


I had just been admitted here for a few days, and already I hate this place.

Starting with the damn wall. I get it, a lot of people who have problems just like me, and like me, they need to brush their teeth, get enough sleep, take a dump if they have to, eat well, get into an examination or session with their doctor or doctors, and then back into the room they go, unless staff permits them to go outside the gardens and breath from fresh air, if not sit and play board games such as checkers or snakes and ladders.

Okay I'm gonna come clean, I don't really hate the entire place, eventhough the staff can be bossy sometimes and some of the patients...may be out of touch with reality.

It's the darn walls. I've been told that his place existed since the early 2000s. Whoever was in this room the last time should have had some common sense in room management.

The walls, for crying out loud, are drenched in gray and black. That have that grunge kind of feel, the kind of abandoned place that's almost had no visitor for tens to hundreds of years. I feel like I'm in a prison, not just metaphorically, but in my room's case, it would be physically as well.

For some odd reason the staff has yet to change the wallpaper of my room, meanwhile everything else is sparkling clean: my bed, the floor, the sink, even the toilet! They shine so much that if you put your ear in the right position, you can hear the clinging sound like they play in toothpaste commercials, the ones were some good looking guy or girl looks at the viewer and smiles showing their whitened teeth. Boy do those kind of teeth be shining brighter than my future!

I stopped at a knock on my door. Opening the door, I saw a fresh picked onion laying on a tray on the floor. Seemed strange, I do enjoy an onion myself but only they're part of food as flavor. I saw a note on the tray.

READ ME, the front said in bold letters

I raised an eyebrow. Filled with curiosity I brought the tray into my room, and read the note.

It read: Your wall has layers, just like this onion!

Very funny, I thought as I threw the note and picked up the onion. When you're placed in a room with literally nothing to do for fun, this is how desperate people can be. In my case, I found myself peeling the onion. Layer after layer started to go away, until I stopped.

I looked at the wall this time. While it was as dirty as before, I could help but notice a small like tear, almost coming out as if it wanted to be pulled down. Climbing into my bed, I pulled down the wall, and I could see a clean and yellow wall. My eyes widened in surprise. Another tear was on the wall, and I teared that down to see a pristine blue wall.

I don't know why, but tearing down wallpaper after wallpaper felt exciting as I feel like I just drank a whole bottle of euphoria. I eventually stopped the tearing at a aqua blue wallpaper that matched the remaining sides of the walls.

I felt onto my bed, chuckling and grinning in pleasure on how fun that was.