'll get moving myself, and be watching from above.
Oh boy have I entered a whole new world, a world full of humans whom I can't wait to see what lives are they running. This place should be interesting.
And if you're still with me reader, then sit back and witness what I'm about to witness.