

"I need it." the man said shaking. "I genuinely need it." The gun in his hand felt the his grip, and his sweat.

It was a small drugstore. His old ragged gray shirt certainly matched his equally ragged black shorts. His arms and hands were drenched in his seat, as with the sweat running down his face, up until the collar of his shirt. He was standing behind the front door, pointing his gun at the clerk.

The man gulped. "Please. " he begged. "The blue pills." The clerk in front of him had his hands up, but did not make a move, and was still as a statue. "

"You think I want this?" shouted the man shouted as he felt his stomach tightened.

"It doesn't have to be this way." said the clerk.

"You set the prices way too high for the rest of us." the man explained. "You think we can afford it? The poor are dying from this! Some had it worse, didn't even eat a lot in order to consume the pill in the first place."

"And you think blaming drugstores is the solution?" the clerk calmly asked.

The man turned out the window, and noticed several people across the street watching what was going on. He could have sworn he saw a woman on her phone, looking at him from that distance. He pointed the gun at the clerk, finger ready on the trigger.

"Just this once." The man said. "I need the blue pills. If I go green I'll die."

The clerk gave the man what he wanted, and the man went out the door.

His eyes shifted to a patrol car meters away from him, driving into his direction. He made a run for it.

"Stop!" said an officer who chased him on foot. The man tried to fire a warning shot, but his body clashed with a passerby. The gun dropped as with the pills, but the man's hand grabbed the latter.

The small bottle of pills was carried by the man, gripping it in his left fist. He went through a small alleyway, and noticed the small neighborhood he was in. His eyes gleamed as he saw a ladder.

Going up, he found himself on the roof. The roofs of the homes were close to each other, and he started to run. He took leaps, big and small, as he was chased by the vigorous officer.

Nearing the edge, he saw a gap between the next house. He took a leap of faith…

...and he started to come crashing down.

His back was the first to suffer the impact. The pill bottle followed suite, hitting the ground and scattering the blue pills as his eyes witnessed this event. His eyes looked up and saw the officer on his walking talkie, just standing over the edge.

"You!" the officer said to a citizen down. "Call an ambulance!"

The man started to feel the green inside of him, they were corroding his veins. He saw the veins on his hand emit a dark shade of green, and he could feel the green liquid go up to his neck.

"I was blue." he said to himself, his hand reaching to a blue pill just inches away. "I lived in a blue world, in a blue house, and lived a blue life."

"It will end now." he remarked. "As they say, if you turn green, you will die."