Andi kicked the door with all of his might. He was prepared for this moment. Throwing the bag of chips onto the couch, he threw himself afterwards. Positioning himself in the correct sitting posture, he leaned back against the soft material of his couch, and went on to the TV channels.
His left fingers did most of the moving, flickering the button on the TV remote, going to channel after channel. The good thing about having cable is that you can get a lot of channels from the West.
The bad news was that most of them are either reruns, or they all seem the same, what with the drama and everything.
Andi stopped at a channel which just showed a logo of a company. He recognized that logo anywhere, with its hockey mask and double chainsaws.
"Alright." Andi said in enthusiam. "Splatterkings."
On today's schedule for Splatterkings was a marathon of their previous movies. The movies dragged on for hours, but Andi filled himself with chips, so the issue with his greedy stomach was fixed. His fingers were drenched in the barbeque dust of the chips.
"Oh wait, can't close my eyes." His eyes felt weary as he was in the middle of watching a particular horror movie. He could see the female antagonist with long wavy hair coming toward his way. His eyes soon closed, his body slightly twitching at the sound of a warp, as if something was coming in.
His hand which was in the chips bag was still in it, and he felt a cold touch. As his eyes shot open, he saw what was touching him.
"Son of a gun." he exclaimed softly as the female from the movie was here, taking his chips. "Oh no you don't. I earned that bag of chips."
The female began to back away.
"Give" Andi started as the female shook her head. "Give my freaking chips!" He lunged at her and she began to run all around the apartment. Passing the kitchen, across the bedroom, and eventually back to the living room, the female tried to lunge over the couch, but she felt the force of Andi pushing her behind.
"HA" Andi exclaimed as he regained his bag of chips. The female was on the floor, shook by what she had felt. Andi gave her an odd look especially for someone who was from a horror film. She began to look down, eventhough her hair was covering a part of her face.
"Oh come on." Andi said, knowing where this was going. "Don't give me that look."
The female looked at him, then turned to the floor again.
Andi rolled his eyes. "Okay I'm sorry, but then again you shouldn't just steal it like that!" The female looked at him. For some reason he could feel the begging look in her eyes, which weren't exactly seen. "Alright, how about this. I'll buy you some chips. Just for you."
The female crossed her arms.
Andi shrugged. "Alright, you can choose the flavor." He felt a force from the female who wrapped his arms around him. I guess food solves problems, he thought.