A guy walks into a bar. There's only a few patrons, and most of the material here was wood. The floorboards, the ceiling, the bar counter. Some chairs here and there were made out of wood as well but some also had leather seating. Those seats were reserved for the common group of people who either wish to get drunk, get high or maybe just actually chill around like the civilized human being.
Well, that all depends on how much alcohol is consumed.
The guy walks in, and it's as empty as well...an empty box. Shallow, full of void. Absolutely no sign of a patron, let alone a bartender. The guy's eyes locked onto a note on the counter.
Guess I'll help myself then, the guy thought as he reached for a glass before grabbing hold of a beer bottle
Said bottle had a tint of a spider's web on it.
Huh, the guy thought as he wiped off the web with his hand. His eyes caught the sight of a larger web clinging onto the bottle soon after. The guy used his right hand to pull the bottle away, yet he could feel the force of the web, stronger than the one he wiped off.
"Oi" he said before he shrieked. "OI"
A spider came showed up, on the other side of the bar counter. The guy stood up looking at the sheer size. This wasn't an average spider, not the one that's small. This was twice as big, as big as an actual human hand.
I ain't afraid of spiders, the guy thought, but when they're this big…
The guy stopped in his place as he felt something clinging on his back. His face turned to see another spider, same size as the first, though its eyes were green compared to the first one's blue.
The guy screamed and shaked his body back and forth. The spider used its legs to cling on to the guy's back, but the human's shaking was strong enough to shake him off.
The guy ran over to a chair, and his hands picked up a chair. He grunted as his hands threw the chair with all his might. The spiders side stepped.
"What the heck's going on here?" said a voice. The guy turned to see a Bearded bartender. There was a name tag there. BEN was written on it.
"Ben." The guy started, panting. "These freaking spiders man, they're-"
"Kaos. Manny. That's enough." Ben said as the guy was bewildered.
"But how-" the guy said as he heard footsteps, then a voice calling out to Ben. The voice was rather feminine. Just behind Ben was a woman, somewhere in her late 20s, and there was something about her legs that made the guy drop his jaw.
"I uh-" he said looking at the woman's lower half: spider legs, and the tip of each leg seemed as sharp as a blade.
"Kaos. Manny. WHat did I tell you about bothering Ben's customers?" The woman said as the two spiders came to her direction, and followed her upstairs. The guy looked at Ben.
"If you're wondering who on earth she is. She's my wife. Well, she already had those spider children before meeting me."
The guy put a hand to his head, and looked at Ben. "Can I just get a drink now? Please?"