"Can't you just let me be?" the wife said to her husband, standing next to her but there were eyebags under his eyes.
The two were in their pristine kitchen, all clean and fresh as if it was just installed in their home. The husband's eyes, although tired, were locked onto the carton of eggs he had bought yesterday.
"I'm hungry" he whined
"Of course you are Captain Obvious." replied the wife. "You haven't eaten breakfast today like you should have, then again I'm not the one who spent all night watching the big game last night."
The husband smiled sheepishly, and was embarrassed at that.
"Eggs shouldn't take long." the wife grabbed an egg and gently tapped it onto the kitchen counter, before she opened it and allowed the egg and yolk to fall into the bowl.
A baby chick was in the bowl instead.
The couple's eyes widened as if air had filled them. They scratched their eyes.
"Wait." the husband said. "Try another egg."
The wife titled the bowl to allow the chick to get out. The chick just stood there. Looking at the couple. The wife took another egg, tapped it gently and opened the egg shell.
This time the egg was indeed in its form: the yellow recognizable yolk most of us now. But the couples eyes locked onto the egg, morphing into a shape as it went onto the bowl. Like the first egg, this egg turned into a baby chick.
The wife, bewildered, ignored her husband who was amused by the sight of two fluffy yellow chicks.
She cracked the third egg. Another chick. Fourth egg. Another chick.
"Where did you get these eggs?" The wife asked as soon as she opened all of the eggs. 12 eggs. 12 chicks, and they were all chirping and invading the husband, tickling him. "Oi!"
"Um." The man started. "A man gave them to me. Said he had over stocked."
"Over stocked?" the wife furrowed her eyebrows. "Where did you meet this man?"
"Just outside the Electric Bungalow?" the wife facepalmed as soon as her husband said that sentence. "Dear, come on. I got a solution to our egg problem!"
"Buy more eggs from the market?" The wife asked. "You know how I feel about products over there, especially with news going on about fake food products! They're still being investigated you know."
"I know, you prefer things that are 'fresh picked", considering you grew up on a farm."
"And healthy." the wife replied.
"Hear me out on this." the husband approached her and whispered into her ear. She looked at him with a sly grin after he said his words.
The couple raised the twelve chicks, growing them up to be adult chickens onto the wife's childhood farm of a home. Said chickens didn't only produce off spring, but healthy fresh eggs for the couple.
And that was the end of the couple's egg crisis.