


Audio recording.

At precisely 12:04, just as lunch time began, patients #12, #40, and #116 began to run about the hospital, seemingly trying to escape the hospital. Chickens with their heads cut off, as I would metaphorically describe them, seeing how they all split up into different directions.

A voice came onto my walkie talkie as I ran through the hallways, trying to find one of the patients.

"Callahan. The new guy's just got a hold of Patient #40. He's going after the remaining two." one of my colleagues said.

I was told that a new guard would be joining the security division today, although I had yet to see his face, let alone what was he like before coming here.

I heard the screams of a man. Most likely Patient #40, if not another patient. But if it really was 40, did the new guy do something to him? We guards here are often on the job from the early morning until our shift is done, often times we do more restraining than say, violence.

In fact we only use excessive force only when necessary, from either the head of the hospital, or more often, the head of the security division. The latter position clearly not belonging to me.

"HA! The new guy got patient #12." my colleague said again.

My ears perked up at the sound of a horse neighing. I stopped in front of the four way paths. I turned my head to the right, where I saw the figure of a man my age. Squnting my eyes, I could see who it was.

Patient #116 gulped at the sight of me and he began running. He knocked down the trays, spilling its contents that the nurses or staff members previously positioned. I ran with all my might, eventually stopping as soon as 116 stopped.

In front of him was a rather big man, wearing a uniform like myself, yet I had never seen that chisled face of his, with his equally brawn posture. He must be the new face.

Not only that, but he was on a horse. A white horse at that. Reminded me of the type of horse knights rode in chivalric novels. How did that get in here is beyond me.

The new guard positioned his horse, blocking Patient #116's path. The horse also puffed towards the patient, who grumbled.

The new guard went down his horse, and Patient 116 threw a punch at him. The patient winced in pain as his hand was now red. I could have sworn I heard a "clunk" when #116 threw the punch.

What are you? The patient asked as the new guard had both of his hands on his neck, and pulled his head out. His left arm holding his head, which gave a large smile. Patient #116 screamed with all his might as he fainted.

The new guard positioned his head, and began to take the fainted patient to his room.

I don't know what I had just seen, but I guess there's no use of questioning it.

It's unlikely something like that will never happen. This is RBP afterall.