
The Customers

"Same thing. Different day." said the ice cream vendor. Even when noon hasn't hit him hard sweat ran down his arms up to the palm of his hands like everyday was a hot day.

But this was Indonesia, he thought, where only 2 seasons existed. If he wasn't gonna get hit by rain, then he might as well go through the dry season, as usual.

He pedaled with all the energy he had in his legs. Attached to his bicycle was the medium sized Walls container that had all of the available ice cream, said container had a new coat of cherry red paint, and still had the sticker that display the flavors.

Children were his best customers, but even then he needed more income. Teenagers and adults didn't seem to be into ice cream sold by vendors nowadays, thanks to the mini markets selling them with the all mighty freezers.

He pedaled himself into a neighborhood just in South Jakarta. His eyes monitored the homes and the streets. It was morning, and most children would be at school at this time. Still, there was still hope in him. He stopped at the sight of a flying toaster.

I've heard of those things. He remarked. They were on the news, along with some weird train tsunami incident. Things been going weird recently, and I don't know why.

"Excuse me sir." the voice of a young man was heard. A customer perhaps, the vendor smiled as he turned around.

There wasn't anyone there. Only a dog with black and white fur. Not a dalmatian though.

The vendor looked back and forth for the source of the voice. "I'm right here." the voice said again. He could have swore it came from the dog.

"Yes. Me." the dog said. "I'd like some ice cream please." The vendor's eyes widened in shock. In addition to the wide pleading eyes of the dog, on its collar was a 5,000 rupiah bill.

"Of course." said the vendor awkwardly. "What flavor?"

The dog used its nose to point at the triple colored Trico, colors that pretty much make up a traffic light. "Here you go." the vendor gave the ice cream to the dog's mouth and grabbed the money.

"Th-ank you" the dog said with the ice cream in its mouth before turning over and walking away.

"Sir!" said another voice which was different from the first. He turned and noticed large bare chested man only wearing a tunic.

"Uh." The vendor started. "Sorry but what are you?"

"An orc is what I am." The large man said. It was clear by his face that this man wasn't human. "I was wondering if you have the Feast? The vanilla flavored with the chocolate shell? I'd like 2."

"Of course." The vendor did as the orc asked, then the vendor heard some chattering, at one point a "zap" like sound. He looked up to see a bright blue light shot up into the sky, then a circle of yellow light appearing behind the orc. The vendor shut his eyes.

Opening up, his eyes widened. There were more creatures as odd as the orc: a white horse with a horn, a tall man as slender as a stick, even a lady with a large flower growing out of her back. And that was just the first few customers!

"Oh yeah, these are my friends, from a world different than yours." the orc explained. "We heard an ice cream vendor was selling ice cream, and our friend, the dog, gave us the signal that it was you. Obviously we can't go into the human mini markets, cause they'll probably panic, so here we are."

The vendor looked at his line of customers. It was weird, but hey, a customer was still a customer.

Eventhough said customers are weird as heck.