The dining hall wasn't anything like a food buffet, there wasn't any sign of hundreds of items which you could chose from just like the snap of your fingers.
I snuck out early like a mouse, my footsteps being as quiet as the snake slithers on the floor. No sound, no sudden noises, just utter silence when the shine starts to shine and the cold air goes through the frames of windows and cracks of the walls.
The kitchen staff knew who I was, and one of them gave me a steady bowl. These hours were too early for a hearty meal. Positioning the bowl on the table, I began approached the smaller table that had the carton of milk. Opening the carton, the liquid bursted out of its place, and started to wander about. It's form was that of an eel, and it started to slither onto the ground.
I kept a fast walking pace but I did not yell, for the last thing I need is to cause a scene thus resulting in me not getting breakfast which would also be very sad.
The white milk of an eel slithered through the floor, prompting me to go under the tables at some point. It then wiggled up and down in the air, just a few inches away from me.
I had jumped onto one table, with both of my hands and dragged the white milky eel down to the ground. It fell hard. Landing on my feet with ease, my hands went to grab hold of the milky eels head. Bringing the eel near my bowl, my hands squeezed the living daylights out of the milky eel, it's milk just pouring down onto my bowl and around the table.
Finally I had my milk. I proceeded to head to the smaller table that had the milk before, and went to grab the cereal in its large orange box.
Positioning the cereal box, I closed my eyes waiting for the crunchy flakes to come in, although my ears rang with louder sounds. Opening my eyes, I saw there were eyes in my bowl, full to the brim. One fell off the table. When I shook the cereal box again, another eyeball rolled over and fell onto the table.
Damn it, so much for breakfast.